单选题You’d rather have a cup of tea than have a cup of coffee, _____?Awouldn’t youBhadn’t youCwould youDhad you

You’d rather have a cup of tea than have a cup of coffee, _____?

wouldn’t you


hadn’t you


would you


had you


you’d rather即you would rather,其反意疑问句用wouldn’t,故选A。


You must have made the mistake, ()? A.mustn’t youB.haven’t youC.didn’t youD.hadn’t you

—Which would you rather have? Tea or coffee? — A. Sure, I would.B. Yes, pleasure.C. Yes, thank you.D. Neither, thank you.

You have been to Tibet,( )? I was told that the snow-covered mountains were very beautiful. A. have youB. haven’t youC. don’t youD. are you

— Have a cup of coffee? — _____, though as a rule I don’t drink after dinner. A.Don’t you insistB.Once you insistC.What I insistD.If you insist

Don't be careless again, ______?A. will youB. are youC. did youD. do you

You seldom have to do the cooking,______?A. have youB. haven't youC. do youD. don't you

(), he is not a man worthy of trust. A、To be frank with youB、Being frank with youC、Be frank with youD、To have been frank with you

— Would you like a cup of coffee?— __________________. A.It’s very kind of youB.No, I wouldn’tC.Yes, pleaseD.Here you are

Shall ______ give you a cup of coffee?A、IB、youC、theyD、it

Let’s take a rest and have a cup of coffee, ( )?A.shall weB.won't weC.shall youD.won't you

— You’d like coffee, wouldn ' t you? A、No, I wouldn’t.B、I think I’d rather have tea this morning.C、I think I’d rather have coffee.D、Thanks. The same to you.

A:( )like to have a coffee?B:Yes, please.A. Are youB. Would youC. Can you

() I would go there myself. A、were I youB、I were youC、If I had been youD、Had I been you

__________, I would take an umbrella with me.A、Had I been youB、I were youC、Were I youD、I had been you

you had some trouble finding where i live, ______?A、didn’t youB、hadn’t youC、do ID、don’I

– What would you like for drink? -- _____________.A、I like tea.B、I drink tea.C、I have a cup of tea.D、I’d like a cup of tea.

Open the window,__?A.do youB.don't youC.will youD.won't you

You oughtn't to have been there,__?A.hadn't youB.didn't youC.oughtn't youD.ought you

You never told us why you were late for the party, A.weren’t youB.didn’t youC.had youD.did you

Have a cup of tea,()? Thanks a lotAdon't youBhaven't youCshall weDwill you

Have a cup of tea,()? Thanks a lotA、don't youB、haven't youC、shall weD、will you

Can I get you a cup of tea?()A、That's very kind of youB、With pleasureC、You can, pleaseD、Thank you for the tea

Goodbye, Miss Liu. I'm very pleased()A、to meet youB、having met youC、be meeting youD、to have met you

单选题If you wish, you ______ come in and have a cup of coffee.AmayBmustCwouldDshould

单选题Have a cup of tea,()? Thanks a lotAdon't youBhaven't youCshall weDwill you

单选题If you ______ my advice,you ______ your failure now. You ______ your victory.Atook...wouldn’t cry over...would celebrateBhad taken...wouldn’t have cried over...would have celebratedChad taken...aren’t crying over...are celebratingDhad taken...wouldn’t be crying over...would be celebrating

单选题Shall we have another cup of tea?()ADo you like tea?BWhy not?CGood tea.DI'm thirsty.

单选题You’d rather have a cup of tea than have a cup of coffee, _____?Awouldn’t youBhadn’t youCwould youDhad you