


室内污染造成的长期影响(long-term effects)可能在多年后才会显示出来,这些包括心脏病或者癌症之类的大病,一般是会比较严重并致命的(fatal),这样才能使得语义走向一致,前后呼应。故本题选C。


单选题He()in Beijing, but his parts()in Hangzhou.Alive:livesBlives;liveClive;live


单选题Many studies have suggested that _____.Amore and more young people enjoy cruel computer gamesBviolence in computer games makes their players more aggressiveCthere are now far more incidents of violence due to computer gamesDsimulated violence in computer games is different from real violence

单选题How much is this blue tablecloth?()AThe green one is better.BTen dollars and thirty cents.CIt's cheap.DYes. It's beautiful.

单选题The controversy mentioned in the passage focuses on _____.Awhether psychologists should use drugs to cure their patientsBhow psychologists should treat their patientsCthe fact that all of the drugs have harmful side effectsDthe extent to which drugs should be used to fight psychological illness

单选题Dozens of scientific groups all over the world have been _____ the goal of a practical and economic way to use sunlight to split water molecules.ApursuingBchasingCreachingDwinning

单选题Mr. White has a wife and three children to()AraiseBkeepCgrowDtake

单选题He()the children so badly that hey were terrified of him.AbehavedBtreatedCdealtDacted

单选题In my bedroom, there is a pair of scissors, a stack of books and () flowers on my desk.Aa piece ofBa pocket ofCa slice ofDa bunch of

单选题For more information, visit our()at www.cambridge.org.AnetBwebsiteCinternetDnetwork


单选题We need some toothpaste.()ALet's go to the bookstore.BLet's get some.CLet's buy them.DLet's go.

问答题Practice 5Directions: You are asked to write in no less than 150 words about the title of Who to Blame? Tobacco Companies or Smokers? You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.  1. 人人知道吸烟的危害,但有些人说他们吸烟是因为烟草公司生产了香烟。  2. 对这个问题你怎么看?  3. 说出你的理由。


单选题I have coffee()breakfast time.AatBinCon

单选题I earn dollars()hour as()supermarket cashier on Saturdays.Aa;anBthe;aCan;aDan;the

单选题These students’ determination to face up to difficulties plays a crucial role in their success.Alive up toBstand up toCgo up toDadd up to

单选题May I use your dictionary? ()AYes, here you areBNo, you won'tCNever mindDSorry here it is

单选题()every day for 20 minutes.AExerciseBTo exerciseCShould exerciseDExercising

单选题Could you give me a helping hand?()I want to clean my garageAHow's that.BSure. What can I do for you?CNot at all.DWhich one?

单选题I have been for years troubling the pages of historians, to find out what our fathers have done to the native Americans, but I must say, that my researches have _____ been to no effect.AthereforeBhithertoChoweverDnevertheless

单选题We need some toothpaste.()ALet's go to the bookstore.BLet's get some.CLet's buy them.DLet's go.

单选题The last sentence in this passage means that if we succeed in making workers’ jobs more interesting _____.Athey will want more moneyBthey will demand shorter working hoursCmore money and shorter working hours are important factorsDmore money and shorter working hours will not be so important to them

单选题Few students failed in the exam at the end of last term,() ?Ado theyBdidn’t theyCdon’t theyDdid they


单选题He had his book () at his own expense.AprintBprintedCto printDprinting

单选题Two substitutes were used during the basketball games.AplayersBcentersCrefereesDreplacements

单选题In order to prevent stress from being set up in the metal, expansion joints are fitted which _____ the stress by allowing the pipe to expand or contract freely.AreclaimBreconcileCrectifyDrelieve