在VB中,以下关于符号常量的声明正确的是 ( )A.Const TAG as StringB.Const TAG as String=&qu 在VB中,以下关于符号常量的声明正确的是 ( )A.Const TAG as StringB.Const TAG as String="Visual Basic"C.Public TAG as String="Visual"D.Dim TAG as String
以下关于hybrid接口的说法正确的是( )A.当接收不带Tag报文时,先打上缺省的VLAN ID,当缺省VLAN ID在允许通过的列表中,接收该报文B.当接收不带Tag报文时,先检查缺省VLAN ID在允许通过的列表中,再打上缺省的VLAN IDC.当接收带Tag报文时,先剥离tag,再检查tag是否在允许通过的列表,若是,则接收,否则丢弃D.当接收带Tag报文时,先检查tag是否在允许通过的列表,若是,则剥离tag,再接收,否则丢弃
What is TCI?()A、Tag Calling InterfaceB、Tag Control IdentifierC、ToS Class InterfaceD、Tag Control Information
The tag timeout value for a Cisco Wireless Location Appliance should be set to which tag beaconrate?()A、4 to 6 times the tag beaconing rateB、10 to 12 times the tab beaconing rateC、8 to 10 times the tag beaconing rateD、6 to 8 times the tag beaconing rate
The tag timeout value for a Cisco Wireless Location Appliance should be set to which tagbeacon rate?()A、4 to 6 times the tag beaconing rateB、6 to 8 times the tag beaconing rateC、8 to 10 times the tag beaconing rateD、10 to 12 times the tab beaconing rate
The tag timeout value for a cisco wireless location appliance should be set to which tag beacon rate?()A、4 to 6 times the tag beaconing rateB、10 to 12 times the tab beaconing rateC、8 to 10 times the tag beaconing rateD、6 to 8 times the tag beaconing rate
关于JSP标记文件下列说法不正确的是() A、Tag File是JSP2.0新增的功能B、Tag File是JSP1.2新增的功能C、Tag File可以让网页开源直接使用Jsp语法制作标签D、Tag File的扩展名可以是.tag
You are creating a content management system (CMS) with a web application front-end. The JSP thatdisplays a given document in the CMS has the following general structure: 1. %-- tag declaration --% 2. ... 11. ... ... ... 99. The citation tag must store information in the document tag for the document tag to generate a referencesection at the end of the generated web page. The document tag handler follows the Classic tag model andthe citation tag handler follows the Simple tag model. Furthermore, the citation tag could also be embeddedin other custom tags that could have either the Classic or Simple tag handler model. Which tag handlermethod allows the citation tag to access the document tag?()A、public void doTag() {JspTag docTag = findAncestorWithClass(this, DocumentTag.class); ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);}B、public void doStartTag() {JspTag docTag = findAncestorWithClass(this, DocumentTag.class); ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);}C、public void doTag() {. Tag docTag = findAncestor(this, DocumentTag.class); . ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);. }D、public void doStartTag() {. Tag docTag = findAncestor(this, DocumentTag.class); . ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);. }
A custom JSP tag must be able to support an arbitrary number of attributes whose names are unknown when the tag class is designed. Which two are true? ()A、 A element in the echo tag LTD must have the value JSPB、 The echo tag handler must define the setAttribute (String key, String value) methodC、 The true element must appear in the echo tag TLDD、 The class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag interfaceE、 The class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.DynamicAttributes interface
Given the Tag: Assuming the tag referenced by my Tags: get Advice uses the Classic event model, which is true?()A、 The do After Body method is called.B、 The doEnd Tag method is NOT called.C、 The type attribute may be specified in the TLDD、 The do Start Tag Method must always return SKIP_BODY.E、 The TLD for this tag must NOT include a tag.
当ONU端口的链路类型为Access,其对上行报文的处理方式为()。A、只允许不带tag的报文通过,并为报文添加缺省VLAN的tagB、仅允许带有缺省VLAN tag的报文通过,并去TagC、对于收到的不带Tag的报文,添加缺省VLAN tag,对于收到的带tag的报文,直接转发D、仅允许带tag的报文通过
在VLAN技术中,Trunk端口发送报文的处理方式是:()A、A如果VLANID≠PVID,去掉Tag发送B、B如果VLANID≠PVID,改变为PVID Tag后发送C、.C如果VLANID=PVID,保留Tag发送D、O如果VLANID=pVID,去掉Tag发送
单选题Assume the tag handler for a st:simple tag extends Simple Tag Support. In what way can scriptlet code beused in the body of st:simple?()ASet the body content type to JSP in the TLDBScriptlet code is NOT legal in the body of st:simple.CAdd scripting-enabled=true to the start tag for the st:simple elementDAdd a pass-through Classic tag with a body content type of JSP to the body of st:simple, and place the scriptlet code in the body of that tag
多选题Which two statements are true about the security-related tags in a valid Java EE deployment descriptor?()AEvery tag must have at least one tag.BA tag can have many tags.CA given tag can apply to only one tag.DA given tag can contain from zero to many tags.EIt is possible to construct a valid tag such that,for a given resource,no user rolescan access that resource.
单选题Given the Tag: Assuming the tag referenced by my Tags: get Advice uses the Classic event model, which is true?()A The do After Body method is called.B The doEnd Tag method is NOT called.C The type attribute may be specified in the TLDD The do Start Tag Method must always return SKIP_BODY.E The TLD for this tag must NOT include a tag.
单选题The tag timeout value for a Cisco Wireless Location Appliance should be set to which tag beaconrate?()A4 to 6 times the tag beaconing rateB10 to 12 times the tab beaconing rateC8 to 10 times the tag beaconing rateD6 to 8 times the tag beaconing rate
单选题You are creating a content management system (CMS) with a web application front-end. The JSP thatdisplays a given document in the CMS has the following general structure: 1. 2. ... 11. ... ... ... 99. The citation tag must store information in the document tag for the document tag to generate a referencesection at the end of the generated web page. The document tag handler follows the Classic tag model andthe citation tag handler follows the Simple tag model. Furthermore, the citation tag could also be embeddedin other custom tags that could have either the Classic or Simple tag handler model. Which tag handlermethod allows the citation tag to access the document tag?()Apublic void doTag() {JspTag docTag = findAncestorWithClass(this, DocumentTag.class); ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);}Bpublic void doStartTag() {JspTag docTag = findAncestorWithClass(this, DocumentTag.class); ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);}Cpublic void doTag() {. Tag docTag = findAncestor(this, DocumentTag.class); . ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);. }Dpublic void doStartTag() {. Tag docTag = findAncestor(this, DocumentTag.class); . ((DocumentTag)docTag).addCitation(this.docID);. }
单选题The tag timeout value for a cisco wireless location appliance should be set to which tag beacon rate?()A4 to 6 times the tag beaconing rateB10 to 12 times the tab beaconing rateC8 to 10 times the tag beaconing rateD6 to 8 times the tag beaconing rate