填空题Let f(x) be defined as the absolute value of the difference between the smallest and largest odd factors of x greater than 1. For example, f(42)=︱3-21︱=18. What is the value of f(90)?____

Let f(x) be defined as the absolute value of the difference between the smallest and largest odd factors of x greater than 1. For example, f(42)=︱3-21︱=18. What is the value of f(90)?____




( 10 )已知下列程序的输出结果是 42 ,请将画线处缺失的部分补充完整。#includeusing namespace std;class Foo {int value;public:Foo( ) : value(0) {}void setValue(int value){ 【 10 】 = value; // 给 Foo 的数据成员 value 赋值 }void print( ) { cout value; }};int main( ){Foo f;f.setValue(42);f.print();return 0;}


Evaluate this SQL statement:What will happen if you remove all the parentheses from the calculation?() A. The value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column will be lower.B. The value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column will be higher.C. There will be no difference in the value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column.D. An error will be reported.

The difference between measured and desired values is calledA.make-upB.desired valueC.deviationD.set value

类MyClas的定义如下: class MyClas{ public: MyClas(){} MyClas(int a){ value=new.int(i); } int *value; }; 若要对类中的value赋值,则下面的语句中正确的是( )A.MyClas x;x.value=10;B.MyClas x; *x.value=10;C.MyClas x;x. *value=10;D.MyClas x(10);

The difference value between Budgeted Cost for work Performed and Actual Cost for Work Performed is( ).A.Cost Variance B.Schedule Variance C.Earned Value D.Cost Performed Index

The indemnity for damage to cargo shall be determined on the basis of the {difference} between the value of the goods before and after the damage.A.profitB.surplusC.interestD.balance

Fog is likely to occur when there is little difference between the dew point and the ______.A.relative humidityB.air temperatureC.barometric pressureD.absolute humidity

The difference value between Budgeted Cost for Work Performed and Actual Cost for Work Performed is ( ). A.Cost Variance B.Schedule Variance C.EarneD.Value D.Cost PerformeD.Index

public class SwitchTest {  public static void main(String[] args) {  System.out.println(“value = “ + switchIt(4));  }  public static int switchIt(int x) {  int j = 1;  switch (x) {  case 1: j++; case 2: j++;  case 3: j++;  case 4: j++;  case 5: j++;  default: j++;  }  return j + x; }  }  What is the result?()  A、 value = 3B、 value = 4C、 value = 5D、 value = 6E、 value = 7F、 value = 8

The total CIP value of your order comes()$960 instead of $690,the difference()$270.A、to,beB、at,beingC、to,beingD、at,tobe

Which two statements about sequences are true? ()A、You use a NEXTVAL pseudo column to look at the next possible value that would be generated from a sequence, without actually retrieving the value.B、You use a CURRVAL pseudo column to look at the current value just generated from a sequence, without affecting the further values to be generated from the sequence.C、You use a NEXTVAL pseudo column to obtain the next possible value from a sequence by actually retrieving the value from the sequence.D、You use a CURRVAL pseudo column to generate a value from a sequence that would be used for a specified database column.E、If a sequence starting from a value 100 and incremented by 1 is used by more than one application, then all of these applications could have a value of 105 assigned to their column whose value is being generated by the sequence.F、You use a REUSE clause when creating a sequence to restart the sequence once it generates the maximum value defined for the sequence.

What does it mean for a variable in the Application Editor to be defined as a parameter?()A、The variable can be used to pass data to and from subflows.  B、The value for that variable can be supplied via Application Configuration in Application Administration.  C、The value for that variable is defined by the calling application.  D、The variable can be used in conditional steps.  E、The variable can be used to pass data to and from VoiceXML applications.

You need to design the restrictions on the Bank.Customers table. Which three actions should you perform?()A、Design a trigger that verifies that the first names and surnames are not empty strings.B、Design a check constraint that verifies that the first names and surnames are not empty strings.C、Design a check constraint that uses a CLR user-defined function to verify that either the phone number is a null value or the format of the phone number is valid.D、Design a trigger that uses a CLR user-defined function to verify that either the phone number is a null value or the format of the phone number is valid.E、Design a check constraint that ensures that the phone number cannot be changed from a valid format to a null value or to an invalid format.F、Design a trigger that ensures that the phone number cannot be changed from a valid format to a null value.

单选题The total CIP value of your order comes()$960 instead of $690,the difference()$270.Ato,beBat,beingCto,beingDat,tobe

填空题If the function f is defined by f(x)= (2x-4)/3 for what value of x does f(x) = 18?____

单选题For all real values of x and y, let x◆y be defined by the equation x◆y = 2 -xy. If -1 a 0 and 0 b 1, then which of the following must be true?A-2a+b-1B-la+b0C0a+blDla+b2E2a+b3

单选题Let Ω p be defined as p2/3-p for all positive integers, p. If Ωn = s, and s is a positive integer, which of the following is a possible value for s?A1B3C5D6E8

单选题The steady state difference between the control point and the value of the controlled variable, corresponding with the set point, is known as ()Adead bandBcontrol pointCdeviationDoffset

单选题A change of trim may be simply defined as().Athe change in difference between the forward and aft draftsBthe sum of free communication,free surface and pocketingCthe moment of inertia of the ship's waterline plane about the athwartship axisDrolling and listing

单选题The pressure difference of the gauge on the oily water separator increases greatly, the reason is()Athe filter is cloggedBbilge suction value is cloggedCsuction value and discharge value of the pump do not open fullyDscrew pump is worn seriously and volumetric efficiency is decreased

单选题The difference between measured and desired values is called ().Amake-upBdesired valueCdeviationDset value

单选题What is the default value for the ENABLED attribute of a job or program when it is created?()A TRUEB FALSEC There is no default. It must be defined at creation time.D PENDINGE NULL

单选题What is the default value for the ENABLED attribute of a job or program when it is created? ()ATRUEBFALSECThere is no default. It must be defined at creation time.DPENDINGENULL

单选题public class SwitchTest {   public static void main (String args) {   System.out.PrintIn(“value =” +switchIt(4));   }   public static int switchIt(int x) {   int j = 1;   switch (x) {   case 1: j++;   case 2: j++;   case 3: j++;  case 4: j++;   case 5: j++;   default:j++;   }   return j + x;   }   }   What is the output from line 3? ()A Value = 3B Value = 4C Value = 5D Value = 6E Value = 7F Value = 8

单选题What does it mean for a variable in the Application Editor to be defined as a parameter?()AThe variable can be used to pass data to and from subflows.  BThe value for that variable can be supplied via Application Configuration in Application Administration.  CThe value for that variable is defined by the calling application.  DThe variable can be used in conditional steps.  EThe variable can be used to pass data to and from VoiceXML applications.

单选题Evaluate this SQL statement: What will happen if you remove all the parentheses from the calculation?()A The value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column will be lower.B The value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column will be higher.C There will be no difference in the value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column.D An error will be reported.