单选题Americans eat ______ as they actually need every day.Atwice as much proteinBtwice protein as much twiceCtwice protein as muchDprotein as twice much

Americans eat ______ as they actually need every day.

twice as much protein


twice protein as much twice


twice protein as much


protein as twice much


句意:美国人每天摄入的蛋白质是他们实际需要的两倍多。twice as much倍数的固定表达法。


Ten years ago the population of our vilage was () that of theirs. A、as twice as large asB、twice as large asC、twice as much asD、as twice much as

The beef I ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious. I'd like to have it again even if it costs(). A、as twice muchB、much as twiceC、as much asD、twice as much

Americans eat______ vegetables per person today as they did in the 1960s. A.more than twiceB.as twice manyC.twice as manyD.more than twice as many

Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s, but it cost his.A. as much twice as B. twice as much asC. much as twice as D. as twice much as

Staying in a four-star hotel for a night costs____ renting a house in the suburb for a month.A twice as much as B twice more C as much as twice D as much twice as

My uncle’s house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours, but it is twice _______ expensive.A. as B. so C. too D. very

Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s,but it cost his. A as much twice as B twice as much asC much as twice as D as twice much as

She regretted paying ______ for the camera.A. twice as muchB. as twice muchC. much as twiceD. as much twice

After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ( )cars in 2002 as in the year before.A、as twice manyB、as many twiceC、twice as manyD、as twice as many

Last year Mary earned ____ his brother, who has a better position. A.twice as many asB.twice as much asC.twice more thanD.twice as more as

Staying in a hotel costs( ) renting a room in a dormitory for a week.A. as much twice asB. twice as much asC. as much as twiceD. twice more than

My uncle s house in the city is much smaller than ours, but it is twice() expensive. A、veryB、soC、asD、too

When a population doubles, the country involved needs twice as much of everything, including ______.A) hospitals and medicinesB) schools and studentsC) food and manpower resourcesD) all of the above

It′ s said that the power plant is now __________large as what is was.A.twice asB.as twiceC.twice muchD.much twice

Americans eat ___________ as they actually need everyday.A.twice as much proteinB.twice protein as much twiceC.twice protein as muchD.protein as twice much

He would have paid__________for the house if the salesgirl had insi8ted because he was really fond of it.A.as twice much asB.much as twiceC.twice as muchD.twice much as

They have produced__________they did last year.A.twice as much grain asB.twice more grain asC.twice as many grain asD.as twice many grain as

This book costs______that one.A.twice moreB.twice more asC.two times more asD.twice as much as

They offered her a house for$100,000,__________it was worth.A.as much as twiceB.as much twice asC.as twice much asD.twice as much as

With a good command of reading skills, most students can manage to read()as they could the year before.A、as twice fastB、as fast as twiceC、as twice as fastD、twice as fast

The beef I ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious. I'd like to have it again even if it costs()A、as wice muchB、much as twiceC、as much asD、twice as much

单选题A double star is a star that().Ahas a declination equal to twice that of the SunBcomprises two stars that appear close togetherCis twice as bright as a single starDsuddenly becomes much brighter and then fades

单选题Though dentists recommend brushing one’s teeth three times a day, many adult Americans brush just twice a day and floss hardly never.Abrush iust twice a day and floss hardly neverBbrush your teethtwice and never flossCbrush just twice but rarely floss at allDbrush twice daily but hardly ever flossEonly brush twice daily and rarely floss at all

单选题Americans eat_______vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.Amore than twiceBas twice as manyCtwice as many asDmore than twice as many

单选题Americans eat ______ vegetables per person today as they did in the 1960s.Amore than twiceBas twice manyCtwice as manyDmore than twice as many

问答题Helen is twenty years old, and her age is four times as much as Mary’s. When Helen’s age is twice as much as Mary’s, how old is Helen then?

单选题Americans eat _____ as they actually need every day.Atwice as much proteinBtwice protein as much twiceCtwice protein as muchDprotein as twice much

单选题The fried fish we ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious.I'd like to have it again even if it costs_____.Aas twice muchBtwice as muchCmuch as twiceDas much twice