下列句子叙述正确的是( )。 A.天然色素色调自然B.天然色素受共存物质影响,均有食物香味C.pH值对天然色素的色调没有影响D.天然色素便于保管与运输

下列句子叙述正确的是( )。






下列各句子中,加点的成语使用正确的一句是( )。


根据每个句子所表达的意思判断下列句子使用修饰语是否正确 The students quickly became frustrated by the homework that the teacher assigned. (You mean that the students became frustrated quickly, maybe because the homework was difficult or very long.)

根据每个句子所表达的意思判断下列句子使用修饰语是否正确 Taking some time to clearly focus on your product can make it a higher quality end product. (You mean that the reader needs to focus clearly.)


根据每个句子所表达的意思判断下列句子使用修饰语是否正确 Taking some time to focus can make the product you create clearly higher quality than before. (You mean that the reader needs to focus clearly.)

根据每个句子所表达的意思判断下列句子使用修饰语是否正确 The teacher said on Friday he would return our compositions. (This only means the compositions will be returned on Friday.)

根据每个句子所表达的意思判断下列句子使用修饰语是否正确 What you see often you will like. (This only talks about something that you see often.)

判断下列句子是否正确 Вот наша библиотека.Утром и днём тут молодые студенты.Вот интересные книги.Справа русские учебники.А слева новые газеты и журналы.

根据每个句子所表达的意思判断下列句子使用修饰语是否正确 The teacher assigned the homework quickly, which frustrated the students. (You mean that the teacher assigned the homework quickly)