问答题The grammatical words which play so large a part in English grammarare for the most part sharply and obviously different from the lexical words. Arough and ready difference which may seem the most obvious is that grammatical    1._______words have “less meaning”, but in fact some grammarians have called them      2._______“empty” words as opposed in the “full” words of vocabulary. But this is a rather 3._______misled way of expressing the distinction. Although a word like theis not the name  4._______of something as man is, it is very far away from being meaningless; there is a    5._______sharp difference in meaning between “man is vile” and “the man is vile”, yet theis the single vehicle of this difference in meaning. Moreover, grammatical words   6._______differ considerably among themselves as the amount of meaning they have even in th  7._______lexical sense. Another name for the grammatical words has been “little words.”But size is by no mean a good criterion for distinguishing the grammatical words   8._______of English, when we consider that we have lexical words as go, man, say, car.    9._______Apart from this, however, there is a good deal of truth in what some people say:we certainly do create a great number of obscurity when we omit them. This     10._______is illustrated not only in the poetry of Robert Browning but in the prose of tele-grams and newspaper headlines.

The grammatical words which play so large a part in English grammarare for the most part sharply and obviously different from the lexical words. Arough and ready difference which may seem the most obvious is that grammatical    1._______words have “less meaning”, but in fact some grammarians have called them      2._______“empty” words as opposed in the “full” words of vocabulary. But this is a rather 3._______misled way of expressing the distinction. Although a word like theis not the name  4._______of something as man is, it is very far away from being meaningless; there is a    5._______sharp difference in meaning between “man is vile” and “the man is vile”, yet theis the single vehicle of this difference in meaning. Moreover, grammatical words   6._______differ considerably among themselves as the amount of meaning they have even in th  7._______lexical sense. Another name for the grammatical words has been “little words.”But size is by no mean a good criterion for distinguishing the grammatical words   8._______of English, when we consider that we have lexical words as go, man, say, car.    9._______Apart from this, however, there is a good deal of truth in what some people say:we certainly do create a great number of obscurity when we omit them. This     10._______is illustrated not only in the poetry of Robert Browning but in the prose of tele-grams and newspaper headlines.


解析: 暂无解析


For any Englishman, there can never be any discussion as to who is the world’s greatest dramatist (剧作家).Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him: that of William Shakespeare.Every Englishman has some knowledge, however slight, of the work of our greatest writer.All of us use words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeare’s writings that have become part of the common property of the English-speaking people.Most of the time we are probably unaware of the source of the words we used, rather like the old lady who was taken to see a performance of Hamlet and complained that it was full of well-known proverbs and quotations.Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, makes full use of the great resources of the English language.Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal use of English; Shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand.There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it.Such a study is well worth the effort (it is not, of course, recommended to beginners) even though some aspects of English usage, and the meaning of many words, have changed since Shakespeare’s day.1).English people _______.A.have never discussed who is the world’s greatest dramatistB.never discuss any issue concerning the world’s greatest dramatistC.are sure who is the world’s greatest dramatistD.do not care who is the world’s greatest poet and dramatist2).Every Englishman knows _______.A.more or less about ShakespeareB.Shakespeare, but only slightlyC.all Shakespeare’s writingsD.only the name of the greatest English writer3).Which of the following is true?A.We use all the words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeare’s writings.B.Shakespeare’s writings have become the property of those who are learning to speak English.C.It is likely to be true that people often do not know the origins of the words they useD.All the words people use are taken from the writings of Shakespeare.4).What does the word “proverb” mean?A.Familiar sayings.B.Shakespeare’s plays.C.Complaints.D.Actors and actresses.5).Why is it worthwhile to study the various ways in which Shakespeare used English?A.English words have changed a lot since Shakespeare’s time.B.By doing so one can be fully aware of the richness of the English language.C.English words are now being used in the same way as in Shakespeare’s time.D.Beginners may have difficulty learning some aspects of English usage.

We should offer classes in whichthestudents can take part _______ to keep their English alive. A.so thatB.in order thatC.as muchD.so as

Curiosity is not only a possible motivation, it is also a great help in your learning languages. Remember that a language is not 11 a grammatical system. It is the 12 of a certain culture of different cultures. It is no good 13 strings of words and lists of grammatical rules 14 you know as much as possible about the background of the language, so that you can understand the ideas conveyed and the references made, as well as the inferences which can 15 the information clearly given. So learn as much as you can about the different cultures which 16 English-watch television programs, listen to the radio, try to obtain 17 and magazines written by native speakers, look at advertisements, and, above all, read-not textbooks, 18 novels, poems and plays. They will show you how a language is 19 used. The English language is a living form. of expression which derives much of its 20 from the context, and much of its effect from a whole network of extra-linguistic knowledge.11.A. just B. even C. so D. that

Her pocket was ____ full of cards written in English which she used to remember words. A、stuffedB、stiffC、sufferedD、staff

The grammatical words which play so large a part in English grammar are for the most part sharply and obviously different from the lexical words.(语法上正确与否) () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Old English was an inflected language in which relations of the words in the sentence were mainly indicated by the use of case endings.()

Inflectional morphemes are added to the end of words to show grammatical concepts.()

Prepositions(介词) ____ in the structure of English.A、take partB、take a great partC、play a large partD、play many parts

It is____ to find that the young children in your class are familiar with so many English words. A、remarkableB、complainC、magazineD、pile

You should spend no more than 40 minutes on this task. As part of a class assignment you have to write about the following topic. Millions of people every year move to English-speaking countries such as Australia , Britain or America , in order to study at school, college or university. Why do so many people want to study in English ? Why is English such an important international language? Give reasons for your answer. You should write at least 250 words.

Curiosity is not only a possible motivation,it is also a great help in your learning languages. Remember that a language is not (11)______ a grammatical system. It is the (12)______ of a certain culture of different cultures. It is no good (13)______ strings of words and lists of grammatical rules (14)______ you know as much as possible about the background of the language,so that you can understand the ideas conveyed and the references made,as well as the inferences which can (15)______ the information clearly given. so learn as much as you can about the different cultures which (16)______ English-watch television programs,listen to the radio,try to obtain (17)______ and magazines written by native speakers,look at advertisements,and,above all,read-not textbooks, (18)______ novels,poems and plays. They will show you how a language is (19)______ used. The English language is a living form. of expression which derives much of its (20)______ from the context. and much of its effect from a whole network of extra-linguistic knowledge.(11)A.justB.evenC.soD.that

Which of the following items is not one of the grammatical categories of English pronouns?A.gender B.numberC.caseD.voice

Which of the following items is not one of the grammatical categories of English pronouns?A.genderB.numberC.caseD.voice

小学英语《boy toy voice noise》一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教案】Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim: Students know how to pronounce oy and oi then to use it.Ability aim: Students can pronounce /??/ correctly and use it in other words.Emotional aim: Students will enhance their confidence of pronouncing by realizing the practical use.Teaching Key Points:题目来源于考生回忆Students can have correct pronunciation of certain words of the same rule.Teaching Difficult Points:Students could be confident in pronouncing words.Teaching Methods:Communicative teaching method, inductive teaching method.Teaching Aids:PPT, Blackboard flashcards and so onTeaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming up1.Greetings2.Play an English song Billy boy, invite the whole students to clap when singing it. Introduce word boy to students.Step 2: Presentation1. Draw pictures of boy and toy,then show the words after them.2. Play a radio of voice and noise, let students know what the difference is between voice and noise, then show the English words.题目来源于考生回忆3. Read the words together, and then let students find the common pronunciation part oy and oi.Step 3: Practice1. Play a game: play on the seesaw(high-low voice) then read lips guess the word.2. Bingo: Divide four students in a group play the bingo game. Give each group a piece of paper with 9 words on it. The first group who can find the three words in a line with oy/oi should be the winner.Step 4: ProductionRead more words: Divide students into different groups then let them have a competition to read words on the flashcards, the fastest group will win the first prize. (Possible words: toy boy voice noise choice coin coy joy ploy), invite the fastest group play it in front of the class.Step 5: Summary & HomeworkSummary : students look at the blackboard and summarize this class.Homework:students introduce the words and pronunciation to their friends or parents.Blackboard design:

二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim: Students will master the sentence pattern “can you” and some new words such as sing, play the piano and so on.Ability aim: Students will improve their speaking ability through group work.Emotional aim: Students will take part in the class actively and be fond of learning English.Key and difficult point: Students can master the sentence pattern and words and can take part into the class actively.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-upGreeting: Good morning boys and girls, this is your beloved English teacher, Jessica. How are you today? Fine, I'm too. It is snowing right now right? The weather is getting colder and colder, so put on more clothes and don't catch cold ok? Otherwise you will lag behind for your English studying.Lead-in: 展示有关音乐会的图片:Sydney Opera House/ National opera house in Beijing1)what can you see in the pictures2) Where can we do in it?3) Do you like to enjoy a music show in our school?4) Let’s take a look of today’s class: musicians wanted for school music festival.Step 2: Pre-reading图片讲解单词:sing/ dance/ play the piano/1) What can you see in the pictures: 依次展示TF boys/ ballet/ 朗朗2) What is he/ she doing in the picture? 依次引出: sing/ dance/ play the piano.3) When you sing, you make musical sounds with your voice, usually producing words that fit a tune.4) When you dance, you move your body and feet in a way that follows a rhythm, usually in time to music.5) A piano is a large musical instrument with a row of black and white keys. When you press these keys with your fingers, little hammers hit wire strings inside the piano, which vibrate to produce musical notes.Step 3: While-reading设置阅读问题:1) Which musical instruments are mentioned in the passage:The piano (Y), the trumpet (Y), the drums (Y). violin (X).2) who should you contact if you are interested: zhang heng3) The telephone number? 622-6033.Step4: Post-reading1) Do a survey: which musical instruments can your classmate play?2) Making a conversation by using the result of the survey: Do you want to go to the music festival?

二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim: Students will master the sentence pattern and new words such as: My birthday is in…, January, February and so on.Ability aim: Students will improve their speaking ability through group workEmotional aim: Students will take part in the class actively and be fond of learning English.Key and difficult point:master the meaning of the sentence pattern and new words.speak freely in class and improve their speaking skill.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-upGreeting the Ss + today is Kelly’s birthday, sing the birthday song;Step 2: PresentationUse calendar to teach the words about month. Teach the sentence pattern “my birthday is in…” by asking, “When is your birthday?”Step 3: PracticeMechanical drilling: Play Bomb game to practice the pronunciation.Meaningful drilling: categorize 12 month into 4 groups according to the season. Picture to present seasons might be used.Step4: ProductionMaking a conversation asking“when is your birthday?”

二、考题解析【教案】Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim: Students know how to pronounce oy and oi then to use it.Ability aim: Students can pronounce /??/ correctly and use it in other words.Emotional aim: Students will enhance their confidence of pronouncing by realizing the practical use.Teaching Key Points:Students can have correct pronunciation of certain words of the same rule.Teaching Difficult Points:Students could be confident in pronouncing words.Teaching Methods:Communicative teaching method, inductive teaching method.Teaching Aids:PPT, Blackboard flashcards and so onTeaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming up1.Greetings2.Play an English song Billy boy, invite the whole students to clap when singing it. Introduce word boy to students.Step 2: Presentation1. Draw pictures of boy and toy,then show the words after them.2. Play a radio of voice and noise, let students know what the difference is between voice and noise, then show the English words.3. Read the words together, and then let students find the common pronunciation part oy and oi.Step 3: Practice1. Play a game: play on the seesaw(high-low voice) then read lips guess the word.2. Bingo: Divide four students in a group play the bingo game. Give each group a piece of paper with 9 words on it. The first group who can find the three words in a line with oy/oi should be the winner.Step 4: ProductionRead more words: Divide students into different groups then let them have a competition to read words on the flashcards, the fastest group will win the first prize. (Possible words: toy boy voice noise choice coin coy joy ploy), invite the fastest group play it in front of the class.Step 5: Summary & HomeworkSummary : students look at the blackboard and summarize this class.Homework:students introduce the words and pronunciation to their friends or parents.Blackboard design:

二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students will master the sound /ai/ in the words “five”, “alive” and so on.Ability aim:Students will apply the sound correctly in real communication.Emotional aim:Students will be more interest in speaking English.Key and difficult point:Key Point: Students will master the sound /ai/ in the words “five”, “alive” and so on.Difficult Point: Students will apply the sound correctly in real communication.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2.Play a chant they have learned “tomato, tomato, wash, wash, wash” and lead them to learn another chant this class..Step 2: Presentation1. Students watch the picture and tell the teacher what they can see in the picture, and the teacher guide them to present the first part of the chant. Then students watch the picture carefully and predict what’s wrong with the boy, then the teacher guide them to present the last part of the chant.2. Students observe the sentences and find out what common letters they can find.3. The teacher teaches them correct pronunciation of the letter “i” in “five”, “right” and so on.Step 3: Practice1. Read the pronunciation /ai/ and the words that includes “i” repeatedly.2. Listen to the tape and follow the tape, paying attention to the intonation of the chant.3. Students work in pairs to make a chant in 5 minutes.Step4: Production1. The teacher writes more words that includes the sound /ai/and students try to read them.2. Students work in groups to make a story using the picture and the words with the sound /ai/ on the blackboard.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: ask students to search other pronunciation of the letter “i” and list those words accordingly.Blackboard design:1. As an English teacher, what do you think of the usage of multimedia in class?2. Do you think that singing English songs or playing chant are useful for cultivating students' interest in English learning?

Directions: For this part you are towrite a composition with Dishonesty in Tourism as its title. Your compositionshould have a length of 120 words or so.

单选题Which of the following items is not one of the grammatical categories of English pronouns? _____AgenderBnumberCcaseDvoice

问答题The grammatical words which play so large a part in Englishgrammar are for the most part sharply and obviously different fromthe lexical words. A rough and ready difference which may seem      1.______most obvious is that grammatical words have “less meaning”, butin fact some grammarians have called them “empty” words as        2.______opposed in the “full” words of vocabulary. But this is a rather     3.______misled way of expressing the distinction. Although a word like the     4.______is not the name of something as man is, it is very far away from being   5.______meaningless; there is a sharp difference in meaning between “manis vile” and “the man is vile”, yet theis the single vehicle of this  6.______difference in meaning.  Moreover, grammatical words differ considerably among themselvesas the amount of meaning they have even in the lexical           7.______sense. Another name for the grammatical words has been “littlewords.” But size is by no mean a good criterion for distinguishing    8.______the grammatical words of English, when we consider that we havelexical words as go, man, say, car. Apart from this, however,       9.______there is a good deal of truth in what some people say: we certainlydo create a great number of obscurity when we omit them. This is      10.______illustrated not only in the poetry of Robert Browning but in the prose oftelegrams and newspaper headlines.

单选题Beginners of English are _____ to make many grammatical errors in speech.ApossibleBprobableCsubjectDlikely

问答题Practice 3Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Which to Celebrate—the Western or Eastern Festivals? You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

单选题The English language contains a(n) ______ of words which are ______ used in ordinary conversation.Aaltitude; hardlyBlatitude; scarcelyCmultitude; seldomDattitude; rarely

问答题Which word of four letters can be added to the front of the following words to create other English words?  CARD BOX CODE BAG HASTE

单选题It is worthwhile to study the various ways in which Shakespeare used English because _____.AEnglish words have changed a lot since Shakespeare’s timeBby doing so one can be fully aware of the richness of the English languageCEnglish words are now being used in the same way as in Shakespeare’s daysDof none of the above

单选题Chaucer greatly contributed to the founding of English literary language, the basis of which was formed by the _____, so profusely used by the poet.AEnglish dialectBLondon dialectCNorman dialectDstandard English

问答题The grammatical words which play so large a part in English grammarare for the most part sharply and obviously different from the lexical words. Arough and ready difference which may seem the most obvious is that grammatical    1._______words have “less meaning”, but in fact some grammarians have called them      2._______“empty” words as opposed in the “full” words of vocabulary. But this is a rather 3._______misled way of expressing the distinction. Although a word like theis not the name  4._______of something as man is, it is very far away from being meaningless; there is a    5._______sharp difference in meaning between “man is vile” and “the man is vile”, yet theis the single vehicle of this difference in meaning. Moreover, grammatical words   6._______differ considerably among themselves as the amount of meaning they have even in th  7._______lexical sense. Another name for the grammatical words has been “little words.”But size is by no mean a good criterion for distinguishing the grammatical words   8._______of English, when we consider that we have lexical words as go, man, say, car.    9._______Apart from this, however, there is a good deal of truth in what some people say:we certainly do create a great number of obscurity when we omit them. This     10._______is illustrated not only in the poetry of Robert Browning but in the prose of tele-grams and newspaper headlines.