


细节题。本题考查申请的截止日期。文章第三段首句提到“The closing date for application is February 1, 2009”,closing date和deadline是同义词,表示“截止日期”,此处应填February 1, 2009。



单选题_____ALook for Jack.BBuy some medicine.CCall for a doctor.DSend Jack to school.

填空题What do the Garden’s Guides do every day at 11:00 a. m. and 2:00 p.m.?They show the tourists around the ____.

单选题According to the growth pattern of Los Angeles, homes were mainly built _____.Ain the city centerBalong the main roadsCaround business districtsDwithin the business districts

单选题We don’t deny that your products are superior in quality to _____ of Japanese make.Athe oneBthatCtheseDthose

填空题My impression is that the sales of tiffs company have (great) ____ increased this year.

单选题_____AIts size.BIts price.CIts delivery.DIts code number.


单选题All in all, the ABC Company offered me the experience to advance my career in China.A总而言之,ABC公司使我有了工作经历,我要在中国发展我的事业。B总而言之,ABC公司使我有了在中国拓展我的职业生涯的经历。C总而言之,ABC公司的历程使我认识到我应该在中国发展事业。

单选题_____AShe should repair the telephone herself.BShe can turn to Mike for help.CHe knows nothing about telephone.DHe will call the telephone company.

填空题The lecture was so (bore) ____ that many of the students in the classroom fell asleep.


单选题The new model of the car was put into production in 2007, _____ helped to provide another 1400 jobs.AthatBwhenCwhatDwhich


单选题_____AShe was tired of reading it.BShe liked it very much.CShe didn’t think much of it.DShe wasn’t interested in it.


单选题According to the growth pattern of Los Angeles, homes were mainly built _____.Ain the city centerBalong the main roadsCaround business districtsDwithin the business districts

填空题Some people do believe that smoking will (certain) ____ cause lung cancer.


单选题_____ a wonderful trip he had when he traveled in China!AWhereBHowCWhatDThat


单选题The best title for this passage is _____.ABuy a Volvo with AirbagsBMake a Car Safe InsideCFasten Your Seat BeltsDAdd Air Bags to Cars

填空题What was Mike Smith’s major at London University?____

单选题The example of an egg on a skateboard is used to show that _____.Aeggs break easily on a moving skateboardBcars should not be stopped suddenlyCseat belts are important to safetyDdriving is a dangerous act

单选题According to the passage, most meals are not included in the price of tours mainly because _____.Ameals make up a large part of the tour budgetBmeal prices vary a lot from place to placeCpeople dislike menus offered by tour guidesDpeople have different eating habits

单选题In his report of the accident he _____ some important details.AmissedBwastedCescapedDfailed

单选题The purchaser will not be responsible for any cost or expenses in connection with the packing or delivery of the above goods.A卖主并非没有责任解决上述货物在包装和运输方面出现的问题。B以上货物在包装和运输方面所产生的有关费用买主均不予过问。C买主概不承担与上述货物的包装和运输有关的任何成本或费用。
