单选题The gap in the ozone hole over the North Pole can expand each summer enough, that it exposes regions as far south as Sweden by heightened UV radiation, also increasing rates of skin cancer in the northern regions by as much as 50 percent.Athat it exposes regions as far south as Sweden by heightened UV radiation, also increasingBthat regions as far south as Sweden have been exposed to heightened UV radiation, as well as having increasedCto expose regions as far south as Sweden to heightened UV radiation, increasedDto expose regions as far south as Sweden to heightened UV radiation and increaseEthat exposure to heightened UV radiation in regions as far south as Sweden, as well as increasing

The gap in the ozone hole over the North Pole can expand each summer enough, that it exposes regions as far south as Sweden by heightened UV radiation, also increasing rates of skin cancer in the northern regions by as much as 50 percent.

that it exposes regions as far south as Sweden by heightened UV radiation, also increasing


that regions as far south as Sweden have been exposed to heightened UV radiation, as well as having increased


to expose regions as far south as Sweden to heightened UV radiation, increased


to expose regions as far south as Sweden to heightened UV radiation and increase


that exposure to heightened UV radiation in regions as far south as Sweden, as well as increasing




The () between the rich and poor regions is being bridge. A、spaceB、distanceC、roomD、gap

翻译句子The South Pole, by contrast, is over land, on the continent called Antarctica. Not only is the South Pole on a continent, it's on a very high continent.

When it is winter in China, ______.A. the USA is tilted toward the sun B. the South Pole is tilted away from the sunC. the North Pole is tilted toward the sun D. the North Pole is tilted away from the sun

In the Northern Hemisphere, when the center of a high pressure system is due east of your position, you can expect winds from the ______.A.south to eastB.north to westC.north to eastD.south to west

共用题干Sunbath and Skin CancerIn the summer,millions of Americans will offer up their bodies to the sun rays.A tan mndi-cates health and beauty,and most sun worshippers will sacrifice a lot to achieve it,including themselves.With each hour, the sun's ultraviolet radiation (紫外线)produces irreversible(不可逆的) damage,hastening the development of unsightly wrinkles.And with each year on the beach or roof-top,the sunbather increases his risk of getting skin cancer. Skin cancer is by far the most common form of cancer. An estimated 400,000 new cases will be detected this year in the United States, and almost all of them can be blamed on over-exposure to the sun.Fortunately,most of these cancers are highly curable .But they can he disfiguring and take time to treat. For that reason,sun worshippers should treat deity with a good deal of awe(敬畏). Sunburn,of course,is the initial hazard posed by UV radiation.Prolonged exposure to UV,howev-er , interferes with the production of collagen fibers(胶原纤维)in the dermis(真皮层), causing the skin to lose elasticity(弹性)and creating premature wrinkles. Further deterioration(恶化)of the dermis deprives the epidermis(表皮层)of nutrition and causes it to become thin and dry.Cancer is UV's final result.Shortwave radiant energy,especially from the UV-B band,breaks the strands(股、缕)of DNA. Enzymes(酶)work constantly to rearrange the DNA into proper Se-quence,but with repeated UV exposure,the repair process may eventually break down.Then the mutant(变异的)DNA may produce a colony of cancer cells. But skin cancer may be avoided with a good dose of common sense.People with fair skin and blue eyes who burn easily stand the high-est risk .Special danger spots are the parts of the body most constantly exposed to the sun,such as the cheeks , nose , lower lip and the ears. People who have already developed precancerous(癌变前的)lesions(伤害)or had one skin-cancer growth stand a greatly increased chance of developing others.Dermatologists(皮肤科医生)recommend avoiding the sun when it is most intense between 11 a.m.and 3 p.m.Anyone who insists on sunbathing should use a good sun screen.These lotions and salves(药膏)contain chemicals that block out the burning UVB radiation while permitting the tanning rays to reach the skin. The underlined word“deity”in the third paragraph refers to________.A: something mysteriousB: the skin cancerC: the sunD:over-exposure to the sun

共用题干Sunbath and Skin CancerIn the summer,millions of Americans will offer up their bodies to the sun rays.A tan mndi-cates health and beauty,and most sun worshippers will sacrifice a lot to achieve it,including themselves.With each hour, the sun's ultraviolet radiation (紫外线)produces irreversible(不可逆的) damage,hastening the development of unsightly wrinkles.And with each year on the beach or roof-top,the sunbather increases his risk of getting skin cancer. Skin cancer is by far the most common form of cancer. An estimated 400,000 new cases will be detected this year in the United States, and almost all of them can be blamed on over-exposure to the sun.Fortunately,most of these cancers are highly curable .But they can he disfiguring and take time to treat. For that reason,sun worshippers should treat deity with a good deal of awe(敬畏). Sunburn,of course,is the initial hazard posed by UV radiation.Prolonged exposure to UV,howev-er , interferes with the production of collagen fibers(胶原纤维)in the dermis(真皮层), causing the skin to lose elasticity(弹性)and creating premature wrinkles. Further deterioration(恶化)of the dermis deprives the epidermis(表皮层)of nutrition and causes it to become thin and dry.Cancer is UV's final result.Shortwave radiant energy,especially from the UV-B band,breaks the strands(股、缕)of DNA. Enzymes(酶)work constantly to rearrange the DNA into proper Se-quence,but with repeated UV exposure,the repair process may eventually break down.Then the mutant(变异的)DNA may produce a colony of cancer cells. But skin cancer may be avoided with a good dose of common sense.People with fair skin and blue eyes who burn easily stand the high-est risk .Special danger spots are the parts of the body most constantly exposed to the sun,such as the cheeks , nose , lower lip and the ears. People who have already developed precancerous(癌变前的)lesions(伤害)or had one skin-cancer growth stand a greatly increased chance of developing others.Dermatologists(皮肤科医生)recommend avoiding the sun when it is most intense between 11 a.m.and 3 p.m.Anyone who insists on sunbathing should use a good sun screen.These lotions and salves(药膏)contain chemicals that block out the burning UVB radiation while permitting the tanning rays to reach the skin. Which of the following comes first as a possible damage by UV radiation?A: Sunburn.B: The loss of skin elasticity.C: Dryness of epidermis.D: The deterioration of dermis.

共用题干Sunbath and Skin CancerIn the summer,millions of Americans will offer up their bodies to the sun rays.A tan mndi-cates health and beauty,and most sun worshippers will sacrifice a lot to achieve it,including themselves.With each hour, the sun's ultraviolet radiation (紫外线)produces irreversible(不可逆的) damage,hastening the development of unsightly wrinkles.And with each year on the beach or roof-top,the sunbather increases his risk of getting skin cancer. Skin cancer is by far the most common form of cancer. An estimated 400,000 new cases will be detected this year in the United States, and almost all of them can be blamed on over-exposure to the sun.Fortunately,most of these cancers are highly curable .But they can he disfiguring and take time to treat. For that reason,sun worshippers should treat deity with a good deal of awe(敬畏). Sunburn,of course,is the initial hazard posed by UV radiation.Prolonged exposure to UV,howev-er , interferes with the production of collagen fibers(胶原纤维)in the dermis(真皮层), causing the skin to lose elasticity(弹性)and creating premature wrinkles. Further deterioration(恶化)of the dermis deprives the epidermis(表皮层)of nutrition and causes it to become thin and dry.Cancer is UV's final result.Shortwave radiant energy,especially from the UV-B band,breaks the strands(股、缕)of DNA. Enzymes(酶)work constantly to rearrange the DNA into proper Se-quence,but with repeated UV exposure,the repair process may eventually break down.Then the mutant(变异的)DNA may produce a colony of cancer cells. But skin cancer may be avoided with a good dose of common sense.People with fair skin and blue eyes who burn easily stand the high-est risk .Special danger spots are the parts of the body most constantly exposed to the sun,such as the cheeks , nose , lower lip and the ears. People who have already developed precancerous(癌变前的)lesions(伤害)or had one skin-cancer growth stand a greatly increased chance of developing others.Dermatologists(皮肤科医生)recommend avoiding the sun when it is most intense between 11 a.m.and 3 p.m.Anyone who insists on sunbathing should use a good sun screen.These lotions and salves(药膏)contain chemicals that block out the burning UVB radiation while permitting the tanning rays to reach the skin. The last paragraph of the passage mainly discusses_______.A: the treatment of the skin cancerB: the prevention of the skin cancerC: the parts of the body where cancer is most likely to developD: the lotions that work best in fighting against the skin cancer

共用题干Sunbath and Skin CancerIn the summer,millions of Americans will offer up their bodies to the sun rays.A tan mndi-cates health and beauty,and most sun worshippers will sacrifice a lot to achieve it,including themselves.With each hour, the sun's ultraviolet radiation (紫外线)produces irreversible(不可逆的) damage,hastening the development of unsightly wrinkles.And with each year on the beach or roof-top,the sunbather increases his risk of getting skin cancer. Skin cancer is by far the most common form of cancer. An estimated 400,000 new cases will be detected this year in the United States, and almost all of them can be blamed on over-exposure to the sun.Fortunately,most of these cancers are highly curable .But they can he disfiguring and take time to treat. For that reason,sun worshippers should treat deity with a good deal of awe(敬畏). Sunburn,of course,is the initial hazard posed by UV radiation.Prolonged exposure to UV,howev-er , interferes with the production of collagen fibers(胶原纤维)in the dermis(真皮层), causing the skin to lose elasticity(弹性)and creating premature wrinkles. Further deterioration(恶化)of the dermis deprives the epidermis(表皮层)of nutrition and causes it to become thin and dry.Cancer is UV's final result.Shortwave radiant energy,especially from the UV-B band,breaks the strands(股、缕)of DNA. Enzymes(酶)work constantly to rearrange the DNA into proper Se-quence,but with repeated UV exposure,the repair process may eventually break down.Then the mutant(变异的)DNA may produce a colony of cancer cells. But skin cancer may be avoided with a good dose of common sense.People with fair skin and blue eyes who burn easily stand the high-est risk .Special danger spots are the parts of the body most constantly exposed to the sun,such as the cheeks , nose , lower lip and the ears. People who have already developed precancerous(癌变前的)lesions(伤害)or had one skin-cancer growth stand a greatly increased chance of developing others.Dermatologists(皮肤科医生)recommend avoiding the sun when it is most intense between 11 a.m.and 3 p.m.Anyone who insists on sunbathing should use a good sun screen.These lotions and salves(药膏)contain chemicals that block out the burning UVB radiation while permitting the tanning rays to reach the skin.What may be the worst result after the repair process of the DNA finally fail?A:Shortwave radiant energy breaks the strands of the DNA.B:The mutant DNA may produce a colony of cancer cells.C: Enzymes work to rearrange the DNA into a new order.D:The patient is exposed to UV from time to time.

共用题干The Impact of Antarctic Ozone HoleThe Antarctic ozone(臭氧)hole is changing weather patterns across the Southern Hemisphere (半球),even affecting the tropics,scientists have concluded. The scientists______(51)the new study added the ozone hole into standard climate models to_______(52)how it might have affected winds and rains. They say rainfall has moved further south towards the pole and the effect has been_______(53)strong over Australia.And of_______(54)interest was the southward of the Southern Hemisphere jet stream. These high一altitude winds are_______(55)to determining weather patterns,in both hemispheres. Much of the cold weather felt in the UK_______(56)the last couple of winters,for example,was caused by blocking of the Northern Hemisphere stream.The team found that overall,the ozone hole has_______(57)in rainfall moving south along with the winds._______(58)there are regional differences,particularly concerning Australia. In terms of the average for that zone,the ozone hole_______(59)about a 10% change一but for Australia,it's about 35%.Their modeling indicated that global warming_______(60)greenhouse gas emissions is also a factor in changing rainfall patterns.Natural climate cycles are also thought to be important here,as different rainfall patterns were _______(61)in the era before ozone depletion(消耗)and late 20th Century warming.Although the_______(62)international organization has significantly checked emissions of harmful substances,they_______(63)for decades in the atmosphere,and so their effects are still being felt.Earlier,and international organization forecast that even the Antarctic ozone hole一which is more severe than its_______(64)in the Northern Hemisphere一should be_______(65)by 2045—2060._________(54)A:particular B:specialC:especial D:specific

共用题干第一篇The Northern LightsThe sun is stormy and has its own kind of weather.It is so hot and active that even the Sun's gravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check!Energy flows away from the Sun toward the Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around a million miles per hour.These particles are called plasma (等离子体),and the stream of plasma coming from the Sun is called the solar wind.The more active the Sun,the stronger the solar wind.The solar wind constantly streams toward the Earth,but don't worry because a protective magnetic field surrounds our planet.The same magnetic field that makes your compass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north and south poles.The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth.When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earth's magnetic field,the magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic field lines break and reconnect.The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into tile Earth's atmosphere at the poles.As the electrons fall to the Earth,they collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere,creating flashes of light in the sky.Each atmospheric gas glows a different color.Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green arid nitrogen glows violet purple.As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky,they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.Watching auroras(北极光)is fun and exciting, but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada.The movement of the aurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pulsate(跳动),flicker(闪烁),or even move like waves.During solar maximum,5 auroras are seen as far south as Florida,even Mexico!Auroras often seem to be very close to the ground,but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilometers above the ground,a distance much higher than clouds are formed or airplanes can fly.A typical aurora band can be thousands of kilometers long,a few hundred kilometers high,but only a few hundred meters thick.We hope you are able to travel to far north places like the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights at least once during your lifetime.We know you will never forget it!What is the author's tone toward the Northern Lights?A:Indifferent.B:Sarcastic.C:Sharp.D:Appreciative.

共用题干The Northern LightsThe Sun is stormy and has its own kind of weather It is so hot and active that even the Sun's gravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check!Energy flows away from the Sun toward the Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around a million miles per hour. These particles are called plasma,and the stream of plasma coming from the Sun is called the solar wind. The more active the Sun,the stronger the solar wind.The solar wind constantly streams toward the Earth,but don't worry because a protective magnetic field surrounds our planet.The same magnetic field that makes your compass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north and south poles.The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth. When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earth's magnetic field,the magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic field lines break and reconnect.The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into the Earth's atmosphere at the poles. As the electrons fall to the Earth,they collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere,creating flashes of light in the sky. Each atmospheric gas glows a different color. Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green and nitrogen glows violet-purple. As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky,they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.Watching auroras is fun and exciting,but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada. The movement of the aurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pulsate,flicker,or even move like waves.During solar maximum,auroras are seen as far south as Florida,even Mexico!Auroras often seem to be very close to the ground,but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilometers above the ground,a distance much higher than clouds are formed or airplanes can fly. A typical aurora band can be thousands of kilometers long,a few hundred kilometers high,but only a few hundred meters thick.We hope you are able to travel to far north places like the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights at least once during your lifetime. We know you will never forget it!Tens of thousands of tourists take special trips to Norway and Sweden every year to watch the Northern Lights.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned

共用题干The Northern LightsThe Sun is stormy and has its own kind of weather It is so hot and active that even the Sun's gravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check!Energy flows away from the Sun toward the Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around a million miles per hour. These particles are called plasma,and the stream of plasma coming from the Sun is called the solar wind. The more active the Sun,the stronger the solar wind.The solar wind constantly streams toward the Earth,but don't worry because a protective magnetic field surrounds our planet.The same magnetic field that makes your compass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north and south poles.The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth. When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earth's magnetic field,the magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic field lines break and reconnect.The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into the Earth's atmosphere at the poles. As the electrons fall to the Earth,they collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere,creating flashes of light in the sky. Each atmospheric gas glows a different color. Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green and nitrogen glows violet-purple. As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky,they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.Watching auroras is fun and exciting,but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada. The movement of the aurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pulsate,flicker,or even move like waves.During solar maximum,auroras are seen as far south as Florida,even Mexico!Auroras often seem to be very close to the ground,but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilometers above the ground,a distance much higher than clouds are formed or airplanes can fly. A typical aurora band can be thousands of kilometers long,a few hundred kilometers high,but only a few hundred meters thick.We hope you are able to travel to far north places like the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights at least once during your lifetime. We know you will never forget it!An aurora is generally close to the ground and is very long and thick.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned

共用题干The Northern LightsThe Sun is stormy and has its own kind of weather It is so hot and active that even the Sun's gravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check!Energy flows away from the Sun toward the Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around a million miles per hour. These particles are called plasma,and the stream of plasma coming from the Sun is called the solar wind. The more active the Sun,the stronger the solar wind.The solar wind constantly streams toward the Earth,but don't worry because a protective magnetic field surrounds our planet.The same magnetic field that makes your compass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north and south poles.The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth. When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earth's magnetic field,the magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic field lines break and reconnect.The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into the Earth's atmosphere at the poles. As the electrons fall to the Earth,they collide with gas molecules in the atmosphere,creating flashes of light in the sky. Each atmospheric gas glows a different color. Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green and nitrogen glows violet-purple. As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky,they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.Watching auroras is fun and exciting,but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada. The movement of the aurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pulsate,flicker,or even move like waves.During solar maximum,auroras are seen as far south as Florida,even Mexico!Auroras often seem to be very close to the ground,but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilometers above the ground,a distance much higher than clouds are formed or airplanes can fly. A typical aurora band can be thousands of kilometers long,a few hundred kilometers high,but only a few hundred meters thick.We hope you are able to travel to far north places like the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights at least once during your lifetime. We know you will never forget it!You cannot see the Northern Lights unless you are in Alaska or Canada.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned

共用题干第一篇Arctic MeltEarth’s North and South Poles are famous for being cold and icy.Last year,however,the amnount of ice in the Arctic Ocean(北冰洋)fell to a record low.Normally,ice builds in Arctic waters around the North Pole each winter and shrinks(缩小)during the summer. But for many years,the amount of ice left by the end of summer has been declining.Since 1979,each decade has seen an 11.4 percent drop in end?of-summer ice cover. Between 1981 and 2000,ice in the Arctic lost 22 percent of its thickness,becoming I.13 meters thinner.Last summer,Arctic sea ice reached its thinnest levels yet.By the end of summer 2007,the ice had shrunk to cover just 4.2 million square kilometers.That's 38 percent less area than the average cover at that time of year. And it's a very large 23 percent below the previous record low,which was set just 2 years ago. This continuing trend has made scientists concerned.There may be several reasons for the ice melt, says Jinlun Zhang, an oceanographer(海洋学家)at the University of Washington at Seattle.Unusually strong winds blew through the Arctic last summer. The winds pushed much of the ice out of the central Arctic,leaving a large area of thin ice and open water.Scientists also suspect that fewer clouds cover the Arctic now than in the past.Clearer skies allow more sunlight to reach the ocean.The extra heat warms both the water and the atmosphere.In parts of the Arctic Ocean last year,surface temperatures were 3.5℃warmer than average and 1.5℃warmer than the previous record high.With both air and water getting warmer,the ice is melting from both above and below. In some parts of the Beaufort Sea,north of Alaska and western Canada,ice that measured 3.3 meters thick at the beginning of the summer measured just 50 centimeters by season's end.The new measurements suggest that melting is far more severe than scientists have seen by just looking at ice covcrfrom above,says Donald K. Perovich,a geophysicist at the U.S.Army Cold Regions Researchand Engineering Laboratory in Hanover,N.H.Some scientists fear that the Arctic is stuck in a warming trend from which it may never recover.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word"build"in the first sentence of thesecond paragraph?A:Construct.B:Establish.C:Create.D:Expand.

Like the island continent of Antarctica,Australia is located entirely in()Athe Northern HemisphereBthe Southern HemisphereCthe North PoleDthe South Pole

In the 17th century,the English government encouraged people from Scotland and Northern England to emigrate to the north of Ireland because()Athey wanted to increase its control over IrelandBthey had too many people and didn’t have enough space for them to live in BritainCthey intended to expand their investmentDthey believed that Ireland was the best place for them

Like the island continent of Antarctica,Australia is located entirely in()A、the Northern HemisphereB、the Southern HemisphereC、the North PoleD、the South Pole

View the following SQL statements:   Transaction T1 INSERT INTO hr.regions VALUES (5,’Pole’);COMMIT;  Transaction T2 UPDATE hr.regions SET region_name=’Poles’ WHERE region_id = 5; COMMIT;  Transaction T3 UPDATE hr.regions SET region_name=’North and South Poles’ WHERE region_id = 5;   You want to back out transaction T2.  Which option would you use?()A、 It is possible,but transaction T3 also backs out.B、 It is possible with the NOCASCADE_FORCE option.C、 It is possible with the NONCONFLICT_ONLY option.D、 It is not possible because it has conflicts with transaction T3.

单选题We are not yet near Hudson Bay. We have to go to the north far.Ato the farther north Bfar to the northern Cfarther northDfar northern

单选题View the following SQL statements:   Transaction T1 INSERT INTO hr.regions VALUES (5,’Pole’);COMMIT;  Transaction T2 UPDATE hr.regions SET region_name=’Poles’ WHERE region_id = 5; COMMIT;  Transaction T3 UPDATE hr.regions SET region_name=’North and South Poles’ WHERE region_id = 5;   You want to back out transaction T2.  Which option would you use?()A It is possible,but transaction T3 also backs out.B It is possible with the NOCASCADE_FORCE option.C It is possible with the NONCONFLICT_ONLY option.D It is not possible because it has conflicts with transaction T3.

单选题A crack in the deck plating of a vessel may be temporarily prevented from increasing in length by().Acutting a square notch at each end of the crackBdrilling a hole at each end of the crackCslot-welding the crackDwelding a doubler over the crack

单选题The satellites over the major ocean regions cover the globe().Abesides the polar regionsBincluding the North Pole and the South PoleCabove 70°N and below 70°SDas for north and south as 70°

单选题Australia is a large island continent in the southern hemisphere with a diverse range of climate zones. These vary from _____ in the north through the arid expanses of the interior to temperate regions in the south.Asub-tropical regionsBtropical regionsCsub-temperate regionsDrainforest regions

单选题The satellites over the major ocean regions cover the globe().Abesides the polar regionsBincluding the North Pole and the South PoleCabove 70N and below 70SDas far north and south 70

单选题Like the island continent of Antarctica,Australia is located entirely in()Athe Northern HemisphereBthe Southern HemisphereCthe North PoleDthe South Pole

单选题The North Pole is surrounded by land, while the South Pole is surrounded by the Antarctic Ocean.So scientists thought that______.Amost of the ice melted in the Northern hemisphereBmost of the ice melted in the Southern hemisphereCThe North Pole is colder than the South PoleDThe South Pole is colder than the North Pole

单选题In the 17th century,the English government encouraged people from Scotland and Northern England to emigrate to the north of Ireland because()Athey wanted to increase its control over IrelandBthey had too many people and didn’t have enough space for them to live in BritainCthey intended to expand their investmentDthey believed that Ireland was the best place for them