单选题Who made Lawrence have such a good chance to become a writer?AHis mother.BHis father.CHis novels.DHis friends.

Who made Lawrence have such a good chance to become a writer?

His mother.


His father.


His novels.


His friends.




My brother is going on the picnic with () friends. A.his two little otherB.other his two littleC.his other little twoD.his two other little

He is very good at sports; but he is ___________ in basketball. A. at the bestB. at his bestC. in his bestD. made the best of

He was a good worker who was ________ to his family as well as to his work. A.consistentB.committedC.contentD.engaged

What made the author laugh?A. His own behaviorB. His wife’s suggestionC. His changeable feelings.D. His wife’s sweet kiss.

What do we learn about Thomas Jefferson?[A] His political view changed his attitude towards slavery.[B] His status as a father made him free the child slaves.[C] His attitude towards slavery was complex.[D] His affair with a slave stained his prestige.

25. Which is NOT true according to this passage?A. The writer loves his teacher very much.B. A good teacher should not scold his students. 'C. The teacher may be rich if he becomes a businessman.

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A. Louis was famous for his discovery.B. Though his left arm and leg were disabled(残疾的), he worked even harder than before.C. In his childhood he made up his mind to become a doctor.D. His disabled left arm and leg had nothing to do with the mad dogs.

听力原文:When the drawee is bankrupt, presentment may be made to him or to his trustee.(7)A.If a drawee is bankrupt, presentment may be made to his trustee.B.If a drawee is bankrupt, presentment can not be made to him.C.If a drawee is bankrupt, presentment can not be made to his assignee.D.If a drawee is bankrupt, presentment must be made to his trustee.

Mr.Reeves, who is in his nineties, has made a will that all his collection of paintings ( ) to the local museum. A、will leaveB、is to leaveC、is to be leftD、has left

There is no ( ) who lays down his life for his friends. A、greater love than that of a manB、greater love than a man'sC、greater love than a manD、as greater love as a man

When we listen to a person talking, the most important thing for us to do is______.A) notice the way the person is talkingB) take a good look at the person talkingC) mind his tone, his posture and the look in his eyesD) examine the real meaning of what he says based an his manner, his tone and his posture

What made the author laugh?A. His own behaviorB. His wife’s suggestionC. His changeable feelingsD. His wife’s sweet kiss

Tested & inspected the steering systems & other navigational equipments & found them in good condition.L'dg & unl'dg finished.This remark is likely made by the OOW ______.A.at the beginning of his watchB.during his watchC.at the end of his watchD.in his cargo watch on deck

The writer thinks that for a student to have a part-time job is probably___________.A.a waste of time that could have been spent on studyB.useful for his future workC.a good way to earn extra moneyD.a good way to find out his weak points

共用题干第二篇Lawrence CurryWhen I tell people my name,they always ask me if I'm related to Lawrence Curry,the novelist,and when I say,yes,he was my great-uncle,they always want to know what he was like. "We've read all his books,"they say,"but please tell us what he was really like."When I described him,as I knew him,they go disappointed.It seems that they find it difficult to accept such a great figure could have had such an ordinary character.My great-uncle was tall,with a long thin body.When he walked,he moved stiffly,with his arms clamped against his sides,looking like nothing so much as a pair of scissors.When I knew him,his hair as quite white,though it was supposed to have been yellow when he was young. His eyes were blue and deep set and had an anxious look about them as if he found the world a puzzling place.This expression of anxiety,which arose from nothing more than short-sight一he refused to wear glasses一inspire the protective instincts of his lady admirers,much to the irritation my great-aunt who thought all women were fools,except herself.Great-uncle Curry was naturally lazy. He spent a great deal of his time in the village pub playing darts.He was also a compulsive reader from the local telephone directory to great-aunt's shopping lists.For a man whose book showed such a deep perception of the complexities of human behavior, his conversation was surprisingly trivial.He delighted in discussing English weather,the price of beer,his grandchildren's most amusing words.He loved gossip,but he was kind.I never heard him make a malicious remark,but the wisdom of his writing never appeared in his conversation.As a child,we much preferred the company of his cousin,Stanly,who was a successful shop-owner who always brought us bags of sugar and broken biscuits.Taking it all in all,I have to admit my famous great-uncle was rather a bore.Which statement is NOT true,according to the third and fourth paragraph? A:Lawrence was lazy.B:Lawrence was boring.C:Lawrence tended to read anything he could find.D:Lawrence was a humorous man but seldom showed it in his remark.

A writer who wants to convince his readers of a point of view must marshall his arguments assert the virtues of his opinions,and( )the possible protests of the opposition. A.diminish B.demonstrate C.declare D.demolish

单选题If the writer stayed with the Globe, ______.Ahe would be able to realize his lifetime dreamsBhe would let his long-cherished dreams fade awayChe would never have to worry about his future lifeDhe would never be allowed to develop his ambitions

单选题What is Mr. Weeks proud of?AAll his students have become famous persons.BAll his students often write to him.CSome of his students have been famous.DHe’s been a teacher for twenty-six years.

单选题Just as the builder is skilled in the handling of his bricks, _____ the experienced writer is skilled in the handling of his words.AasBthusClikeDso

单选题In order to know what he says, the writer want us to ______.Afeel his wordsBrepeat his wordsCjust listen to his wordsDignore his words

单选题Just as the builder is skilled in the handling of his bricks, ______ the experienced writer is skilled in the handling of his words.Aas BthusClikeDso

单选题A person who gets the basic necessities must _____ according to the writer.Ahave a reliable incomeBlearn how to please his managerCfinish his work ahead of timeDget a good education

单选题His opponent having sprained his wrist, Andrew could have won by exploiting this weakness, but he chose not to do it.AHis opponent having sprained his wrist, Andrew could have won by exploiting this weakness, but he chose not to do it.BAndrew could have won by exploiting this weakness after his opponent sprained his wrist, but he chose not to do so.CChoosing not to do so, Andrew could have won after his opponent sprained his wrist by exploiting this weakness.DAfter his opponent sprained his wrist, Andrew could have won by exploiting this weakness, but he chose not to do so.EAfter his opponent sprained his wrist, Andrew could have, but chose not to do it, won by exploiting this weakness.

单选题When the writer says that Jim has a full-time job at home, he means Jim _____.Amakes shoes in his homeBdoes his extra work at nightCdoes his own car and home repairsDkeeps house and looks after his children

单选题Since his works earned him quite a reputation in Liverpool, he has stayed there most of his life, ________the visit to his hometown by chance.Aapart fromBinstead ofCthanks toDas for

单选题In the first paragraph, the writer recalls some things that happened between him and his friends. He ______.Afeels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to himBfeels he may not have “read” his friends true feelings correctlyCthinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girl friend, HelenDis sorry that his friends let him down

单选题Who made Lawrence have such a good chance to become a writer?AHis mother.BHis father.CHis novels.DHis friends.

单选题What do we know about Lawrence after he became a teacher?AHe wrote many novels and stories.BHe worked with miners in his spare time.CHe escaped from the mines where his family lived.DHe learned how to write stories from a famous writer.