单选题The first ethics dealt with the relation between individuals. Late accretions dealt with the relation between the individual and society.Aadoptions Baccounts Cdevelopments Dincreases

The first ethics dealt with the relation between individuals. Late accretions dealt with the relation between the individual and society.









解析: accretion增加,增加之物。increase与之同义。adoption采纳。account说明,报告。development发展。


单选题The Clarks haven't decided yet which hotel for staying.Ato stayBis to stayCto stay atDis for staying

单选题Tarzan, a character in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ books, has many breathtaking adventures in the jungle.Aexciting Bmysterious Cdiversified Dhumorous

单选题______Afor Bwith Cwithout Dexcept

单选题______Adevoted Bloving Cbeloved Dbridal

问答题The tiny Isle of Man in the Irish Sea is not known as a vanguard of technology, but this month it was to serve as the test bed for the highly acclaimed third-generation mobile phones. A subsidiary of British Telecom (BT), the British phone company, cobbled together a network and prepared to hand out prototype mobile handsets to about 200 volunteers. But problems arose in the software that keeps track of each call as it moves from one tower’s range to another’s. BT postponed the trial until late summer, after a similar delay announced a few weeks earlier by NTT DoCoMo in Japan.  What’s the big deal? Aren’t thousands of mobile calls “handed off” every day from one “cell” to another without a glitch? They are indeed. But third-generation technology, or 3G, is so radically new that it requires a rethinking of just about every aspect of how mobile phones work, from the handset to the transmission masts to the software that runs them. For this reason, 3G are a massive engineering and construction project that will take years to complete and cost hundreds of billions of dollars. The magnitude of this effort has somehow been forgotten in the mad scramble to be first out.  The handover problem is a case in point. When you talk on a conventional mobile phone, your call is beamed as a continuous stream of digital data to the nearest receiver. The technology for handing these calls off from one area to the next was worked out years ago. But a 3G phone is different it bundle up the data into little packets and sends them through the airwaves, one at a time. This creates the impression of an Internet connection’s being”always on,” which is good news. But keeping rack of these data bundles from one region to the next is a daunting engineering problem — and, more to the point, a brand-new one. NEC, the Japanese phone company that supplies BT with equipment for its Isle of Man trail, hasn’t had time to work it out.  Handset makers also have work to do. The 3G technologies have so many features; only a wonder gizmo could handle all of them, which is why none exists. The phones are not only supposed to work with 3G networks but also with the less sophisticated ( but cheaper and more useful) General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) technology already being installed on the continent and also with the current mobile phone standard, Global System for Mobile (GSM). Phones for corporate executives are also supposed to adapt to dozens of other standards around the world. Doing all this requires powerful, custom-built computer chips, which are tough to make quickly.  A device that does so many things is bound to guzzle a lot of power. Prototype 3G phones drain so much juice that they’ve been known to get uncomfortably hot. Batteries that can keep a conventional phone running for days would fizzle in a 3G handset in a matter of minutes. Engineers are searching for alternative, but at the moment the lack of a long-lasting battery is a major hurdle.  None of these problems is insurmountable, but neither will they be resolved quickly. Analysts at Forrester Research in the Netherlands predict that even in 2005, when more than half of Europe’s phones will be connected to the Internet, fewer than 15 percent of them will use 3G. That’s a measure of this technology’s complexity and immaturity.

单选题______AIn particularBIn contrastCIn generalDIn comparison

单选题______Ahas to be Bmust be Cshould be Dought to be

问答题中华传统文化  中华民族的传统文化博大精深、源远流长。早在2000多年前,就产生了以孔孟为代表的儒家学说和以老庄为代表的道家学说,以及其他许多也在中国思想史上有地位的学说流派,这就是有名的“诸子百家”。从孔夫子到孙中山,中华民族传统文化有它的许多珍贵品,许多人民性和民主性的好东西。比如,强调仁爱,强调群体,强调和而不同,强调天下为公。特别是5“天下兴亡、匹夫有责”的爱国情操,“民为邦本”、“民贵君轻”的民本思想,“己所不欲,勿施于人”的待人之道,吃苦耐劳、勤俭持家、尊师重教的传统美德,世代相传。所有这些,对家庭、国家和社会起到了巨大的维系与调节作用。

问答题Green Gene Technology  For the past 10,000 years humans have influenced the plants they use at first unknowingly, later by design. Today’s crops have been created by a process of selection and classical breeding. More specific improvements in breeding will be possible in future.  Science has cracked the genetic information code. Green gene technology is an effective tool in crop breeding, enabling us to develop new crops even more rapidly and specifically. We can make them more efficient, optimizing their contents and valuable substances to suit the wishes and requirements of customers and the processing industry. Their metabolism can be individually modified, making them produce starch, protein and fats with special properties. Through gene transfer plants can be made more resistant to viruses, bacteria, harmful fungi and insect pests.  Genetically modified plants can be cultivated to possess improved stress behavior, with the result that they absorb water better in dry locations and can make more efficient use of soil nutrients. We can also optimize weed control. To do so, we make crops tolerant to environmentally sound and easily degradable herbicides. This is not as simple as it sounds. But we have been successful: Innovator has been on the Canadian market since 1995. This is the first oilseed rape variety to contain the glufosinate tolerance gene, facilitating the use of AgrEvo’s broad-spectrum herbicide liberty.  We are committed to green gene technology, with which we aim to make crop breeding even more efficient and environmentally friendly. Before being brought on to the market these genetically modified plants are researched and tested for years until the questions posed regarding their safety have been answered. This is a great opportunity for us to realize our vision: the use of faster methods to breed varieties which will continue to provide us with sufficient food and raw materials in future. Our fossil reserves will soon be exhausted. Experts estimate that we only have enough oil for another 43 years and natural gas for less than 60.  This means we must rethink and act accordingly, using new crop varieties to step up the move to replenishable sources of raw materials and energy. In other words, green gene technology is the key technology for sustainable agriculture.

单选题Stop dwelling on your problems and do something about them!Aabiding Blingering Cexpatiating Dexpressing

单选题______Athing Breality Cfact Dconclusion