packagefoo;publicclassOuter(publicstaticclassInner())Whichstatementistrue?() A.AninstanceoftheInnerclasscanbeconstructedwith“newOuter.Inner()”B.Aninstanceoftheinnerclasscannotbeconstructedoutsideofpackagefoo.C.Aninstanceoftheinnerclasscanonlybeconstructedfromwithintheouterclass.D.Fromwithinthepackagebar,aninstanceoftheinnerclasscanbeconstructedwith“newinner()”







packagefoo;publicclassOuter{publicstaticclassInner{}}Whichstatementistrue?() A.Compilationfails.B.AninstanceoftheInnerclasscanbeconstructedwith“newOuter.Inner()”.C.AninstanceoftheInnerclasscannotbeconstructedoutsideofpackagefoo.D.AninstanceoftheInnerclasscanbeconstructedonlyfromwithintheOuterclass.E.Fromwithinthepackagefoo,andinstanceoftheInnerclasscanbeconstructedwith“newInner()”.

Which statement is True?A.The Port State Control Officer has no right to check a SSPB.The Master has the right to refuse the request from a Port State Control Officer to check the confidential part of the SSP on boardC.The Confidential part of a SSP can never be subject to non-flag StateD.Even the flag State has no right to check the SSP thoroughly

Ifauthenticationisenabled,whichstatementistrue?() A.clientreportswilldisplayauthenticatedusernamesB.clientreportswilldisplayboththeusernameandIPaddressoftheclientsC.clientreportsarenotaffectedbyauthenticationD.clientreportswilldisplaytheIPaddressoftheauthenticationserver

The ventilation system of your ship has fire dampers restrained by fusible links. Which statement is TRUE?A.Fusible links must be replaced if a damper is activatedB.Fusible links are tested by applying a source of heat to themC.Fusible links must be replaced at every inspection for certificationD.A fusible link will automatically open after a fire is extinguished and reset the damper

You are cleaning the tanks after carrying a cargo of crude oil. Which statement is TRUE?A.Washing water should be recirculated if possible because it has the same electric potential as the cargo tank being cleanedB.The hoses to portable cleaning machines should be disconnected before the machines are removed from the tankC.The principal hazard with steaming cargo tanks is raising the ambient temperature above the flame point of the cargo residueD.Steam cleaning and water washing are both capable of generating electrostatic charges within a tank

When loading containers into the cell guides in the hold of a container ship,which statement is TRUE ________.A.No further securing is usually requiredB.Containers must have vertical lashings if they do not have twist lock securingC.All containers must have vertical and horizontal lashingsD.The container must be locked into the cell guide

Which statement is TRUE ________.A.GMDSS radio logs are required to contain entries pertaining to all incidents connected to radio communication service which appear to be of importance to the safety of life at seaB.All distress communications must be entered in the GMDSS radio log.C.Both of the aboveD.None of the above

Which statement is TRUE ________.A.Key letters or abbreviations may not be used in GMDSS radio logbooks under any circumstanceB.Urgent communications do not need to be entered in the GMDSS radio logC.Both of the aboveD.None of the above

According to this article,which statement is true?( ) A.The demand of labor is more than the supply of labor B.The demand of labor is less than the supply of labor C.The demand of labor is equal to the supply of labor D.The author is not clear about the relation between the demand of labor and the supply of labor