


此题考查的是演讲的技巧。录音中提到,第四条就是演讲的技巧,要学会使用所需的任何技术用尽可能好的方法来展示你的专业知识,由此可知答案为presentation skills。


单选题Nightingale can best be described as a _____ person.Aknowledgeable and creativeBpious and kindCversatile and determinedDrebellious and brave

问答题Scientific and technological advances have improved our daily lives. However, in many fields scientists cannot solve the problems they have created themselves. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give your reasons. Write a composition of about 400 words on this topic.

单选题The sentence in the sixth paragraph “You don’t get it, and you never will” implies that______.Athe teenagers think that their parents will never understand them.Bit’s teenagers’ excuse to disguise their vulnerability of being under custody.Cthe generation gap can not be shortened despite their parents’ efforts.Dthe parents do not necessarily force into the world of their children.

问答题MINI-LECTURE 4  Improving Your Motivation for Learning English  I.The importance of the techniques for improving motivation  A.Necessity for leaning English  B.Necessity for boosting motivation in (1) ______         (1)______  II. Motivation for learning English  A.Talking to (2) ______freely                   (2)______  B.Admired by other people  C.Writing email to people all over the world  III.Ways to improve the motivation for learning English  A.Remember your English is already good but (3) ______      (3)______  —stilla lot of things you don’t know  —stillhaving problems: (4) ______, vocabulary, grammar, etc.   (4)______  B.Use English as much as possible  —Englishis (5) ______                       (5)______  a) findinginformation from English-language websites  b)(6) ______                            (6)______  c) playingadventure games.  d) readinginteresting English books, etc.  —Englishwill be improved when effective methods are adopted  C.Talking to people about English  —peopletalk about things they are interested in  —peoplegradually (7) ______in a boring subject          (7)______  a) tellingothers your suffering when studying a boring subject  b) tellingthem about the things you have learned  D.Spending money on learning English  —thedesire to use and improve English (8) ______         (8)______  because ofthe money you spent  —impulseis given to learn English  E.Learning English requires (9) ______              (9)______  —onesmall practice is more powerful than reading a lot  —youwill enjoy (10) ______only if you change           (10)______  something about your life.

单选题Speaking of the “magic bullets”, the author______.Aseems to imply his disagreement over their effects.Bdoes not conceal his opposition to the idea they imply.Cwonders if they really work as they sound.Dwishes that they could make problems disappear.