A bank opens an L/C at the request of the importer. It is a (an)().A、issuing bank.B、applicantC、sellerD、informing bank

A bank opens an L/C at the request of the importer. It is a (an)().

  • A、issuing bank.
  • B、applicant
  • C、seller
  • D、informing bank


Under a standby letter of credit, ______.A.evidences of the underlying transaction should be filed firstB.the applicant may be exempted from any liabilitiesC.the issuing bank has to pay the beneficiaryD.the issuing bank should pay when the applicant fails to fulfill his obligations

The indemnity may be ______.A.used whenever there are discrepancies in the documentsB.presented when the shipping company intends to release the goods to the applicantC.presented to the issuing bank of the L/C under which there are unimportant discrepancies in the documentsD.used in lieu of shipping documents

听力原文:M: We haven't set up correspondent relations with Standard Chartered Bank, London.W: Then we shall try to find another bank to have our letter or credit advised.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?(18)A.Standard Chartered Bank, London is one of our correspondent banks.B.We can advise this L/C through Standard Chartered Bank, London.C.We will send the advice of the L/C directly to the beneficiary.D.Another bank will be chosen as the advising bank of this L/C.

听力原文: Banker's acceptances are a very old form. of commercial credit. They provide, in essence, a method whereby a bank may add its good name and reputation to bills of a borrower, thereby making the bills much more marketable than it would otherwise be. Specifically, the mechanics of the operation typically, work like the following. Suppose that an American exporter sells wheat to a German importer. The terms of the sale are that the German importer will pay for the wheat ninety days after it is shipped. For a variety of reasons, however, the American firm may want its money now, and not want to wait the ninety days. If so, it may issue a draft on its bank ordering the bank to pay a stipulated sum of money to the holder of the draft ninety days from now. Along with the draft, the American exporter will send the appropriate documents showing that the wheat has actually been shipped. When the bank receives the draft, together, with the documentation, it stamps "accepted" across the face of it.27. What are banker's acceptances?28.Who is the drawee of the draft mentioned in the passage?29.What should be attached to the draft when it is presented for acceptance?30.How does the bank accept the draft?(27)A.They are drafts issued by a bank on another bank.B.They are a very old form. of commercial credit.C.They are exchange bills discounted by customers.D.They are checks cashed through the ATMs.

- Can I exchange foreign currency in Bank of China -() A、No, you can’t. Bank of China is not responsible for exchanging foreign currency.B、Yes, you can. Bank of China is an authorized foreign exchange bank.C、No, you can’t. Bank of China is not open on Sundays.

- How long does the remittance take from New York -() A、I don’t know for sure. It is quite busy now in our bank.B、I’m not sure. It depends on the mode your partner chose.C、I’m not sure about that. It is a big city.

The bank who opens the L/C is called ( ) .A. issuing bankB. notifying bankC. establishing bankD. paying bank

听力原文:The encashing bank forwards the cheque to the drawer's bank for payment and reimbursement.(5)A.The paying bank sends the check to the remitting bank for repayment.B.The remitting bank sends the check to the paying bank for repayment.C.The collecting bank sends the check to the remitting bank for repayment.D.The remitting bank sends the check to the collecting bank for repayment.

What is called correspondent banking?A.The bank which provides additional banking services.B.The provision of banking services to other banks.C.The particular ancillary services provided to foreign countries.D.The bank issuing credit cards.

What will happen if there is one commercial bank and no thrifts in a small town?A.The residents will deposit their money with the bank.B.The local bank will provide business loans to the commercial bank.C.Some large banks will transport money by check to the bank.D.People in the area will not deposit money with the bank.

A credit may be advised to a beneficiary through another bank (the advising bank) without engagement on the part of the advising bank, but that bank, if it elects to advise the credit, shall ______.A.inform. the issuing bank of the credit which it advises without delayB.endorse the amount negotiated on the reverse of the credit which it advisesC.add his confirmation to the credit which it advisesD.take reasonable care to check the apparent authenticity of the credit which it advises

听力原文:The advising bank will send the bill of lading and the L/C back to the issuing bank to get reimbursed.(2)A.The issuing bank will send the bill of lading and the L/C to the advising bank.B.The issuing bank will notify the advising bank of the bill of lading and the L/CC.The advising bank will reimburse the bill of lading and the L/CD.The issuing bank will reimburse the bill of lading and the L/C

If, in exceptional circumstances, an extension is required, it should ()all bidders before the expiration date and Bank should be notified.A、request uponB、be requested ofC、be requested inD、request of

听力原文:In the United States, the Federal Gold Reserve acts as the central bank.(2)A.In the US, the Federal Gold Reserve acts as the central bank.B.In the US, the central bank is the commercial bank.C.In the US, there is no central bank.D.In the US, the central bank is not so important.

Who is not responsible for payment of L/C?A.advising bankB.confirming bankC.buyerD.issuing bank

搜索含有"data bank"的PDF文件,正确的检索式为()A、"data bank"+filetype:pdfB、data and bank and pdfC、data+bank+pdfD、data+bank+file:pdf

The bank who opens the L/C is called().A、issuingbankB、notifyingbankC、establishingbankD、payingbank

What is Lloyd.s?()A、It is a famous bank.B、It is a big department store.C、It is a famous insurance company.D、It is a large hotel.



Goods should not be dispatched direct to the address of a bank or consigned to a bank without prior agreement on the part of that bank.

搜索含有“databank”的PDF文件,正确的检索式为()A、”data bank”filetype:pdfB、data and bank and pdfC、data bank pdfD、data bank file:pdf

() has the first responsibility to make payment for the seller with the L/C payment.A、Advising bankB、Accepting bankC、Negotiating bankD、Issuing bank

Bank of China informs the beneficiary, a Chinese import and export company that a foreign bank has opened a letter of credit in his favor. The bank does not add its engagement by informing the beneficiary. The Bank of China ia acting as ().A、The issusing bankB、The advising bankC、The confirming bankD、The negotiating bank

A reimbursing bank has received a valid claim under its reimbursement undertaking and is instructed by the issuing bank not to honour the claim. In accordance with the URR725, the reimbursing bank should: ()A、Reques tthe claiming bank to cancel the claimB、Instruct the claiming bank to contac tthe beneficiaryC、Honour the claim and debit the issuing bank’s accountD、Dishonour the claim as per the issuing bank’s instruction

单选题Bank of China informs the beneficiary, a Chinese import and export company that a foreign bank has opened a letter of credit in his favor. The bank does not add its engagement by informing the beneficiary. The Bank of China ia acting as ().AThe issusing bankBThe advising bankCThe confirming bankDThe negotiating bank

单选题A bank opens an L/C at the request of the importer. It is a (an)().Aissuing bank.BapplicantCsellerDinforming bank