


supply sb. with sth.或supply sth. for sb.都可以表示“为某人提供某物”。


问答题她问起我的小说,我说讲的都是发生在上海这个后殖民情调花园里的混乱而真实的故事。“有一篇译成德文的小说,如果你有兴趣,我可以送给你。”我情真意切地说。那还是在复旦读书时一个读德文的男生爱上我翻译的,他是个优等生,没等毕业就去了柏林留学。  她对我微笑,那笑像叫不出名的花儿开在春风里。她把一张写有电子信箱,电话,传真,地址的名片递给我,“不要丢,以后我们还会有机会见面的。”她说。



问答题Flea market can be found on almost every campus. Although some sell new products in these markets, most students go there to sell used articles, such as textbooks, test preparation materials, dictionaries, and CDs. This has aroused different reactions. Some view it as a meaningful method to dispose of things no longer useful, but some others, especially teachers, view it as a symbol of wasting. What is your opinion about getting rid of used things in this way? Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic:My Opinion on Campus Flea MarketIn the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

单选题The first episode of “Six Feet Under” is mentioned in the first paragraph to______.Aintroduce the topic of funeral home.Brelate the owners of Salem Funerals Cremations.Cshow the popularity of an American television show.Dbring about the history of family-owned funeral homes.

单选题CONVERSION 1  Questions1 to 5 are based on a conversation. At the end of the conversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.   Now listen to the conversation. Gary prefers The Timesto The Heraldand City JournalbecauseAit devotes more pages to spots events.Bit puts the horoscopes on the front page.Cit has a much longer history.Dit contains more pictures.

单选题A potential factor affecting scientists in their efforts to control the overgrowth of world population is that _____.Astate administrators do not have confidence in their workBhumanists usually cannot cooperate well with themCthey haven’t been trained to consider social effects of their workDthey do not have enough time to tackle the problem


单选题According to Para. 3, all the followings are the cultural or technological innovation EXCEPT______.Athe transformation of these valleys and plains.Bthe use of these valleys’ soil and water.Cthe timing of flood seasons.Dthe calendar.


问答题Why does the author dwell upon the concept of science in this article?


问答题Inheritance tax is a tax which many countries levy on the total taxable value of the estate of a deceased person. Inheritance tax is paid by the inheritor of the estate or by the person in charge of its assets. In most cases, if the estate is left to a charitable organization or a surviving spouse, no inheritance tax is due. In China, inheritance tax does not exist. Should inheritance tax be introduced to China? The controversy that has raged over levying inheritance tax in China currently shows little sign of abating.  The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpt carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides, and then  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  Opponents of inheritance tax typically refer to it as “death tax.” They argue first that concern over burdening their children with this tax may lead elderly to make unwise investment decisions late in life, and that it may also discourage entrepreneurship earlier in life. Opponents also claim that morally it should be only the choice of the person who earned the money what should be done with it, not the government. They see taxing wealth at death as a kind of forced income redistribution that goes against the market economy.  Proponents of inheritance tax say that it helps prevent consolidation of wealth in the hands of a few powerful families and is a basic building block of the nation’s system of taxation. They also feel that inheriting large sums without tax undermines people’s motives to work hard in the future and, thus, undercuts the principles of the market economy, encouraging people to become idle and unproductive, which hurts the country overall.


单选题Which of the following is NOT true about nursing before Nightingale came in this field?AMost nurses were not professionally trained.BPeople only had respect for the nurses from the upper classes.CNurses did not pay enough attention to sanitation.DThere were many donations flooding into the hospitals.

问答题According to SustainAbility, what is the reason for the appearance of so many different definitions for globalization?

单选题Which of the following can best reflect the trend of globalization?AThe value of cross-border world trade.BThe globalised markets for standardized products.CThe ratio of the value of cross-border world trade to that of global GDP.DThe sales volume of identical goods and services around the world.

单选题Children tend to imitate their models______.Awho do not criticize themBwho bring them unexpected rewardsCwhom they want to be likeDwhose social status is high


单选题Which of the following statements about Nightingale is true?AAs the only child of an upper class family, her parents disapproved of her decision to be a nurse.BNightingale began to learn nursing when she was 24.CNightingale’s efforts to reorganize the hospitals were welcomed by both the doctors and the injured soldiers.DNightingale received all her education from her father.

单选题Some people may disagree with the author on his method because they think______.Ait is not practical for adults.Bit is already out of date.Cit isn’t a primary method.Dit fails to cultivate creativity.



单选题The users did all of the following funny things EXCEPT _____.Afailing to switch on the computerBregarding the keyboard as a remote controlCspending much time looking for a keyDwashing the keys individually with soap

单选题As to the views mentioned in the two girls’ book, the author believes that______.Athey provide some approaches to her child-rearing.Bthey revealed thinking patterns of teenagers and parents.Cthey have obtained unanimous support from the public.Dthey have overestimated the rights of teenagers.



单选题We get the impression that Virginius is a man of______.Aharmless vanity.Bprofound knowledge.Chigh aspiration.Dimmovable confidence.