单选题According to the passage, ______.Aterrorists have deployed 756 vehicle bombs in Britain since 1970Bthe consortium aims to study terrorism and responses to terrorismCterrorists would rather figure out a way to solve problems than attack a targetDcar bombs seldom happen in Britain

According to the passage, ______.

terrorists have deployed 756 vehicle bombs in Britain since 1970


the consortium aims to study terrorism and responses to terrorism


terrorists would rather figure out a way to solve problems than attack a target


car bombs seldom happen in Britain


该段录音的内容是对恐怖主义者袭击方式的分析,而该分析来自U.S. National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism的一项研究,根据该机构的名称可知正确答案为B。
Terrorists are less inclined to seek the newest or most sophisticated method of attack than to fall back on pragmatic solutions. The car bomb has been a part of British life longer than the Internet. Since l970, terrorists of one stripe or another have deployed at least 756 vehicle bombs around the world, according to research conducted for Time by the U.S. National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism at the University of Maryland.


When I'm going out in the evening I use the bike if I can ()the car. A、thanB、better thanC、rather thanD、less than

He’s trying to _____ a way to solve the problem.A、figure outB、make outC、get outD、find out

We can infer from the passage that_____.[A] Shearer has experienced many violent incidents [B] new tools have been used to investigate terrorists[C] FBI has been active in the war on eco-terrorism [D] ELF openly declares its beliefs and ends

He would rather stay at home than to go out with you.A. would ratherB. thanC. toD. with

The terrorists have chosen to play a deadly game with the civilian population.A:contagious B:seriousC:fatal D:worrying

According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?( ) A.Britain has agreed to discuss the conditions of the exit before discussing the future trade ties. B.EU might not be satisfied with May’s speech. C.Theresa May has mapped out the blueprint of the relations between Britain and EU. D.Britain is fully prepared to withdraw from EU in an orderly way.

单选题To find and solve problems in time, it is important for companies toApersuade employees who oppose the change.Bavoid two-way communication.Clearn of quick responses of employees.Dexplain the changes in detail.

单选题According to the passage, we give school children difficult problems to solve in order to ______.Aencourage them to learnBteach them to fear the pain of solving the problemChelp them learn to deal with painDteach them how to respect from the problem

单选题No adults would like to admit that they are weaker than children to solve sticky and puzzling problems.Ato solve aboutBsolveCin solving aboutDin solving

单选题According to the passage, under the great pressure of life, many women _____.Awill do a part-time job along with the full-time jobBwould rather stay at home than apply for a part-time positionCwould be fired if they can not finish the job quicklyDwill agree to have their working hours shortened if required

单选题According to the passage, women’s working _____.Ahas resulted in a closer family tieBhas helped their family financiallyChas caused more problems than beforeDhas adversely affected their family life

单选题He said softly that he would rather stay at home than going out for a walk.Awould ratherBat homeCgoing outDfor

单选题According to the passage, air bags are another device that _____.Aadds safety to car drivingBis going to replace seat beltsCcomes out slowly to functionDprevents cars from running too fast

单选题Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?AIt won’t be dangerous if there are seat belts or air bags in a car.BNow most of new cars still have only one air bag.CWhen a car hits something, its air bags will come out a few minutes later.DVolvo was the first to use seat belts.

单选题According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?APoor pre-school kids have a larger vocabulary than rich kids.BPresident Obama believes that early education can solve all economic and social problems.CRich pre-school kids have a richer vocabulary than poor kids.DPresident Obama’s education secretary thinks it is morally wrong to let kids start kindergarten early.

单选题According to the author, scientists ______.Ahave already proved that coffee is good for human healthBhave a long way to go before they find a way to study coffeeChave avoided the cause-and-effect approach to study coffeeDare still unable to figure out why coffee is good for us

单选题How come the cure could be worse than the disease?AHuman rights groups could sabotage the war on terrorism.BTerrorism could infringe upon human rights.CThe terrorists may take revenge and harm innocent people.DThe government may use anti-terrorism as an excuse to arbitrarily execute people it does not like.

单选题When the ship is under attack by pirates,or terrorists,()needs to be activated.AAISBSSASCSSPDSART

单选题According to the passage the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that _____.Asociety cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained college graduatesBhigh school graduates do not fit the pattern of college educationCtoe many students have to earn their own livingDcollege administrators encourage students to drop out

单选题According to the passage the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that______.Asociety cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained college graduatesBhigh school graduates do not fit the pattern of college educationCtoe many students have to earn their own livingDcollege administrators encourage students to drop out

单选题In fact Peter would rather have left for San Francisco than ()in New York.Ato stayBstayedCstayDhaving stayed

单选题According to the passage, what did Darwin believe would happen to human emotions that were not expressed?AThey would become less intense.BThey would last longer than usual.CThey would cause problems later.DThey would become more negative.

单选题According to the passage, it seems that one can have more sales tax benefits in.ANew Mexico than in MassachusettsBMassachusetts than in New MexicoCMassachusetts than any other nine statesDthe District of Columbia than in Massachusetts

判断题The speaker of the passage believes that the world is still safe as long as the nuclear weapons are not falling Into the hands of the terrorists or ruthless dictators.A对B错

单选题Jack would rather spend time complaining than _____ the problem by himself.AsolveBsolvedCsolvesDto solve

单选题Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?AI would rather stay at home than go out with them.BI prefer staying at home to going out with them.CI prefer to stay at home rather than going out with them.DThe book is said to have been translated into many languages.

单选题The video security systems ______.Aplay an important role in arresting terrorists before they take actionBhave cost the U.S. Department of Homeland Security more than $ 40 million so farCare mainly deployed near WashingtonDwork better than they have been expected to