Which three of these are major scaling, sizing, and performance considerations for an IP secdesign? ()A、 connection speedB、 number of remote sitesC、 features to be supportedD、 types of devices at the remote siteE、 whether packets are encrypted using 3DES or AESF、 number of routes in the routing table at the remote site

Which three of these are major scaling, sizing, and performance considerations for an IP secdesign? ()

  • A、 connection speed
  • B、 number of remote sites
  • C、 features to be supported
  • D、 types of devices at the remote site
  • E、 whether packets are encrypted using 3DES or AES
  • F、 number of routes in the routing table at the remote site


Which three actions are allowed in event details? ()(Choose three.) A.SendB.RaiseC.DeleteD.ReceiveE.Acknowledge

Which one is not in the same category with other three items?( )

Which three BGP states are associated with establishing TCP connectivity?() (Choose three.)A、IdleB、ActiveC、ConnectD、Open SentE、Established

Which three applications are disabled for compression by default?() (Choose three.)A、FTPB、SSHC、UDPD、HTTPSE、Traceroute

多选题Which three are the components of SNMP? ()AMIBBmanagerCsupervisorDagentEsetFAES

多选题Which three applications are disabled for compression by default?() (Choose three.)AFTPBSSHCUDPDHTTPSETraceroute

单选题With reference to a rotary vane steering gear system, which one of the following statements is true?()AThe three moving vanes and the three fixed vanes form three pressure chambersBThe three moving vanes and the three fixed vanes form six pressure chambersCThe three moving vanes and the three fixed vanes form nine pressure chambersDThe three moving vanes and the three fixed vanes form twelve pressure chambers

多选题Cisco IOS XR software is partitioned into three planes: control, data, and management. Which three ofthese belong to the data plane?()AXMLBRIBCFIBDQoSEPFI

多选题Which three firewall user authentication objects can be referenced in a security policy? ()(Choose three.)Aaccess profileBclient groupCclientDdefault profileEexternal

多选题The Origin attribute describes the source of the BGP prefix. Which three are valid Origin codes?() (Choose three.)AIGPBBGPCEGPDIncompleteEAnonymous

多选题Which three features are part of the branch SRX series UTM suite?() (Choose three.)AantispamBantivirusCIPSDapplication firewallingEWeb filtering

多选题Which are the three levels at which the Segment Advisor generates advice?()Ablock levelBobject levelCschema levelDsegment levelEtablespace level

多选题Which three represent IDP policy match conditions? ()(Choose three.)AprotocolBsource-addressCportDapplicationEattacks