单选题The sailors ()are making preparations for mooring.Aon the bridgeBat the sternCin the cabinDin the engine room

The sailors ()are making preparations for mooring.

on the bridge


at the stern


in the cabin


in the engine room


解析: 暂无解析


The teacher is busy ___________ the exam now. A. making up forB. making upC. making up ofD. making for

nasal preparations

physical chemical target—oriented preparations

controlled=re]ease preparations

Preparations for loading cargo on board ship.

She is making__for her education abroad, and has booked__.A.preparations; plane ticketB.a preparation; plane ticketC.preparation ; plane' s ticketD.preparations; ticket of plane

水手经常保养锚机。()A、Sailors often maintain the derrick.B、Sailors often maintain the winch.C、Sailors often maintain the windlass.D、Sailors often maintain the machine.

驾驶台始终有驾驶员值班。()A、Sailors are always on watch on the bridge.B、Deck officers are always on watch on the bridge.C、Sailors are never on watch on the bridge.D、Deck officers are never on watch on the bridge.

水手应该知道船上吊杆的安全工作负荷。()A、Sailors should know the SWL of cranes on board their ship.B、Sailors should know the SWL of derricks on board their ship.C、Officers should know the SWL of derricks on board their ship.D、Officers should know the SWL of cranes on board their ship.

水手在船首进行了望。()A、Sailors keep uplook at sea.B、Sailors keep outlook at sea.C、Sailors keep lookout at sea.D、Sailors keep lookup at sea.

水手用扫帚清扫甲板。()A、Sailors use brown to clean the deck.B、Sailors use broom to clean the deck.C、Sailors use brush to clean the deck.D、Sailors use mop to clean the deck.

The sailors ()are making preparations for unmooring.A、on the bridgeB、at the sternC、in the cabinD、in the engine room

The sailors do cleaning and repair work ()the bosun.A、under the supervision ofB、with the help ofC、in charge ofD、in the charge of

Sailors should keep ()at sea.A、lookoutB、outlookC、uplookD、lookup

Sailors have to spend most of their time in ()(除锈) and painting.A、derustingB、cleaningC、repairingD、closing

Cleaning, painting and repairing work is known as ()work.A、sailors’B、motormen’sC、dailyD、maintenance

Duty sailors will consider the conditions of (装卸货)().A、cargo handledB、cargo handlesC、cargo handleD、cargo handling

The linesmen will use shackles for securing mooring.()A、带缆工将用锚链加固锚泊!B、带缆工将用卸扣系固锚链!C、要用卸扣加固锚泊!D、要用锚链加固锚泊!

controlled release preparations

单选题It is recommended that the project _____ until all the preparations have been made.Anot be startedBwill not be startedCis not startedDis not to be started

单选题The sailors should show the relevant ()by day.AladdersBflagsChandsDlines

单选题The linesmen will use shackles for securing mooring.()A带缆工将用锚链加固锚泊!B带缆工将用卸扣系固锚链!C要用卸扣加固锚泊!D要用锚链加固锚泊!

单选题船舶发生溢油事故时,水手的主要工作是清理油污。()AWhen oilspilling happens on board, the sailors’ work is to do oil-cleaning.BWhen oilspilling happens on board, the sailors’ work is painting.CWhen oilspilling happens on board, the sailors’ work is to do some repair work.DWhen oilspilling happens on board, the captain is in over command of it.

单选题Duty Sailors must greet visitors ()on gangway.ApoliteBpolitelyCimpoliteDimpolitely

单选题The sailors ()are making preparations for unmooring.Aon the bridgeBat the sternCin the cabinDin the engine room

单选题The following preparations are essential for any () of marine diesel engine before it may be started.AdoingBmakeCturnDoperating

单选题The main tasks for sailors on duty are, first of all,()the persons who come on board to do their business.AreceivedBreceivesCreceivingDreceive

名词解释题controlled release preparations