单选题It’s important that the clients ______ interested.Aare seemingBwill seemCis seemingDseem

It’s important that the clients ______ interested.

are seeming


will seem


is seeming






The self-important manager didn’ t seem to () much importance to my advice A.giveB.considerC.judgeD.apply

The self-important manager didn’t seem to () much importance to my advice. A. applyB. attachC. judgeD. consider

-Are the Project Managers linking up OK? -They seem to be, yes._________ . A One of them hopes to quit now ;B There's been a good atmosphere at the first management meetings ;C They don't seem to know each other

-I’d like to know what insurance you will cover for your clients. - (): AInsurance is necessary for our clients. ;BI suggest a _Free of Particular Average Policy._ ;CSure, but there is an extra premium for the buyer’s account.

There is a __________ endless choice of TV channels. A.seemingB.seeminglyC.seemsD.seem

That’s ________ important matter. A.anB.aC.theD./

Lewis’ research provides an answer to the question 。A. why TV is important in family lifeB. why parents should keep good orderC. why children in small families seem to be quieterD. why middle children seem to have more difficulties in life

One of our clients is()the market()Men’s Shirts.A、on,ofB、at,withC、in,forD、with,at

You are an experienced network administrator in an international corporation. One of your clients asks you to configure a network for a financial trading center which requires multiple high-value transactions. And the transactions are very important to the client. In such a situation, which two of the following are basic and most important requirements concerning the configuration? ()(Choose two.)A、no single point of failureB、determine which protocol to useC、trading database server locationD、deterministic response to all failures

What is the S-Series Proxy Bypass List?() A、a list of proxy servers that are to be bypassedB、a list of clients and destinations that will bypass the proxy in transparent modeC、a list of clients and destinations that will bypass the proxy in explicit forward modeD、a list of user agents exempt from authentication

单选题Why do you think good sportsmanship is really important?AIt’s all part of sports.BIt’s all part of celebration.CIt’s the golden rule of sports.DIt’s how to stay cool.

单选题I don’t think it’s important, _____ ?Adoesn’tBis itCdo IDisn’t

单选题Navigational charts are subject to frequent changes,the important ones of which are promulgated by ().AAdmiralty Notices to MarinersBMariner's HandbookCCatalogueDSailing Directions

单选题A child's first five years is important as far as learning is______.AtouchedBworriedCconcernedDaffected

单选题From IMO’S point of view, INMARSAT’s most important function is the provision of().Ageneral radio communicationBMSICimproved distress and safety communicationDbridge-to-bridge communication

单选题Please be ______. There’s an important meeting in the next room.AquicklyBquickCquietlyDquiet

单选题We seem oblivious of the fragility of the earth’s natural system.Afrailty Bsolitude Cprevalence Dfission

单选题What is the S-Series Proxy Bypass List?()Aa list of proxy servers that are to be bypassedBa list of clients and destinations that will bypass the proxy in transparent modeCa list of clients and destinations that will bypass the proxy in explicit forward modeDa list of user agents exempt from authentication

单选题The Midwest is America’s most important _____ area.AagriculturalBindustrialCmanufacturingDmining industry

单选题In the dead man’s bedroom the police found several important _____ which pointed to Blake as the murderer.AcareersBcluesCchallengesDdreams

问答题Practice 6  Task Sheet:  A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN...?  Planning a presentation  ● Audience  ● Equipment needed  ●…  B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN...?  Selecting an interpreter for a meeting with foreign clients  ● Experience  ● Reliability ·  ●…  C: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN...?  Introducing a new product range onto the market  ● Timing  ● Advance publicity  ●…

单选题_____AIt’s attractive.BIt’s exciting.CIt’s important.DIt’s boring.

单选题Let's not waste time on matters of no important.We have other vital problems to deal with.ALet's notBmatters of no importantCvitalDdeal with

单选题()provides a selection of commonly used routes with their distances between principal and important positions.AThe Mariner‟s HandbookBAdmiralty Sailing DirectionsCOcean Passages for the WorldDMariner‟s Routeing Guide

单选题$30 billion might seem a lot of money, but it's a mere____ in terms of what global capital markets can do absorb.AalmsBpittanceChearsayDbelongings

单选题Being named the best athlete of the year was an important()in the baseball player’s life.AsegmentBingredientCcontributionDepisode

单选题One of our clients is()the market()Men’s Shirts.Aon,ofBat,withCin,forDwith,at