During the installation of Oracle Database 11g, you do not set ORACLE_BASE explicitly. You selected the option to create a database as part of the installation. How would this environment variable setting affect the installation?()A. The installation terminates with an error.B. The installation proceeds with the default value without warnings and errors.C. The installation proceeds with the default value but it would not be an OFA-compliant database.D. The installation proceeds with the default value but a message would be generated in the alert log file.

During the installation of Oracle Database 11g, you do not set ORACLE_BASE explicitly. You selected the option to create a database as part of the installation. How would this environment variable setting affect the installation?()

A. The installation terminates with an error.

B. The installation proceeds with the default value without warnings and errors.

C. The installation proceeds with the default value but it would not be an OFA-compliant database.

D. The installation proceeds with the default value but a message would be generated in the alert log file.


You look(). What () you () ? A、tire, did…doB、tiring, have…doneC、tired, do…doD、tired, have…been doing

9. _______you _______ stay at home today?A. Do ; have toB. Must; have toC. Have; toD. Do ; must

you, do, eraser, how, spell【连词成句)________________________?


What () you () at eight o'clock tomorrow morning? A、are; doingB、do; youC、will; doD、will; be doing

以下程序的输出结果是()。main(){char*a[][5]={“how”,”do”,”you”,”do”,”!”};char**p;inti;p=a;for(i=0;i A.howdoyoudo!B.howC.howdoyoudoD.hdyd

WhichofthefollowingstatementsistrueregardingtheinitializationparameterDIAGNOSTIC_DEST?()Thedefaultvalueisthevalueoftheenvironmentvariable$ORACLE_HOME;if$ORACLE_HOMEisn’tset A.thenthedefaultissetto$ORACLE_BASE Thedefaultvalueisthevalueoftheenvironmentvariable$ORACLE_BASE;if$ORACLE_BASEisn’tset,B.thenitissetto$ORACLE_HOMEC.DIAGNOSTIC_DESTisalwaysequalto$ORACLE_HOMED.DIAGNOSTIC_DESTisalwaysequalto$ORACLE_BASE


ORACLE数据库自带的opath工具在下面哪个目录下?() A.$ORACLE_HOME/network/adminB.$ORACLE_HOME/binC.$ORACLE_HOME/OPAtchD.$ORACLE_BASE

You look() What()you()?Atire;did;doBtiring;have;doneCtired;do;doDtired;have;been doing