在j2ee中,以下是firevetoablechange方法的正确的原型的是() A、public void fireVetoableChange(Object  oldValue,Object newValue)B、 public void fireVetoableChange(String  propertyName,Object newValue)C、 public void fireVetoableChange(String  propertyName, Object  oldValue ,Object newValue)throws PropertyVetoExceptionD、 public void fireVetoableChange(String  propertyName, Object  oldValue ,Object newValue)


  • A、public void fireVetoableChange(Object  oldValue,Object newValue)
  • B、 public void fireVetoableChange(String  propertyName,Object newValue)
  • C、 public void fireVetoableChange(String  propertyName, Object  oldValue ,Object newValue)throws PropertyVetoException
  • D、 public void fireVetoableChange(String  propertyName, Object  oldValue ,Object newValue)


以下Java应用程序执行入口main方法的声明中,正确的是( )。 A.public static void main()B.public static void main(String[] args)C.public static int main(String[] args)D.public void main(String[] args)

1.public class GC{2.private Objec to;3.private void doSomethingElse(Object obj){o=obj;}4.public void doSomething(){5.Object o=new Object();6.doSomethingElse(o);7.o=new Object();8.doSomethingElse(null);9.o=null;10.}11.}When the doSomething method is called,after which line does the Object created in line 5 become available for garbage collection?()A.Line5B.Line6C.Line7D.Line8E.Line9F.Line10

把一个对象写到一个流中相对比较简单,具体是通过调用ObjectOutputStream类的writeObject()方法实现的,那么该方法的定义为( )。A.public final int writeObject(Object obj) throws IOExceptionB.public final void writeObject(Object obj) throws IOExceptionC.public Object writeObject(Object obj) throws IOExceptionD.public final Object writeObject(Object obj) throws IOException

阅读以下说明和Java代码,回答问题[说明]在某些系统中,存在非常复杂的对象,可以采用循序渐进的方式进行组合将小对象组合,成复杂的对象。以下实例展示了Builder(生成器)模式。该实例用来建立“文件”,文件内容包括:一个标题、一串字符以及一些有项目符号的项目。Builder类规定组成文件的方法,Director类利用这个方法产生一份具体的文件。图6-1显示了各个类间的关系。以下是Java语言实现,能够正确编译通过。[Java代码]//Builder. java文件public (1) class Builder {public abstract void makeTitle(String title);public abstract void makeString(String str);public abstract void makeItems(String[] items);public abstract Object getResult();}//Director. java文件public class Director{private (2) builder;public Director(Builder builder){this. builder = builder;}public Object construct(){builder.makeTitle("Greeting");builder.makeString("从早上到白天结束");builder.makeItems(new String[]{"早安", "午安",});builder.makeString("到了晚上");builder.makeItems(new String[]("晚安", "好梦",});return builder.getResult();}}//TextBuilder.java文件public class TextBuilder (3) Builder{private StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();public void makeTitle(String title){buffer.append("『" + title + "』"\n\n");}public void makeString(String str){buffer.append('■' + str + "\n\n ");}public void makeItems(String[] items){for(int i = 0; i (4) ; i++){buffer.append('·' + items[i] + "\n");}buffer.append("\n");}public Object getResult(){return buffer.toString();}}//Main.java文件public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {Director director = new Director(new TextBuilder());String result = (String)director. (5) ;System.out.println(result);

以下哪个是Java应用程序main方法的有效定义? A. public static void main();B. public static void main( String args );C. public static void main( String args[] );D. public static void main( Graphics g );E. public static boolean main( String a[] );

设有如下代码:interface IFace{}class CFace implements IFace{}class Base{}public class ObRef extends Base{public static void main(String argv[]){ObRef bj = new ObRef();Base b = new Base();Object obj1 = new Object();IFace obj2 = new CFace();//Here}}则在 //Here处插入哪个代码将不出现编译和运行错误。A.obj1=obj2;B.b=obj;C.obj=b;D.obj1=b;

以下是JAVA中正确的入口方法是? () A、 public static void main(String[] args){}B、 public static void main(String args){}C、 public void main(String[] args){}D、 public static int main(String[] args){}

public class ItemTest {  private final mt id;  public ItemTest(int id) { this.id = id; }  public void updateId(int newId) { id = newId; }  public static void main(String[] args) {  ItemTest fa = new ItemTest(42);  fa.updateId(69);  System.out.println(fa.id);  }  }  What is the result?() A、 Compilation fails.B、 An exception is thrown at runtime.C、 The attribute id in the Item object remains unchanged.D、 The attribute id in the Item object is modified to the new value.E、 A new Item object is created with the preferred value in the id attribute.

下列有关main()方法的签名正确的是哪些?()A、 public static void main(String[] args){}B、 public static void main(){}C、 public static void main(String args[]){}D、 public void static main(String[] args){}

11. public static void main(String[] args) {  12. Object obj = new Object() {  13. public int hashCode() {  14. returns 42; 15. }  16. };  17. System.out.println(obj.hashCode());  18. }    What is the result? () A、 42B、 An exception is thrown at runtime.C、 Compilation fails because of an error on line 12.D、 Compilation fails because of an error on line 16.E、 Compilation fails because of an error on line 17.

Object类的finalize()方法是如何声明的()。A、public void finalize()B、protected int finalize()C、C.protected void finalize(intD、protected void finalize()throws Throwable

以下哪些方法在Object类中定义()。A、toString()B、equals(Objecto)C、public static void main(String[]args)D、System.out.println()E、wait()

main方法是Java应用程序执行的入口点,关于main的方法头以下哪项是合法的()A、public  static  void  main()B、public  static  void   main( String[]  args )C、public  static int  main(String  [] arg )D、public  void  main(String  arg[] )

1. public class GC {  2. private Object o;  3. private void doSomethingElse(Object obj) { o = obj; }  4. public void doSomething() {  5. Object o = new Object();  6. doSomethingElse(o);  7. o = new Object();  8. doSomethingElse(null);  9.o=null;  10. }  11. }  When the doSomething method is called, after which line does the Object created in line 5 become available for garbage collection?() A、 Line 5B、 Line 6C、 Line 7D、 Line 8E、 Line 9F、 Line 10

main方法是Java程序执行的入口点,关于main方法的方法头以下哪项是合法的()?A、public static void main( )B、public static void main( String args[] )C、public static int main(String [] arg )D、public void main(String arg[] )

声明Java独立应用程序main()方法时,正确表达是()。A、public static void main(String[]args){…}B、private static void main(String args[]){…}C、public void main(String args[]){…}D、public static void main(){…}

在J2EE中,以下是firePropertyChange的原型,正确的是()。 A、public void firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeListener l,String oldValue, String newValue)B、public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue)C、public void firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeSupport changes)D、public void firePropertyChange(Object oldValue, Object newValue)

1.public class GC{ 2.private Objec to; 3.private void doSomethingElse(Object obj){o=obj;} 4.public void doSomething(){ 5.Object o=new Object(); 6.doSomethingElse(o); 7.o=new Object(); 8.doSomethingElse(null); 9.o=null; 10.} 11.} When the doSomething method is called,after which line does the Object created in line 5 become available for garbage collection?()A、Line5B、Line6C、Line7D、Line8E、Line9F、Line10

下列代码正确的是哪项?() A、 public class Session implements Runnable, Clonable{   public void run ();public Object clone () ; }B、 public class Session extends Runnable, Cloneable {  public void run() {/*dosomething*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/} }C、 public abstract class Session implements Runnable, Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}        }D、 public class Session implements Runnable, implements Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}       }

public class Test {  public static void main(String args[]) {  class Foo {  public int i = 3; }  Object o = (Object)new Foo();   Foo foo = (Foo)o;  System.out.println(“i = “ + foo.i); }  }  What is the result?()  A、 i = 3B、 Compilation fails.C、 A ClassCastException is thrown at line 6.D、 A ClassCastException is thrown at line 7.

Which three will compile and run without exception?()A、private synchronized Object o;B、void go(){   synchronized(){/* code here */}C、public synchronized void go(){/* code here */}D、private synchronized(this) void go(){/* code here */}E、void go(){   synchronized(Object.class){/* code here */}F、void go(){   Object o = new Object();   synchronized(o){/* code here */}

单选题1.public class GC{ 2.private Objec to; 3.private void doSomethingElse(Object obj){o=obj;} 4.public void doSomething(){ 5.Object o=new Object(); 6.doSomethingElse(o); 7.o=new Object(); 8.doSomethingElse(null); 9.o=null; 10.} 11.} When the doSomething method is called,after which line does the Object created in line 5 become available for garbage collection?()ALine5BLine6CLine7DLine8ELine9FLine10

单选题下列代码正确的是哪项?()A public class Session implements Runnable, Clonable{   public void run ();public Object clone () ; }B public class Session extends Runnable, Cloneable {  public void run() {/*dosomething*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/} }C public abstract class Session implements Runnable, Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}        }D public class Session implements Runnable, implements Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}       }

单选题public class Test {  public static void main(String args[]) {  class Foo {  public int i = 3; }  Object o = (Object)new Foo();   Foo foo = (Foo)o;  System.out.println(“i = “ + foo.i); }  }  What is the result?()A i = 3B Compilation fails.C A ClassCastException is thrown at line 6.D A ClassCastException is thrown at line 7.

单选题以下是JAVA中正确的入口方法是? ()A public static void main(String[] args){}B public static void main(String args){}C public void main(String[] args){}D public static int main(String[] args){}

单选题在J2EE中,以下是firePropertyChange的原型,正确的是()。Apublic void firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeListener l,String oldValue, String newValue)Bpublic void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue)Cpublic void firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeSupport changes)Dpublic void firePropertyChange(Object oldValue, Object newValue)

单选题在j2ee中,以下是firevetoablechange方法的正确的原型的是()Apublic void fireVetoableChange(Object  oldValue,Object newValue)B public void fireVetoableChange(String  propertyName,Object newValue)C public void fireVetoableChange(String  propertyName, Object  oldValue ,Object newValue)throws PropertyVetoExceptionD public void fireVetoableChange(String  propertyName, Object  oldValue ,Object newValue)