Which option is best practice for creating a recovery catalog owner in the catalog database?() A. Granting UNLIMITED QUOTA on the SYSTEM tablespace to the ownerB. Allocating the SYSTEM tablespace as the default tablespace and granting the SYSDBA privilege to the userC. Creating a new tablespace, allocating this as the default, and granting UNLIMITED QUOTA on this tablespace to the userD. Allocating the SYSAUX tablespace as the default tablespace and granting UNLIMITED QUOTA on this tablespace to the user
Which option is best practice for creating a recovery catalog owner in the catalog database?()
A. Granting UNLIMITED QUOTA on the SYSTEM tablespace to the owner
B. Allocating the SYSTEM tablespace as the default tablespace and granting the SYSDBA privilege to the user
C. Creating a new tablespace, allocating this as the default, and granting UNLIMITED QUOTA on this tablespace to the user
D. Allocating the SYSAUX tablespace as the default tablespace and granting UNLIMITED QUOTA on this tablespace to the user
You are consuming a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service in an ASP. NET Web application.The service interface is defined as follows:[ServiceContract]public interface ICatalog{ [OperationContract] [WebGet(UriTemplate="/Catalog/Items/{id}", ResponseFormat=WebMessageFormat.Json)] string RetrieveItemDescription(int id); } The service is hosted at Catalogsvc.You need to call the service using jQuery to retrieve the description of an item as indicated by a variable named itemId. Which code segment should you use?()A. $get(String.format(/Catalogsvc/Catalog/Items/id{0}, itemId) null, function (data) { ... }, javascript);B. $get(String.format(/Catalogsvc/Catalog/Items/{0}, itemId), null, function (data) { ... }, json);C. $get(String.format(/Catalogsvc/Catalog/Items/{0}, itemld), null, function (data) { ... }, xml);D. $get(String.format(/Catalogsvc/Catalog/Items/id{0}, itemld), null, function (data) { ... }, json);
You are working on a CATDB database that contains an Oracle Database version 11.1 catalog schema owned by the user RCO11. The INST1 database contains an Oracle Database version 10.1 catalog schema owned by the user RCAT10.You want the RMAN to import metadata for database IDs 1423241 and 1423242, registered in RCAT10, into the recovery catalog owned by RCO11.You executed the following commands:Which two statements are true regarding the tasks accomplished with these commands?()A. They import all metadata from the RCAT10 catalog.B. They unregister the database from the RCAT10 catalog.C. They do not register the databases registered in the RCAT10 catalog.D. They register all databases registered in the RCAT10 catalog.
Whatprivilegesmustbegrantedtoallowanaccounttocreatetherecoverycatalog?() A.RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNERB.DBAC.RESOURCED.SELECTANYDICTIONARYE.CONNECT
Whichofthefollowingrolesprovidestheprivilegestomaintainandquerytherecoverycatalogschema?() A.EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLEB.CONNECTC.RESOURCED.RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNERE.RECOVERY_CATALOG_USER
YouwouldliketocreateanRMANrecovercatalog&e YouwouldliketocreateanRMANrecovercataloginwhichtostoreinformationaboutyourDB01database.YouwanttousethedatabasenamedRCDBforthestorageofyourrecoverycatalog.Thesixstepsyouwillfollowtocreatearecovercatalogarenotdisplayedinthecorrectorder.Whichdisplaysthecorrectorder?()1.Granttheappropriateprivileges(CONNECTandRESOURCE)androles(RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER)totheuserresponsibleforperformingbackupandrecoveroperations.2.Registerthetargetdatabaseinthecatalog.3.CreatethecatalogusingtheRMANcommandlineinterpreter.4.Createauserandschemawhichwillowntherecoverycatalog.5.CreatetablespacetoholdthecataloginthedatabaseyouhavededicatedforyourRMANrecoverycatalog.6.ConnecttothetargetdatabaseusingSYSDBAprivileges.
WhichtwoRMANcommandsinitiatearesynchronizationoftherecoverycatalogwiththetargetdatabasecontrolfile?() A.COPYB.BACKUPC.CHANGED.DELETEE.CATALOG