Performing()involves monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory results.A、qualityplanningB、qualityassuranceC、qualityperformanceD、quality control

Performing()involves monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory results.

  • A、qualityplanning
  • B、qualityassurance
  • C、qualityperformance
  • D、quality control


● Performing (74) involves monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory results.(74)A. quality planningB. quality assuranceC. quality performanceD. quality control

Risk mitigation involves all but which of the following:A developing system standards (policies, procedure, responsibility standards)B obtaining insurance against lossC identification of project risksD performing contingent planningE developing planning alternatives

113 Risk mitigation involves all but which of the following:A. developing system standards (policies, procedure, responsibility standards)B. obtaining insurance against lossC. identification of project risksD. performing contingent planningE. developing planning alternatives

involves comparing actual or planned project practices to those of other projects to generate ideas for improvement and to provide a basis by which to measure performance. These other projects can be within the performing organization or outside of it,and can be within the same or in another application area.A.MetricsB.MeasurementC.BenchmarkingD.Baseline

Performing( )involves monitoring specific project results to determine ifthey comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes ofunsatisfactory results。 A.quality planning B.quality assurance C.quality performance D.quality control

Perform. Quality Control is the process of monitoring and recording resuks of executing the Quality Plan activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes.( )are the techniques and tools in performing quality control. ①Activity network diagram②Cause and effect diagrams③Inspection④Flow chart⑤Work Breakdown Structure⑥Pareto chart A.①③⑤ B.②④⑤⑥ C.②③④⑤⑥ D.①②③④⑥

Performing(74)involves monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory results.A.quality planningB.quality assuranceC.quality performanceD.quality control

Associated transfer involves words used in their figurative sense.()

● Perform Quality Control is the process of monitoring and recording results of executing the Quality Plan activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes.(74) are the techniques and tools in performing quality control.Statistical sampling ① Run chart ②Control charts ③ Critical Path Method ④Pareto chart ⑤ Cause and effect diagrams ⑥(74)A.①②③④B.②③④⑤C.①②③⑤⑥D.①③④⑤⑥

( )contributes to monitoring and data collection by defining security monitoring and data collection requirements.A.information continuity managementB.information catalogue managementC.information security managementD.information distribution management

Perform Quality Control is the process of monitoring and recording results*of executing the Quality Plan activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes.() are the techniques and tools in performing quality control① Statistical sampling ② Run chart③ Control charts ④ Critical Path Method⑤ Pareto chart⑥ Cause and effect diagramsA.①②③④B.②③④⑤C.①②③⑤⑥D.①③④⑤⑥

The committee comprises five persons.A:.absorbsB: concernsC: excludesD: involves

应急监测(emergency monitoring)

Multilateral trade involves at least two parties dealing with international trade.

Network management saves time and money by automating which two tasks? ()A、Configuring changes to hardware and softwareB、Monitoring online purchasingC、Monitoring user access to storage filesD、Monitoring and troubleshooting network devices

After making changes to the monitoring configuration file for the event monitoring engine on an agent,  which conman command will force  the change immediately?()A、 loadconfB、 resetconfC、 deployconfD、 deploymonman

The size of the largest datafile, data1.dbf, in your database is 30MB. You issued the following command:   RMANCONFIGURE MAXSETSIZE 10MB;     What will be the impact of the above setting?()A、 While performing the backup of the datafile,data1.dbf,one backup set is created.B、 While performing the backup of the datafile,data1.dbf,two backup sets are created.C、 While performing the backup of the datafile,data1.dbf,three backup sets are created.D、 While performing the backup of the datafile,data1.dbf,the command for performing a backup of the datafile,data1.dbf,will fail.

An index called ORD_CUSTNAME_IX has been created on the CUSTNAME column in the ORDERS table using the following command: SQLCREATE INDEX ord_custname_ix ON orders(custname); The ORDERS table is frequently queried using the CUSTNAME column in the WHERE clause. You want to check the impact on the performance of the queries if the index is not available. You do not want the index to be dropped or rebuilt to perform this test.Which is the most efficient method of performing this task?()A、disabling the indexB、making the index invisibleC、making the index unusableD、using the MONITORING USAGE clause for the index

You are performing a database recovery because a user’s schema is dropped. While performing the recovery, you use the UNTIL SEQUENCE clause. Which type of database recovery are you performing?()A、 user managed complete recoveryB、 user managed incomplete recoveryC、 RMAN-based complete recoveryD、 RMAN-based incomplete recovery

单选题After making changes to the monitoring configuration file for the event monitoring engine on an agent,  which conman command will force  the change immediately?()A loadconfB resetconfC deployconfD deploymonman

单选题The size of the largest datafile, data1.dbf, in your database is 30MB. You issued the following command:   RMANCONFIGURE MAXSETSIZE 10MB;     What will be the impact of the above setting?()A While performing the backup of the datafile,data1.dbf,one backup set is created.B While performing the backup of the datafile,data1.dbf,two backup sets are created.C While performing the backup of the datafile,data1.dbf,three backup sets are created.D While performing the backup of the datafile,data1.dbf,the command for performing a backup of the datafile,data1.dbf,will fail.

单选题You are performing a database recovery because a user’s schema is dropped. While performing the recovery, you use the UNTIL SEQUENCE clause. Which type of database recovery are you performing?()A user managed complete recoveryB user managed incomplete recoveryC RMAN-based complete recoveryD RMAN-based incomplete recovery

单选题Performance monitoring of a poorly performing system indicates a high level of CPU usage. Which tool can be used to help identify which processes are using excessive CPU resources?()AsarBtopasCiostatDvmstat

多选题Several reports are logged stating that an application server is performing slowly. During the investigation, the administrator notices that the hard drives on the server appear to have a high level ofactivity.  Which items should the administrator monitor using performance monitoring tools? ()APage FileBDisk UtilizationCSystem TemperatureDProcessor UtilizationENetwork Utilization

单选题An index called ORD_CUSTNAME_IX has been created on the CUSTNAME column in the ORDERS table using the following command:   SQLCREATE INDEX ord_custname_ix ON orders(custname);   The ORDERS table is frequently queried using the CUSTNAME column in the WHERE clause. You want to check the impact on the performance of the queries if the index is not available. You do not want the index to be dropped or rebuilt to perform this test.  Which is the most efficient method of performing this task?()A disabling the indexB making the index invisibleC making the index unusableD using the MONITORING USAGE clause for the index

单选题Performing()involves monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory results.AqualityplanningBqualityassuranceCqualityperformanceDquality control

单选题You have many users complaining about slow inserts into a large table. While investigating the reason, you find that the number of indexes on the table is high. You want to find out which indexes are not being used.  Which method would you follow to achieve this?()Aenable index monitoring and query the DBA_OBJECTS viewBenable index monitoring and query the DBA_INDEXES viewCenable index monitoring and query the V$OBJECT_USAGE viewDenable index monitoring and view the DBA_INDEXTYPE_COMMENTS view

单选题In which situation would you use the Oracle Shared Server configuration?()Awhen performing export and import using Oracle Data PumpBwhen performing backup and recovery operations using Oracle Recovery ManagerCwhen performing batch processing and bulk loading operation in a data warehouse environment Din an online transaction processing (OLTP) system where large number of client sessions are idle most of the time