名词解释题蛋白质工程(protein engineering)
蛋白质工程(protein engineering)
Software engineering is the study and application of engineering to the ( ), development and maintenance of software.A.researchB.managementC.assemblyD.design
What are three TLVs that support IS-IS extensions for traffic engineering?() A. Extended IS reachabilityB. Extended IP reachabilityC. Traffic engineering opaqueD. Traffic engineering router IDE. Extended MPLS reachability
Americans eat ___________ as they actually need everyday.A.twice as much proteinB.twice protein as much twiceC.twice protein as muchD.protein as twice much
跨膜蛋白属于()A、整合蛋白(integral protein)B、外周蛋白(peripheral protein)C、脂锚定蛋白(lipid-anchored protein)D、整合蛋白或外周蛋白
What are three TLVs that support IS-IS extensions for traffic engineering?()A、Extended IS reachabilityB、Extended IP reachabilityC、Traffic engineering opaqueD、Traffic engineering router IDE、Extended MPLS reachability
下列有关蛋白质工程的说法错误的有()项。 ①蛋白质工程无需构建基因表达载体 ②通过蛋白质工程改造后的蛋白质有的仍是天然的蛋白质 ③蛋白质工程需要用到限制酶和DNA连接酶 ④蛋白质工程是在蛋白质分子水平上改造蛋白质的A、1B、2C、3D、4
用磷脂酶C(PLC)处理完整的细胞,能释放出哪一类膜结合蛋白A、整合蛋白(integral protein)B、外周蛋白(peripheral protein)C、脂锚定蛋白(lipid-anchored protein)D、脂蛋白(lipoprotein)
单选题Americans eat ______ as they actually need every day.Atwice as much proteinBtwice protein as much twiceCtwice protein as muchDprotein as twice much
单选题跨膜蛋白属于()A整合蛋白(integral protein)B外周蛋白(peripheral protein)C脂锚定蛋白(lipid-anchored protein)D整合蛋白或外周蛋白
多选题What are three TLVs that support IS-IS extensions for traffic engineering?()AExtended IS reachabilityBExtended IP reachabilityCTraffic engineering opaqueDTraffic engineering router IDEExtended MPLS reachability