当multicast启用pim sparse-mode,但是没配置auto-rp,你将用什么方法?
当multicast启用pim sparse-mode,但是没配置auto-rp,你将用什么方法?
Refer to the network of Layer 3 switches in the exhibit. The RPI Multi cast Server only multicasts to hosts connected to multilayer switches 5 and 6. The CMU Multicast Server multicasts to hosts on multilayer switches 1 - 6. Given the number of configuration steps involved, what is the most efficient way to configure the net work while meeting the requirements for multicast data flow? ()A. Configure each switch with PIM sparse mode and a separate instance of PIM dense mode.Specify switch 1 as the root for the RPI Multicast Server. Specify switch 2 as the root for the CMU Multicast Server.B. Configure each switch with PIM sparse mode and a separate instance of PIM dense mode. Leave each multicast server as the root of its own multicast tree.C. Configure each switch with PIM sparse - dense mode. Configure switch 3 as a ren dezvous point for the RPI multicast stream.D. Configure each switch with PIM sparse mode and a separate instance of PIM dense mode.Allow the switches to elect their own root for each multicast tree.E. Configure each switch with PIM sparse mode.F. Configure each switch with PIM dense mode.
What is the purpose of a rendezvous point (RP)?() A. acts as a meeting place for sources and receivers of multicast trafficB. used in PIM dense m ode to create a database of all multicast sourcesC. used in PIM dense and sparse mode to create a database of all multicast sourcesD. acts as the designated router for a broadcast segment when multicast routing is enabled
When IP multicast is enabled via PIM, which mode uses the flood and prune metho d? Select the best response.() A. PIM sparse - denseB. Bidir - PIMC. PIM - RPD. PIM - DME. PIM - SM
When building an IP multicast domain using PIM which mode assumes that other routers do not want to forward multicast packets for the group?() A. PIM - DMB. PIM - SMC. PIM - RPD. CGMPE. IGMP snooping
Which two statements are true about the rendezvous poin t (RP) in a multicast network?()A、The multicast sources must register with the RP to form the multicast distribution tree.B、An RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast dense mode (PIM DM).C、The multicast receivers must register with the RP to form the multicast distribution tree.D、An RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast sparse mode (PIM SM).E、An RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast sparse - dense mode (PIM - SDM).F、To form the multicast distribution tree, the multicast sources register with and the receivers join the RP.
When building an IP multicast domain using PIM which mode assumes that other routers do not want to forward multicast packets for the group?()A、PIM - DMB、PIM - SMC、PIM - RPD、CGMPE、IGMP snooping
Which three statements are true about IP multicast configuration?()A、PIM sparse - dense mode and PIM dense mode require an RP on the network.B、PIM sparse mode and PIM dense mode require an RP on the network.C、PIM sparse mode interfaces are always added to the multicast routing table in a router.D、PIM sparse mode and PIM sparse - dense mode require an RP on the network.E、PIM dense mode interfaces are always added to the multicast routing table in a router.F、PIM sparse - dense mode acts as PIM dense mode if an RP is not known.
What is the purpose of IGMP in a multicast implementation?()A、 it is not used in multicastB、 it determines the virtual address group for a multicast destinationC、 it dynamically registers individual hosts in a multicast group on a specific LAND、 it is used on WAN connections to determine the maximum bandwidth of a connectionE、 it determines whether Bidirectional PIM or PIM sparse mode will be used for a multicast flow
Which type of domains is interconnected using Multicast Source Discovery Protocol?()A、PIM-SMB、PIM-DMC、PIM-SSMD、DVMRP
In PIM-SM operations, the first router connected to the multicast source sends the Register message towhich device?()A、Multicast sourceB、Multicast receiverC、RPD、RP mapping agentE、Designated Router (DR)
Which three statements best describe multicast operation on Cisco Nexus switches in a data center?()A、 Cisco NX-OS Software does not support PIM dense mode.B、 The command ip multicast-routing must be enabled in Cisco NX-OS Software before any multicast configuration is possible on the switch.C、 PIM CLI configuration and verification commands are not available until you enable the PIM feature with the feature pim command.D、 Cisco NX-OS Software supports multicast routing per Layer 3 VRF instance.E、 The default PIM operational mode on the Cisco Nexus 7000 switch is SSM.
Which two statements are tru e about the rendezvous point (RP) in a multicast network?()A、The multicast sources must register with the RP to form the multicast distribution treeB、An RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast dense mode ( PIM DM)C、The multicast receivers must register with the RP to form the multicast distribution treeD、An RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast sparse mode (PIM SM)E、An RP is required only in networks running Pro tocol Independent Multicast sparse - dense mode (PIM - SDM)F、To form the multicast distribution tree, the multicast sources register with and the receivers join the RP
In PIM-SM operations,to which device does the first router that connects with the multicast source sendthe register message?()A、RPB、multicast sourceC、IGMP routerD、multicast receiverE、PIM designated router
What is the purpose of a rendezvous point (RP)?()A、acts as a meeting place for sources and receivers of multicast trafficB、used in PIM dense m ode to create a database of all multicast sourcesC、used in PIM dense and sparse mode to create a database of all multicast sourcesD、acts as the designated router for a broadcast segment when multicast routing is enabled
When IP multicast is enabled via PIM, which mode uses the flood and prune metho d? Select the best response.()A、PIM sparse - denseB、Bidir - PIMC、PIM - RPD、PIM - DME、PIM - SM
Which of these statements about PIM join messages in classic PIM-SM is correct?()A、PIM join messages are sent every 60 seconds to refresh the upstream router’s mroute state for the multicast tree.B、Routers send a PIM join acknowledgement in response to each PIM join message received from a downstream router.C、PIM join messages are only sent when the multicast distribution tree is first being established.D、PIM join messages are sent every three minutes to refresh the upstream router’s mroute state for the multicast tree.
Which two commands are required to enable multicast on a router, knowing that the receivers only support IGMPv2?()A、ip pim rp-addressB、ip pim ssmC、ip pim sparse-modeD、ip pim passive
How is RPF used in multicast routing?()A、to prevent multicast packets from loopingB、to prevent PIM packets from loopingC、to instruct PIM where to send a (*, G) or (S, G) join messageD、to prevent multicast packets from looping and to instruct PIM where to send a (*, G) or (S, G) joinmessage
Cisco IOS XR Software Multicast Routing Implementation, which three features are supported in IPv6 onCisco CRS router?()A、PIM-SSMB、Aggregation multicastC、PIM-BidirectionalD、OOR handlingE、integrated multicastF、Multicast NSF
Which two statements are true about the rendezvo us point (RP) in a multicast network?()A、The multicast sources must register with the RP to form the multicast distribution tree.B、An RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast dense mode (PIM DM).C、The mu lticast receivers must register with the RP to form the multicast distribution tree.D、An RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast sparse mode (PIM SM).E、An RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Mu lticast sparse - dense mode (PIM - SDM).F、To form the multicast distribution tree, the multicast sources register with and the receivers join the RP.
多选题Which two statements are true about the rendezvous poin t (RP) in a multicast network?()AThe multicast sources must register with the RP to form the multicast distribution tree.BAn RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast dense mode (PIM DM).CThe multicast receivers must register with the RP to form the multicast distribution tree.DAn RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast sparse mode (PIM SM).EAn RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast sparse - dense mode (PIM - SDM).FTo form the multicast distribution tree, the multicast sources register with and the receivers join the RP.
多选题Choose two commands that are required to enable multicast on a router, when it is known that the receivers use a specific functionality of IGMPv3.()Aip pim rp-addressBip pim ssmCip pim sparse-modeDip pim passive
单选题How is RPF used in multicast routing?()Ato prevent multicast packets from loopingBto prevent PIM packets from loopingCto instruct PIM where to send a (*, G) or (S, G) join messageDto prevent multicast packets from looping and to instruct PIM where to send a (*, G) or (S, G) joinmessage
多选题Which two statements are true about the rendezvo us point (RP) in a multicast network?()AThe multicast sources must register with the RP to form the multicast distribution tree.BAn RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast dense mode (PIM DM).CThe mu lticast receivers must register with the RP to form the multicast distribution tree.DAn RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast sparse mode (PIM SM).EAn RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Mu lticast sparse - dense mode (PIM - SDM).FTo form the multicast distribution tree, the multicast sources register with and the receivers join the RP.
单选题What is the purpose of IGMP in a multicast implementation?()Ait is not used in multicastBit determines the virtual address group for a multicast destinationCit dynamically registers individual hosts in a multicast group on a specific LANDit is used on WAN connections to determine the maximum bandwidth of a connectionEit determines whether Bidirectional PIM or PIM sparse mode will be used for a multicast flow
多选题Which three statements best describe multicast operation on Cisco Nexus switches in a data center?()ACisco NX-OS Software does not support PIM dense mode.BThe command ip multicast-routing must be enabled in Cisco NX-OS Software before any multicast configuration is possible on the switch.CPIM CLI configuration and verification commands are not available until you enable the PIM feature with the feature pim command.DCisco NX-OS Software supports multicast routing per Layer 3 VRF instance.EThe default PIM operational mode on the Cisco Nexus 7000 switch is SSM.