




单选题May I speak to Dr. Brown?()AYes, he is not in at the moment.BNo, you can't.CYes, this is Brown speaking.DSorry, speaking.

单选题They were the only men who received votes()meAnextBbesidesCunlessDaccept

单选题In Excerpt 3, the writer argues that pollution_____.Ahas increase since the eightiesBis at its worst in industrialized countriesCresults from poor relation between nationsDis caused by human self-interest

单选题— Why does he look sad?—There are so many problems()Aremaining to settleBremained settlingCremaining to be settledDremained to besettled

单选题We have kept()our friendship by writing to each other, so we are true friends.AbackBupCoffDdown



单选题The old woman is chronically ill in bed and seldom goes out.AseriouslyBdangerouslyCcontinuallyDincurably

单选题Lucky is the man who has no "skeleton in his closet". When a man has done something in his life that he is ashamed of, that he wants to hide, he is said to have a "skeleton in his closet". Some people may have more than one skeleton. As we have noted many times, it is hard to find out how these expressions begin. Sometimes, we get some hard facts. But more often we have to depend on guesswork. And that is true of this phrase, which came from England. Before 1932, English law did not permit a doctor to cut open a dead human body for scientific examination, unless it was the corpse (尸体) of an executed (处决) criminal. But when it became legal, more and more doctors demanded skeletons for a more scientific study of medicine. It was helping in the advance of modern medicine. The demand had become so strong that men began to rob tombs and sell skeletons to doctors at high prices. We are told that a doctor would usually buy just one skeleton for scientific study. It became very important in his work. But he had to keep it hidden because most people objected to keeping such a thing. As a rule, the doctor would keep his skeleton in some dark corner where it could not be seen, or hide it in a closet. After a time, people began to suspect (怀疑) every doctor of hiding a skeleton in the closet. From this suspicion, the phrase "a skeleton in the closet" took on a broader, more general meaning to describe anything that a man wanted to keep others from discovering. It could be proof of a criminal act, or something much less serious. Well, that is one theory. One writer, however, believes that the phrase might have come from something that really happened. It is his guess that a hidden closet in some old English country home may have turned up a real skeleton, clear proof of some old family shame or crime. Well, one man’s guess is as good as another. But this sounds like a story by the great French novelist, Balzac. Baizac tells us of a man who suspected his wife of having a lover. The husband comes home by surprise. But she hears him and quickly hides her lover in the closet of her bedroom. He enters her room and asks her if she is hiding her lover. He says he will not open the door to the closet if she promises him there is no one there; He will believe her. She answers firmly that she is not hiding anyone in the closet. The husband then begins to build a solid brick wall against the closet. His wife watches, knowing that her lover will never come out alive. But she will not change her story and admit her guilt.In Chinese the world "skeleton" means ().A尸体B标本C收藏D骷髅

单选题Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for the decline in amateur singing?AIt is easier for people to please themselves with songs through TV.BPeople don’t want to take the trouble to sing songs themselves.CAmateurs feel shy if they cannot sing as well as the professionals.DFamous and talented musicians are always willing to entertain people.

单选题I tried() but the line was engaged.AphoneBphonedCphoningDto phone



单选题He asked()we need some more riceAwhatBweatherCwhetherDthat

单选题“Wanting” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____.AnecessaryBmisleadingCunsatisfactoryDpractical

单选题Which of the following is not correct? ()AIt is useless to complain.BIt is useless complaining.CComplaining is useless.DIt is useless of complaining.

单选题I'd been expecting()letters the whole day, but there aren't()for me.Asome;anyBmany;a fewCsome;one

单选题It’s true that sometimes a teacher _____ his students intelligence by the points they made on the examinations.AbeatsBgaugesCmoderatesDprevails

单选题Finally the two sides have()Areached agreementBtaken an agreementCdone an agreementDmade an agreement



单选题She was happy,()ASo are youBSo you areCSo you wereDSo were you

单选题That yellow purse()her dollars.AcostBspentCtookDpaid

单选题According to the author, government _____.Ais made by menBis made in virtue of natural rightsChas a right to everythingDwants everything

问答题Practice 3Directions: You are asked to write in no less than 150 words about the title of Environment: Everybody’s Business or Nobody’s Business? You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:  1. 环境对于我们每个人都是重要的。  2. 人们有着不同的环保意识。  3. 行动起来,保护环境是每个人的义务。

单选题Is there anything serious, doctor? ()AI‘m going to have another check-up.BThe results of the blood test are wrong.CNo. Just stay in bed and drink more water.DYes. You can go home tomorrow.


单选题He was a young sailor on his first sea()AjourneyBtripCtravelDvoyage