单选题Some crops are relatively high yielders and could be planted in preference to others to _____ the food supply.AenhanceBcurbCdisruptDheighten

Some crops are relatively high yielders and could be planted in preference to others to _____ the food supply.









句意:有些庄稼产量较高,应比其他农作物多种植以提高粮食供应量。句子前后形成因果关系,有些庄稼产量高,多种植自然会“提高”粮食供应量,heighten提高,升高,尤指数量、程度方面的提高,符合句意。enhance提高,增加,尤指在价值、价格、力量、吸引力等抽象方面的增加。curb抑制,控制。disrupt使分裂,使瓦解,不能和the food supply形成合理搭配。


How do you plan to distribute the securities?A.Some protect actresses, some work outside the cinemaB.Some protect actors and actresses, some guard dressing rooms and others work outside the theatreC.Some protect actors and actresses, some guide audience and others work outside the theatreD.Some guard dressing rooms, some protect super stars and others work outside the stadium.

Two-third of the cropland in the United States is planted in crops destined for export-to Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Which kind of food is recommended to prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and weak bones?[A] Calcium-rich food.[B] Plant-based and starchy staples food.[C] High-fat, high-calorie food[D] Vitamin D-rich food.

Why did the early Pilgrims want to share their feast with the Indians?A. To show friendship.B. To ask for their help in the coming winter.C. So they could eat some Indian bread puddings.D. To try to teach them to grow crops.

共用题干Food FrightExperiments under way in several labs aim to create beneficial types of genetically modified(GM)foods,including starchier potatoes and caffeine-free coffee beans.Genetic engineers are even trying to transfer genes from a cold-water fish to make a frost-resistant tomato.A low-sugar GM strawberry now in the works might one day allow people with health problems such as diabetes to enjoy the little delicious red fruits again.GM beans and grains supercharged with protein might help people at risk of developing kwashiorkor. Kwashiorkor,a disease caused by severe lack of protein,is common in parts of the world where there are severe food shortages.Commenting on GM foods,Jonathon Jones,a British researcher,said,"The future benefits will be enormous,and the best is yet to come."To some people,GM foods are no different from unmodified foods."A tomato is a tomato," said Brian Sansoni,an American food manufacturer.Critics of GM foods challenge Sansoni's opinion.They worry about the harm that GM crops might do to people,other animals,and plants.In a recent lab study conducted at Cornell University,scientists tested pollen made by Bt corn,which makes up one-fourth of the U .S.corn crop.The scientist sprinkled the pollen onto milkweed,a plant that makes a milky juice and is the only known food source of the monarch but-terfly caterpillar. Within four days of munching on the milkweed leaves,almost half of a test group of caterpillars had died."Monarchs are considered to be a flagship species for conservation,"said Cornell researcher Linda Raynor."This is a warning bell."Some insects that are not killed by GM foods might find themselves made stronger. How so? The insecticides used to protect most of today's crops are sprayed on the crops when needed and decay quickly in the environment.But GM plants produce a continuous level of insecticide.Insect species feeding on those crops may develop resistance to the plants and could do so in a hurry, say the critics.Insects may also develop a resistance to the insecticide Bt.At the forum on GM food held last year in Canada,GM crops that have been made resistant to the herbicide might crossbreed with wild plants,creating"superweeds"that could take over whole fields.So where do you stand?Should GM foods be banned in the United States,as they are in parts of Europe?Or do their benefits outweigh any of the risks they might carry? Why is the case of the pollen-sprayed milkweed cited in Paragraph 6?A: It is cited to show GM foods can kill insects effectively.B: It is cited to show GM foods contain more protein.C: It is cited to show GM foods also have a dark side.D: It is cited to show GM foods may harm crops.

共用题干第三篇Some People do Not Taste Salt Like OthersLow-salt foods may be harder for some people to like than others,according to a study by a Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences food scientist. The research indicates that genetic factors influence some of the difference in the levels of salt we like to eat.Those conclusions are important because recent,well-publicized efforts to reduce the salt content in food have left many people struggling to accept fare that simply does not taste as good to them as it does to others,pointed out John Hayes,assistant professor of food science,who was lead investigator on the study.Diets high in salt can increase the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.That is why public health ex-perts and food companies are working together on ways to help consumers lower salt intake through foods thatare enjoyable to eat. This study increases understanding of salt preference and consumption.The research involved 87 carefully screened participants who sampled salty foods such as soup and chips,on multiple occasions,spread out over weeks.Test subjects were 45 men and 42 women,reportedly healthy,ranging in age from 20 to 40 years.The sample was composed of individuals who were not actively modifying their dietary intake and did not smoke cigarettes.They rated the intensity of taste on a commonly used scientific scale,ranging from barely detectable to strongest sensation of any kind."Most of us like the taste of salt. However,some individuals eat more salt,both because they like the taste of saltiness more,and also because it is needed to block other unpleasant tastes in food."said Hayes. "Supertasters,people who experience tastes more intensely,consume more salt than do nontasters.Snack foods have saltiness as their primary flavor,and at least for these foods,more is better,so the supertasters seem to like them more."However,supertasters also need higher levels of salt to block unpleasant bitter tastes in foods such as cheese,Hayes noted."For example,cheese is a wonderful blend of dairy flavors from fermented milk,but also bitter tastes from ripening that are blocked by salt,"he said."A supertaster finds low-salt cheese un-pleasant because the bitterness is too pronounced."Hayes cited research done more than 75 years ago by a chemist named Fox and a geneticist named Blakeslee,showing that individuals differ in their ability to taste certain chemicals.As a result,Hayes ex-plained,we know that a wide range in taste acuity exists,and this variation is as normal as variations in eye and hair color."Some people,called supertasters,describe bitter compounds as being extremely bitter,while others, called nontasters,find these same bitter compounds to be tasteless or only weakly bitter."he said."Re- sponse to bitter compounds is one of many ways to identify biological differences in food preference because supertastmg is not limited to bitterness."The fourth paragraph describes briefly_________.A:the purpose of the studyB:the analysis of the research resultsC:the research methodologyD:the conclusion of the study

共用题干Organic Food:Why?1 Europe is now the biggest market for organic food in the world,expanding by 25 percent a year over the past 10 years.So what is the attraction of organic food for some people?The really important thing is that organic sounds more"natural".Eating organic is a way of defining oneself as natural,good,caring, different from the junk-food-eating masses.2 Unlike conventional farming,the organic approach means farming with natural,rather than man- made , fertilisers and pesticides. Techniques such as crop rotation(轮种)improve soil quality and helporganic farmers compensate for the absence of man-made chemicals.As a method of food production,organic is,however,inefficient in its use of labour and land;there are severe limits to how much food can be pro- duced.Also,the environmental benefits of not using artificial fertilisers are tiny compared with the amount of carbon dioxide emitted(排放)by transporting food.3 Organic farming is often claimed to be safer than conventional farming. Yet studies into organic farming worldwide continue to reject this claim.An extensive review by the UK Food Standards Agency foundthat there was no statistically significant difference between organic and conventional crops.Even where re-sults indicated there was evidence of a difference,the reviewers found no sign that these differences would have any noticeable effect on health.4 The simplistic claim that organic food is more nutritious than conventional food was always likely to be misleading. Food is a natural product,and the health value of different foods will vary for a number of rea-sons,including freshness,the way the food is cooked,the type of soil it is grown in,the amount of sunlight and rain crops have received,and so on.Likewise,the flavour of a carrot has less to do with whether it was fertilised with manure(粪便)or something out of a plastic sack than with the variety of carrot and how long ago it was dug up.5 The notion that organic food is safer than"normal"food is also contradicted by the fact that many of our most common foods are full of natural toxins(毒素).As one research expert says : " People think that the more natural something is,the better it is for them.That is simply not the case.In fact,it is the opposite that is true:the closer a plant is to its natural state,the more likely it is that it will poison you.Naturally, many plants do not want to be eaten,so we have spent 10,000 years developing agriculture and breeding out harmful traits from crops."The weather conditions during the growth of crops________.A:affect their nutritional contentB:poison youC:improve soil qualityD:be eatenE:show that organic crops are safer than conventional ones F: be specially trained

共用题干第三篇Some People do Not Taste Salt Like OthersLow-salt foods may be harder for some people to like than others,according to a study by a Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences food scientist. The research indicates that genetic factors influence some of the difference in the levels of salt we like to eat.Those conclusions are important because recent,well-publicized efforts to reduce the salt content in food have left many people struggling to accept fare that simply does not taste as good to them as it does to others,pointed out John Hayes,assistant professor of food science,who was lead investigator on the study.Diets high in salt can increase the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.That is why public health ex-perts and food companies are working together on ways to help consumers lower salt intake through foods thatare enjoyable to eat. This study increases understanding of salt preference and consumption.The research involved 87 carefully screened participants who sampled salty foods such as soup and chips,on multiple occasions,spread out over weeks.Test subjects were 45 men and 42 women,reportedly healthy,ranging in age from 20 to 40 years.The sample was composed of individuals who were not actively modifying their dietary intake and did not smoke cigarettes.They rated the intensity of taste on a commonly used scientific scale,ranging from barely detectable to strongest sensation of any kind."Most of us like the taste of salt. However,some individuals eat more salt,both because they like the taste of saltiness more,and also because it is needed to block other unpleasant tastes in food."said Hayes. "Supertasters,people who experience tastes more intensely,consume more salt than do nontasters.Snack foods have saltiness as their primary flavor,and at least for these foods,more is better,so the supertasters seem to like them more."However,supertasters also need higher levels of salt to block unpleasant bitter tastes in foods such as cheese,Hayes noted."For example,cheese is a wonderful blend of dairy flavors from fermented milk,but also bitter tastes from ripening that are blocked by salt,"he said."A supertaster finds low-salt cheese un-pleasant because the bitterness is too pronounced."Hayes cited research done more than 75 years ago by a chemist named Fox and a geneticist named Blakeslee,showing that individuals differ in their ability to taste certain chemicals.As a result,Hayes ex-plained,we know that a wide range in taste acuity exists,and this variation is as normal as variations in eye and hair color."Some people,called supertasters,describe bitter compounds as being extremely bitter,while others, called nontasters,find these same bitter compounds to be tasteless or only weakly bitter."he said."Re- sponse to bitter compounds is one of many ways to identify biological differences in food preference because supertastmg is not limited to bitterness."John Hayes points out in a recent study that_________.A:it is healthy to eat food without saltB:many people reject low-salt food completelyC:food with less salt tastes betterD:many people accept low-salt tasteless food reluctantly

共用题干第三篇Some People do Not Taste Salt Like OthersLow-salt foods may be harder for some people to like than others,according to a study by a Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences food scientist. The research indicates that genetic factors influence some of the difference in the levels of salt we like to eat.Those conclusions are important because recent,well-publicized efforts to reduce the salt content in food have left many people struggling to accept fare that simply does not taste as good to them as it does to others,pointed out John Hayes,assistant professor of food science,who was lead investigator on the study.Diets high in salt can increase the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.That is why public health ex-perts and food companies are working together on ways to help consumers lower salt intake through foods thatare enjoyable to eat. This study increases understanding of salt preference and consumption.The research involved 87 carefully screened participants who sampled salty foods such as soup and chips,on multiple occasions,spread out over weeks.Test subjects were 45 men and 42 women,reportedly healthy,ranging in age from 20 to 40 years.The sample was composed of individuals who were not actively modifying their dietary intake and did not smoke cigarettes.They rated the intensity of taste on a commonly used scientific scale,ranging from barely detectable to strongest sensation of any kind."Most of us like the taste of salt. However,some individuals eat more salt,both because they like the taste of saltiness more,and also because it is needed to block other unpleasant tastes in food."said Hayes. "Supertasters,people who experience tastes more intensely,consume more salt than do nontasters.Snack foods have saltiness as their primary flavor,and at least for these foods,more is better,so the supertasters seem to like them more."However,supertasters also need higher levels of salt to block unpleasant bitter tastes in foods such as cheese,Hayes noted."For example,cheese is a wonderful blend of dairy flavors from fermented milk,but also bitter tastes from ripening that are blocked by salt,"he said."A supertaster finds low-salt cheese un-pleasant because the bitterness is too pronounced."Hayes cited research done more than 75 years ago by a chemist named Fox and a geneticist named Blakeslee,showing that individuals differ in their ability to taste certain chemicals.As a result,Hayes ex-plained,we know that a wide range in taste acuity exists,and this variation is as normal as variations in eye and hair color."Some people,called supertasters,describe bitter compounds as being extremely bitter,while others, called nontasters,find these same bitter compounds to be tasteless or only weakly bitter."he said."Re- sponse to bitter compounds is one of many ways to identify biological differences in food preference because supertastmg is not limited to bitterness."The article argues that supertasters_________.A:like snack foods having saltiness as their primary flavorB:like the taste of saltiness to block sweet tastes in foodC:consume less salt because they don't like intensive tastesD:like to share salty cheese with nontasters

共用题干第二篇Some People do Not Taste Salt Like OthersLow-salt foods may be harder for some people to like than others,according to a study by a Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences food scientist.The research indicates that genetic factors influence some of the difference in the levels of salt we like to eat.Those conclusions are important because recent,well-publicized efforts to reduce the salt content in food have left many people struggling to accept fare that simply does not taste as good to them as it does to others, pointed out John Hayes,assistant professor of food science who was lead investigator on the study.Diets high in salt can increase the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.That is why public health ex- perts and food companies are working together on ways to help consumers lower salt intake through foods that are enjoyable to eat.This study increases undersfanding of salt preference and consumption.The research involved 87 carefully screened participants who sampled salty foods such as soup andchips,on multiple occasions,spread out over weeks.Test subjects were 45 men and 42 women,reportedly healthy,ranging in age from 20 to 40 years.The sample was composed of individuals who were not actively modifying their dietary intake and did not smoke cigarettes.They rated the intensity of taste on a commonly used scientific scale,ranging from barely detectable to strongest sensation of any kind."Most of us like the taste of salt.However,some individuals eat more salt,both because they like the taste of saltiness more,and also because it is needed to block other unpleasant tastes in food,"said Hayes. "Supertasters,people who experience tastes more intensely,consume more salt than nontasters do.Snack foods have saltiness as their primary flavor,and at least for these foods,more is better,so the supertasters seem to like them more."However,supertasters also need higher levels of salt to block unpleasant bitter tastes in food such as cheese,Hayes noted."For example,cheese is a wonderful blend of dairy flavors from fermented milk,but al- so bitter tastes from ripening that are blocked by salt,"he said."A supertaster finds low-salt cheese unpleasant because the bitterness is too pronounced."Hayes cited research done more than 75 years ago by a chemist named Fox and a geneticist named Blakeslee,showing that individuals differ in their ability to taste certain chemicals.As a result,Hayes ex- plained,we know that a wide range in taste acuity exists,and this variation is as normal as variations in eye and hair color."Some people,called supertasters,'describe bitter compounds as being extremely bitter,while others, called nontasters,find these same bitter compounds to be tasteless or only weakly bitter,"he said."Response to bitter compounds is one of many ways to identify biological differences in food preference because super- tasting is not limited to bitterness."It is true that_________.A:nontasters like to share salty cheese with supertastersB:nontasters consume more salt because they like intense tastesC:supertasters like the taste of saltiness to block sweet tastes in foodD:supertasters like snack foods more as they contain higher levels of saltiness

共用题干第二篇Some People do Not Taste Salt Like OthersLow-salt foods may be harder for some people to like than others,according to a study by a Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences food scientist.The research indicates that genetic factors influence some of the difference in the levels of salt we like to eat.Those conclusions are important because recent,well-publicized efforts to reduce the salt content in food have left many people struggling to accept fare that simply does not taste as good to them as it does to others, pointed out John Hayes,assistant professor of food science who was lead investigator on the study.Diets high in salt can increase the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.That is why public health ex- perts and food companies are working together on ways to help consumers lower salt intake through foods that are enjoyable to eat.This study increases undersfanding of salt preference and consumption.The research involved 87 carefully screened participants who sampled salty foods such as soup andchips,on multiple occasions,spread out over weeks.Test subjects were 45 men and 42 women,reportedly healthy,ranging in age from 20 to 40 years.The sample was composed of individuals who were not actively modifying their dietary intake and did not smoke cigarettes.They rated the intensity of taste on a commonly used scientific scale,ranging from barely detectable to strongest sensation of any kind."Most of us like the taste of salt.However,some individuals eat more salt,both because they like the taste of saltiness more,and also because it is needed to block other unpleasant tastes in food,"said Hayes. "Supertasters,people who experience tastes more intensely,consume more salt than nontasters do.Snack foods have saltiness as their primary flavor,and at least for these foods,more is better,so the supertasters seem to like them more."However,supertasters also need higher levels of salt to block unpleasant bitter tastes in food such as cheese,Hayes noted."For example,cheese is a wonderful blend of dairy flavors from fermented milk,but al- so bitter tastes from ripening that are blocked by salt,"he said."A supertaster finds low-salt cheese unpleasant because the bitterness is too pronounced."Hayes cited research done more than 75 years ago by a chemist named Fox and a geneticist named Blakeslee,showing that individuals differ in their ability to taste certain chemicals.As a result,Hayes ex- plained,we know that a wide range in taste acuity exists,and this variation is as normal as variations in eye and hair color."Some people,called supertasters,'describe bitter compounds as being extremely bitter,while others, called nontasters,find these same bitter compounds to be tasteless or only weakly bitter,"he said."Response to bitter compounds is one of many ways to identify biological differences in food preference because super- tasting is not limited to bitterness."Supertasters prefer high-salt cheese because_________.A:it is good to healthB:it is rich in nutritionC:it has intense bitter tastesD:it tastes less bitter

共用题干第二篇Some People do Not Taste Salt Like OthersLow-salt foods may be harder for some people to like than others,according to a study by a Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences food scientist.The research indicates that genetic factors influence some of the difference in the levels of salt we like to eat.Those conclusions are important because recent,well-publicized efforts to reduce the salt content in food have left many people struggling to accept fare that simply does not taste as good to them as it does to others, pointed out John Hayes,assistant professor of food science who was lead investigator on the study.Diets high in salt can increase the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.That is why public health ex- perts and food companies are working together on ways to help consumers lower salt intake through foods that are enjoyable to eat.This study increases undersfanding of salt preference and consumption.The research involved 87 carefully screened participants who sampled salty foods such as soup andchips,on multiple occasions,spread out over weeks.Test subjects were 45 men and 42 women,reportedly healthy,ranging in age from 20 to 40 years.The sample was composed of individuals who were not actively modifying their dietary intake and did not smoke cigarettes.They rated the intensity of taste on a commonly used scientific scale,ranging from barely detectable to strongest sensation of any kind."Most of us like the taste of salt.However,some individuals eat more salt,both because they like the taste of saltiness more,and also because it is needed to block other unpleasant tastes in food,"said Hayes. "Supertasters,people who experience tastes more intensely,consume more salt than nontasters do.Snack foods have saltiness as their primary flavor,and at least for these foods,more is better,so the supertasters seem to like them more."However,supertasters also need higher levels of salt to block unpleasant bitter tastes in food such as cheese,Hayes noted."For example,cheese is a wonderful blend of dairy flavors from fermented milk,but al- so bitter tastes from ripening that are blocked by salt,"he said."A supertaster finds low-salt cheese unpleasant because the bitterness is too pronounced."Hayes cited research done more than 75 years ago by a chemist named Fox and a geneticist named Blakeslee,showing that individuals differ in their ability to taste certain chemicals.As a result,Hayes ex- plained,we know that a wide range in taste acuity exists,and this variation is as normal as variations in eye and hair color."Some people,called supertasters,'describe bitter compounds as being extremely bitter,while others, called nontasters,find these same bitter compounds to be tasteless or only weakly bitter,"he said."Response to bitter compounds is one of many ways to identify biological differences in food preference because super- tasting is not limited to bitterness."John Hayes points out that_________.A:food with less salt tastes betterB:many people make efforts to accept low-salt foodC:many people never eat low-salt foodD:it is good to health to eat food without salt

共用题干第一篇Food PoisoningFood sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things,A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious,but some types are deadly.The symptoms of food poi- soning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food.Fever is one of the most common symptoms.Certain microorganisms(微生物)cause most types of food poisoning. Bacteria and other microorganisms can poison eggs,meat,vegetables,and many other foods.After entering the body,these tiny living things re- lease(释放)poisons that make people sick.Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning. They are often added to food while it is being grown,pro- cessed,or prepared.For example,many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects.Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemical、when they eat the crops.Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people.These includo certain kinds of seafood,grains,nuts,seeds,beans,and mushrooms.When people handle food properly,the risk of food poisoning is very small.Microorganisms multiply rapidly in dirty places and in warm temperatures.This means that people should never touch food with dirty hands or put food on unwashed surfaces.Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from growing, Meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill any dangerous microorganisms. People should also wash food covered with chemicals before eating it.Finally,people should not eat wild mushrooms or other foods that grow in the wild.Some of these foods may contain natural materials that are poisonous to humans.In addition,some types of fish can be poisonous.Most people recover from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water. If people eat natural poisons,they must go to the hospital right away to have their stomachs emptied. From Paragraph 5,we can learn that_______________.A:mushrooms should not he eatenB:vegetables are safer than meat and seafoodC:natural poisons are more dangerous than chemicalsD:different types of food should he handled differently

共用题干第一篇What Does GMO Free Mean?Genetically modified organisms(GMOs)in food are concern for a number of consumers who are worried about the impact that GMOs may have on their health.As a result,many companies in the late 1990s began to apply the GMO free label,indicating that their food does not contain genetically modified organisms.A number of nations legislate labeling,and in Europe,food must be labeled to indicate whether or not it contains GMOs.In the United States,however,GMO free labeling is purely voluntary and not regulated by any governmental body or organization.Since it is not regulated,there has been some question about the validity of the GMO free label in the US.A number of organizations have pressured the Food and Drug Administration(FDA),as well as the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA),to enact legislation governing food labeling in regards to GMOs.Many food activists want a label that is standardized,so that consumers who are concerned about this issue can be assured about the GMO content of products they purchase.Most US consumers have foods containing GMOs in their home.The majority of corn and soybeans grown in the US have been modified,as have several other crops.Some research indicates that many processed foods contain GMO ingredients,so for consumers who are concerned about this issue,GMO free labeling would be helpful.For consumers who want to eat natural,organic foods,knowing that the products they buy are GMO free is often very important. Although there is no federal labeling program in the US,some organic farmers and natural food producers have chosen to start their own certification programs.Getting certified through such programs can be very difficult,but many producers believe consumers will be willing to pay extra for the verification.The harmful nature of GMOs has been questioned,especially by commercial agriculture producers and seed providers.No scientific evidence has been found to suggest that genetic modification of crops is harmful to humans. Some consumers feel that it is important to be able to make conscious choices about what they eat,however,and want the ability to choose GMO free foods if they so desire.Some studies suggest that GMOs may be harmful to agriculture,with cloned genetically modified species harming overall biological diversity and modified genes finding their way into wild plants and non-modified crops.This is especially true in the case of corn,where GMO contamination became a major issue in the 1990s.Other research,however,indicates that genetically modified crops can be of benefit to the environment. Plants designed to be resistant to herbicides(除草剂)and pesticides (杀虫剂),for example,have been seen to reduce the amount of these chemicals used by farmers on both GM and non-modified crops.In the last paragraph,"these chemicals"means______.A:genetically modified crops B:herbicides and pesticidesC:genetically modified species D:genetically modified genes

共用题干第一篇Food PoisoningFood sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things,A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious,but some types are deadly.The symptoms of food poi- soning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food.Fever is one of the most common symptoms.Certain microorganisms(微生物)cause most types of food poisoning. Bacteria and other microorganisms can poison eggs,meat,vegetables,and many other foods.After entering the body,these tiny living things re- lease(释放)poisons that make people sick.Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning. They are often added to food while it is being grown,pro- cessed,or prepared.For example,many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects.Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemical、when they eat the crops.Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people.These includo certain kinds of seafood,grains,nuts,seeds,beans,and mushrooms.When people handle food properly,the risk of food poisoning is very small.Microorganisms multiply rapidly in dirty places and in warm temperatures.This means that people should never touch food with dirty hands or put food on unwashed surfaces.Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from growing, Meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill any dangerous microorganisms. People should also wash food covered with chemicals before eating it.Finally,people should not eat wild mushrooms or other foods that grow in the wild.Some of these foods may contain natural materials that are poisonous to humans.In addition,some types of fish can be poisonous.Most people recover from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water. If people eat natural poisons,they must go to the hospital right away to have their stomachs emptied. It can be inferred from the passage that_______________.A:natural materials are safe in food processingB:chemicals are needed in food processing C:food poisoning can be kept under control D:food poisoning is out of control

共用题干第一篇What Does GMO Free Mean?Genetically modified organisms(GMOs)in food are concern for a number of consumers who are worried about the impact that GMOs may have on their health.As a result,many companies in the late 1990s began to apply the GMO free label,indicating that their food does not contain genetically modified organisms.A number of nations legislate labeling,and in Europe,food must be labeled to indicate whether or not it contains GMOs.In the United States,however,GMO free labeling is purely voluntary and not regulated by any governmental body or organization.Since it is not regulated,there has been some question about the validity of the GMO free label in the US.A number of organizations have pressured the Food and Drug Administration(FDA),as well as the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA),to enact legislation governing food labeling in regards to GMOs.Many food activists want a label that is standardized,so that consumers who are concerned about this issue can be assured about the GMO content of products they purchase.Most US consumers have foods containing GMOs in their home.The majority of corn and soybeans grown in the US have been modified,as have several other crops.Some research indicates that many processed foods contain GMO ingredients,so for consumers who are concerned about this issue,GMO free labeling would be helpful.For consumers who want to eat natural,organic foods,knowing that the products they buy are GMO free is often very important. Although there is no federal labeling program in the US,some organic farmers and natural food producers have chosen to start their own certification programs.Getting certified through such programs can be very difficult,but many producers believe consumers will be willing to pay extra for the verification.The harmful nature of GMOs has been questioned,especially by commercial agriculture producers and seed providers.No scientific evidence has been found to suggest that genetic modification of crops is harmful to humans. Some consumers feel that it is important to be able to make conscious choices about what they eat,however,and want the ability to choose GMO free foods if they so desire.Some studies suggest that GMOs may be harmful to agriculture,with cloned genetically modified species harming overall biological diversity and modified genes finding their way into wild plants and non-modified crops.This is especially true in the case of corn,where GMO contamination became a major issue in the 1990s.Other research,however,indicates that genetically modified crops can be of benefit to the environment. Plants designed to be resistant to herbicides(除草剂)and pesticides (杀虫剂),for example,have been seen to reduce the amount of these chemicals used by farmers on both GM and non-modified crops.Consumers will be willing to pay extra for______.A:the verification B:the packing boxC:better taste D:extra food

共用题干第一篇Food PoisoningFood sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things,A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious,but some types are deadly.The symptoms of food poi- soning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food.Fever is one of the most common symptoms.Certain microorganisms(微生物)cause most types of food poisoning. Bacteria and other microorganisms can poison eggs,meat,vegetables,and many other foods.After entering the body,these tiny living things re- lease(释放)poisons that make people sick.Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning. They are often added to food while it is being grown,pro- cessed,or prepared.For example,many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects.Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemical、when they eat the crops.Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people.These includo certain kinds of seafood,grains,nuts,seeds,beans,and mushrooms.When people handle food properly,the risk of food poisoning is very small.Microorganisms multiply rapidly in dirty places and in warm temperatures.This means that people should never touch food with dirty hands or put food on unwashed surfaces.Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from growing, Meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill any dangerous microorganisms. People should also wash food covered with chemicals before eating it.Finally,people should not eat wild mushrooms or other foods that grow in the wild.Some of these foods may contain natural materials that are poisonous to humans.In addition,some types of fish can be poisonous.Most people recover from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water. If people eat natural poisons,they must go to the hospital right away to have their stomachs emptied. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A:Food when poisoned can make people sick.B:Food poisoning means death.C:F0od poisoning comes in varieties.D:Food poisoning can be serious,

共用题干第一篇Food PoisoningFood sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things,A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious,but some types are deadly.The symptoms of food poi- soning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food.Fever is one of the most common symptoms.Certain microorganisms(微生物)cause most types of food poisoning. Bacteria and other microorganisms can poison eggs,meat,vegetables,and many other foods.After entering the body,these tiny living things re- lease(释放)poisons that make people sick.Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning. They are often added to food while it is being grown,pro- cessed,or prepared.For example,many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects.Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemical、when they eat the crops.Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people.These includo certain kinds of seafood,grains,nuts,seeds,beans,and mushrooms.When people handle food properly,the risk of food poisoning is very small.Microorganisms multiply rapidly in dirty places and in warm temperatures.This means that people should never touch food with dirty hands or put food on unwashed surfaces.Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from growing, Meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill any dangerous microorganisms. People should also wash food covered with chemicals before eating it.Finally,people should not eat wild mushrooms or other foods that grow in the wild.Some of these foods may contain natural materials that are poisonous to humans.In addition,some types of fish can be poisonous.Most people recover from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water. If people eat natural poisons,they must go to the hospital right away to have their stomachs emptied. A:are always accompanied by a fever B:are too common to be notedC:can be noticed within hoursD:can he ignored

共用题干第一篇Food PoisoningFood sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things,A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious,but some types are deadly.The symptoms of food poi- soning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food.Fever is one of the most common symptoms.Certain microorganisms(微生物)cause most types of food poisoning. Bacteria and other microorganisms can poison eggs,meat,vegetables,and many other foods.After entering the body,these tiny living things re- lease(释放)poisons that make people sick.Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning. They are often added to food while it is being grown,pro- cessed,or prepared.For example,many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects.Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemical、when they eat the crops.Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people.These includo certain kinds of seafood,grains,nuts,seeds,beans,and mushrooms.When people handle food properly,the risk of food poisoning is very small.Microorganisms multiply rapidly in dirty places and in warm temperatures.This means that people should never touch food with dirty hands or put food on unwashed surfaces.Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from growing, Meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill any dangerous microorganisms. People should also wash food covered with chemicals before eating it.Finally,people should not eat wild mushrooms or other foods that grow in the wild.Some of these foods may contain natural materials that are poisonous to humans.In addition,some types of fish can be poisonous.Most people recover from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water. If people eat natural poisons,they must go to the hospital right away to have their stomachs emptied. Food poisoning can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT_______________.A:some chemicalsB:low temperaturesC:some tiny living thingsD:certain natural materials

共用题干第一篇What Does GMO Free Mean?Genetically modified organisms(GMOs)in food are concern for a number of consumers who are worried about the impact that GMOs may have on their health.As a result,many companies in the late 1990s began to apply the GMO free label,indicating that their food does not contain genetically modified organisms.A number of nations legislate labeling,and in Europe,food must be labeled to indicate whether or not it contains GMOs.In the United States,however,GMO free labeling is purely voluntary and not regulated by any governmental body or organization.Since it is not regulated,there has been some question about the validity of the GMO free label in the US.A number of organizations have pressured the Food and Drug Administration(FDA),as well as the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA),to enact legislation governing food labeling in regards to GMOs.Many food activists want a label that is standardized,so that consumers who are concerned about this issue can be assured about the GMO content of products they purchase.Most US consumers have foods containing GMOs in their home.The majority of corn and soybeans grown in the US have been modified,as have several other crops.Some research indicates that many processed foods contain GMO ingredients,so for consumers who are concerned about this issue,GMO free labeling would be helpful.For consumers who want to eat natural,organic foods,knowing that the products they buy are GMO free is often very important. Although there is no federal labeling program in the US,some organic farmers and natural food producers have chosen to start their own certification programs.Getting certified through such programs can be very difficult,but many producers believe consumers will be willing to pay extra for the verification.The harmful nature of GMOs has been questioned,especially by commercial agriculture producers and seed providers.No scientific evidence has been found to suggest that genetic modification of crops is harmful to humans. Some consumers feel that it is important to be able to make conscious choices about what they eat,however,and want the ability to choose GMO free foods if they so desire.Some studies suggest that GMOs may be harmful to agriculture,with cloned genetically modified species harming overall biological diversity and modified genes finding their way into wild plants and non-modified crops.This is especially true in the case of corn,where GMO contamination became a major issue in the 1990s.Other research,however,indicates that genetically modified crops can be of benefit to the environment. Plants designed to be resistant to herbicides(除草剂)and pesticides (杀虫剂),for example,have been seen to reduce the amount of these chemicals used by farmers on both GM and non-modified crops.Why did many companies in the late l990s apply the GMO free label?A:Because the label were beautiful.B:Because consumers worried about the impact that GMOs may have on their health.C:Because it could protect the food from contamination.D:Because it was regulated by every governmental body or organization.

共用题干第一篇What Does GMO Free Mean?Genetically modified organisms(GMOs)in food are concern for a number of consumers who are worried about the impact that GMOs may have on their health.As a result,many companies in the late 1990s began to apply the GMO free label,indicating that their food does not contain genetically modified organisms.A number of nations legislate labeling,and in Europe,food must be labeled to indicate whether or not it contains GMOs.In the United States,however,GMO free labeling is purely voluntary and not regulated by any governmental body or organization.Since it is not regulated,there has been some question about the validity of the GMO free label in the US.A number of organizations have pressured the Food and Drug Administration(FDA),as well as the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA),to enact legislation governing food labeling in regards to GMOs.Many food activists want a label that is standardized,so that consumers who are concerned about this issue can be assured about the GMO content of products they purchase.Most US consumers have foods containing GMOs in their home.The majority of corn and soybeans grown in the US have been modified,as have several other crops.Some research indicates that many processed foods contain GMO ingredients,so for consumers who are concerned about this issue,GMO free labeling would be helpful.For consumers who want to eat natural,organic foods,knowing that the products they buy are GMO free is often very important. Although there is no federal labeling program in the US,some organic farmers and natural food producers have chosen to start their own certification programs.Getting certified through such programs can be very difficult,but many producers believe consumers will be willing to pay extra for the verification.The harmful nature of GMOs has been questioned,especially by commercial agriculture producers and seed providers.No scientific evidence has been found to suggest that genetic modification of crops is harmful to humans. Some consumers feel that it is important to be able to make conscious choices about what they eat,however,and want the ability to choose GMO free foods if they so desire.Some studies suggest that GMOs may be harmful to agriculture,with cloned genetically modified species harming overall biological diversity and modified genes finding their way into wild plants and non-modified crops.This is especially true in the case of corn,where GMO contamination became a major issue in the 1990s.Other research,however,indicates that genetically modified crops can be of benefit to the environment. Plants designed to be resistant to herbicides(除草剂)and pesticides (杀虫剂),for example,have been seen to reduce the amount of these chemicals used by farmers on both GM and non-modified crops.A number of organizations in America have pressured the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) to______.A: ban foods containing GMOsB:punish commercial agriculture producers and seed providersC:enact legislation governing food labeling in regards to GMOsD:abolish legislation governing food labeling in regards to GMOs

说英语的儿童在习得下面的几句话时通常的顺序是()。 ①“I no want some food.” ②“I don’t want some food.” ③“I don’t want any food.” ④“No 1 want some food.”A、①②③④B、④①②③C、③④①②D、②③④①

单选题Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage?APlant Breeders’ dream will come true.BConverting sugars from crops is a threat to the food supply.CThe research on the high energy plant is being done.DCost-effective biofuels are very popular now.

单选题说英语的儿童在习得下面的几句话时通常的顺序是()。 ①“I no want some food.” ②“I don’t want some food.” ③“I don’t want any food.” ④“No 1 want some food.”A①②③④B④①②③C③④①②D②③④①

单选题Some TV programs are interesting but some others are()and full of violence.AfrighteningBfrightenedCto be frighteningDto be frightened

单选题Some crops are relatively high yielders and could be planted in preference to others to _____ the food supply.AenhanceBcurbCdisruptDheighten

单选题Although KG for a vessel in lightweight is relatively high,the vessel is stiff because().AKM is smallBKM is highCBL is smallDKB is large

单选题Although KG for a vessel in lightweight is relatively high, the vessel is stiff because().AKM is smallBKM is highCBL is smalDl KB is large