单选题Speaking of the “magic bullets”, the author______.Aseems to imply his disagreement over their effects.Bdoes not conceal his opposition to the idea they imply.Cwonders if they really work as they sound.Dwishes that they could make problems disappear.

Speaking of the “magic bullets”, the author______.

seems to imply his disagreement over their effects.


does not conceal his opposition to the idea they imply.


wonders if they really work as they sound.


wishes that they could make problems disappear.




Your sponsor announce to you and your team that his/her door is open to everyone wishing to discuss project problems. Yet, the sponsor seems to be annoyed whenever someone does stop by, even when discussing a serious problems. This is an example of.A semanticsB credibilityC inconsistent signalsD perceptual differencesE misunderstood role

71 Your sponsor announce to you and your team that his/her door is open to everyone wishing to discuss project problems. Yet, the sponsor seems to be annoyed whenever someone does stop by, even when discussing a serious problems. This is an example of.A. semanticsB. credibilityC. inconsistent signalsD. perceptual differencesE. misunderstood role

The main idea of this passage is______.A. it is likely to make an enemy of your admirerB. there are many solutions to the problems of datingC. an admirer has feeling every bit as sensitive as our ownD. it is possible to discourage an admirer without hurting his feelings

His father likes going hiking. ________.A. So does his motherB. So is his motherC. So his mother isD. So his mother does

A philosopher wishes to ______.A. systematize factsB. work by himselfC. show his contempt for knowledgeD. be all of the above

Passage FourMany people want to know how to analyze problems they meet. There are six stages in analyzing a problem.First the person must recognize that there is a problem. For example, Sam's bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must see that there is a problem with his bicycle.Next the thinker must define the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must find the reason why it does not work. For instance, he must determine if the problem is with the gears, the brakes, or the frame. He must make his problem more specific.Now the person must look for information that will make the problem clearer and lead to possible solutions. For instance, suppose Sam decided that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the gear wheels. At this time, he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about gears. He can talk to his friends at the bike shop.After studying the problem, the person should have several suggestions for a possible solution. Take Sam as an illustration. His suggestions might be: put oil on the gear wheels; buy new gear wheels and replace the old ones; tighten or loosen the gear wheels.Eventually one suggestion seems to be the solution to the problem. Sometimes the final idea comes very suddenly because the thinker suddenly sees something new or sees something in a new way. Sam, for example, suddenly sees that there is a piece of chewing gum between the gear wheels. He immediately realizes the solution to his problem: he must clean the gear wheels.Finally the solution is tested. Sam cleans the gear wheels and finds that afterwards his bicycle worksperfectly. In short, he has solved the problem.48. In analyzing a problem we should do all the following except ______.A. recognize and define the problemB. look for information to make the problem clearerC. have suggestions for a possible solutionD. find a solution by trial or mistake

I have no idea who stole his wallet. It _____anyone.A. must have beenB. should have beenC. could have been

He will be punished ( ) he does his work. A.unlessB.ifC.forD.because

Does his absence()to your work?A. make a differenceB. take all the creditC. bring about

His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ________ of it at all.A:senseB:meaningC:intelligibilityD:interpretation

He agreed to go and work abroad ________ that his family could go with him.A: to provideB: provideC: providedD: and provided

The manager said Linda could work in his company,but his offer was____.

He does not work but he gets a good__________from his investments.A.WageB.earningC.incomeD.salary

I really can't put up with him,especially his so-called refined way of speaking and behavior.A:honest B:elegant C:blunt D:straightforward

单选题我们的大副现在很忙。()AOur third officer is busy with his work.BOur second officer is busy with his work.COur captain is busy with his work.DOur chief officer is busy with his work.

单选题No matter however hard he tries, he never seems able to finish his work in time.AhoweverBtriesCseemsDin time

单选题Washington was ______ in his belief that only the right kind of education could solve major social problems.Anothing but isolated Banything but isolatedCnothing but isolatingDanything but isolating

单选题Speaking of the “magic bullets”, the author______.Aseems to imply his disagreement over their effects.Bdoes not conceal his opposition to the idea they imply.Cwonders if they really work as they sound.Dwishes that they could make problems disappear.

单选题He is not satisfied with his exam results and wishes he ______ harder for his exams.Ahas studiedBwould studyCstudiesDhad studied

多选题Because Inspector Morse could not contain his scorn for the police commissioner, he was imprudent enough to make ______ remarks about his superior officer.AambiguousBimpartialCunfathomableDcontemptuousEscathingFpertinent

单选题_____AHe is interested in his work.BHe is proud of his work.CHe is tired of his work.DHe is keen on his work.

单选题His opponent having sprained his wrist, Andrew could have won by exploiting this weakness, but he chose not to do it.AHis opponent having sprained his wrist, Andrew could have won by exploiting this weakness, but he chose not to do it.BAndrew could have won by exploiting this weakness after his opponent sprained his wrist, but he chose not to do so.CChoosing not to do so, Andrew could have won after his opponent sprained his wrist by exploiting this weakness.DAfter his opponent sprained his wrist, Andrew could have won by exploiting this weakness, but he chose not to do so.EAfter his opponent sprained his wrist, Andrew could have, but chose not to do it, won by exploiting this weakness.

单选题The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously ______ relations between the two countries.AtumbleBjeopardizeCmanipulateDintimidate

单选题He does his work carefully but he is terribly ()it.Acareful aboutBgood atCslow atDinterested in

单选题Washington was _____ in his belief that only the right kind of education could solve major social problems.Anothing but isolatedBanything but isolated

单选题Speaking of the “magic bullets”, the author _____.Aseems to imply his disagreement over their effectsBdoes not conceal his opposition to the idea they implyCwonders if they really work as they soundDwishes that they could make problems disappear

单选题The author most likely mentions James Joyce’s childhood, family, and education to serve what purpose?ATo suggest that he had to write in order to make a livingBTo suggest that he became a writer because of his father’s influenceCTo provide the background and cultural context for his literary workDTo provide evidence that his literary genius was present when he was a childETo explain his opposition to Catholicism and socialism in his later life

单选题—______ does your cousin usually go to work on foot?—He says it’s good for his health.AWhereBWhenCWhyDHow