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(piston area)×(piston stroke)×(numbers of the cylinders)=engine( ).A.brake horsepowerB.displacementC.cylinder volumeD.cylinder clearance

______ is not one of the winch controls.A.a master controller or switchboxB.a group of relaysC.contactorsD.a solenoid brake

If an electric cargo winch is being used to lift a draft of cargo and the engine room loses all power,which will occur ________.A.A pawl,forced by a spring mechanism,will engage the teeth of the bull gear and hold the loadB.An electromagnetic brake will hold the load where it is suspendedC.The load will fall rapidly to the deck unless the foot brake is engagedD.The load will slowly lower to the deck under control of the drag of the winch motor

Drive brake

Brake Drum是煞车鼓之英文名称.


铁鞋 brake shoe

Brake light的中文含义是()。A、制动液B、制动灯C、制动油管D、制动踏板

设置停留刹车手柄,如果液压压力小于1075PSI,则()A、PARK BRAKE FAIL灯和PARK BRAKE SET灯亮B、PARK BRAKE FAIL灯亮C、没有指示D、以上全不正确

设置停留刹车手柄,如果液压压力小于1075PSI,则()A、PARK BRAKE FAIL灯和PARK BRAKE SET灯亮B、PARK BRAKE FAIL灯亮C、没有指示

自动刹车时,什么时候“DECEL”灯亮?()A、当按入AUTO BRAKE按钮时。B、当AUTO BRAKE按钮为“OFF”时。C、当飞机达到所需的减速度时。D、自动刹车失效时。

单选题Manually operated band brakes may be fitted and () will have a brake arranged to fail-safe.Athe drive pumpBthe drive motorCthe warp endDthe purchase

名词解释题Drive brake

单选题When dropping anchor,you are stationed at the windlass brake.The most important piece(s)of gear is(are)().AA hard hatBA long sleeve shirtCGlovesDGoggles

单选题Operating a propulsion diesel engine at less than 30% of designed normal load for prolonged periods will result in ().Adecreased fuel consumption per brake horsepowerBmore complete cylinder scavengingCextended valve lifeDcarbon formation on combustion chamber surfaces


单选题The drive motor will have a brake arranged to fail-safe, i√eit will () the load if power fails or machine is stopped.AcastBputCholdDlet out

单选题The drive motor will have a brake arranged to fail-safe, ieit will () the load if power fails or machine is stopped.AliftBputCtakeDhold

单选题The ratio of the brake horsepower to the indicate of a diesel engine is its ()Athermal efficiencyBmechanical efficiencyCbrake thermal efficiencyDvolumetric efficiency

单选题Which is the correct procedure for anchoring a small to medium size vessel in deep water ().ALet the anchor fall free from the hawsepipe,but apply the brake at intervals to check the rate of fallBBack the anchor slowly out of the hawsepipe a few feet,and then let it fall in the normal fashionCLet the anchor fall off the brake right from the hawsepipe,but keep a slight strain on the brakeDUnder power,back the anchor out until it is near,but clear,of the bottom before letting it fall

单选题() is not one of the winch controls.Aa master controller or switchboxBa group of relaysCcontactorsDa solenoid brake


单选题When the power is shut off, the wire()Abecomes slackBcan not be paid out unless the brake is overhauled or recover wire unless manually operatedCwill be let out because the brake is out of workDmay be pay out due to no power

单选题After-cooling of a turbocharged diesel engine will result in ()Ahigher torque but lower brake horsepowerBlower torque but higher brake horsepowerChigher torque and lower brake horsepowerDlower torque and higher brake horsepower

单选题Which of the following beneficial results can be expected from supercharging a previously naturally aspirated engine?()AIncreased turbulenceBincreased mechanical efficiencyCIncreased brake mean effective pressureDAll of the above

名词解释题铁鞋 brake shoe

名词解释题凉闸站 station for cool brake