问答题翻译:WP weather permitting

翻译:WP weather permitting


解析: 暂无解析


The country has a law ________ employees from striking. A.prohibitingB.allowingC.forbiddingD.permitting

25. What is the best title for this passage?A. Health.B. Weather and Health.C. Weather.D. The Great Influence of Weather,

下列土中粘粒成分较多的是()。 A.wL=22%,wP=11%B.wL=70%,wP=40%C.wL=40%,wP=20%D.wL=40%,wP=25%

Weather________, I will go mountain climbing.A、permittedB、to permitC、permitsD、permitting

Why do we use the weather satellites to take pictures of the atmosphere?Because______.A.the weather satellites can do it easilyB.clouds form. thereC.the weather forms thereD.the pictures can forecast the weather

不好的天气情况的英文翻译不是A.bad weather conditionsB.good weather conditionsC.bad weatherD.good weather

Weather _______, we‘ll go out for a walk. A. permitted B. permitting C. permits D. for permitting

The cargo shall be loaded and discharged within the number of total running hours as indicated, weather permitting, Sundays and holidays excepted, unless used, in which event time actually used should count. This sentence says that ________ .A.raining hours shall be included in laytimeB.if Sundays and holidays are actually used for loading or discharging, they shall be included in laytimeC.laytime shall never include Sundays and holidaysD.on no account shall Sundays and holidays be included in laytime

That THE CARGO SHALL BE LOADED AND DISCHARGED WITHIN THE NUMBER OF TOTAL RUNNING HOURS AS INDICATED,WEATHER PERMITTING,SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS EXCEPTED,UNLESS USED,IN WHICH EVENT TIME ACTUALLY USED SHALL COUNT is referred to as ______.A.separate laytime for loading and dischargingB.total laytime for loading and dischargingC.commencement of laytimeD.laytime commencement of loading and discharging


汉译英:“重量;价值”,正确的翻译为( )。A. weight ; valid B. weather; valueC. weight; value D. weather; valid

Which of the following are spanning tree port states?()A、LearningB、SpanningC、ListeningD、ForwardingE、InitializingF、FilteringG、Permitting



翻译:WP weather permitting










单选题A slow rise in the barometric pressure forecasts().Arainy weather for the next 48 hoursBhigh seasCimproving weather conditionsDdeteriorating weather conditions

单选题“In times of heavy weather, it is extremely dangerous if manning is very short” This sentence means ().AIn times of heavy weather, it is extremely dangerous if a seaman is not enough tallBIn times of heavy weather, it is extremely dangerous if a crew is very shortCIn case of bad weather, it is particularly dangerous if there is a shortage in personnelDIn case of bad weather, it is particularly dangerous if there are enough personnel

问答题翻译:WP weather permitting
