上题中的' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"'是什么意思?() A. 表示数据由双引号括起来B. 表示数据以双引号为分隔符

上题中的' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"'是什么意思?()

A. 表示数据由双引号括起来

B. 表示数据以双引号为分隔符


●Soon,more of the information we receive via the Internet could come(71)in digital wrappers.Wrappers are made up(72)software code that's targeted to do specific things with the data(73)within them,such as helping to define queries for search engines.They also keep(74)from(75)access to that code.(71)A.package B.packaged C.packages D.packaging(72)A.of B.off C.on D.out(73)A.close B.closed C.enclose D.enclosed(74)A.insiders B.money C.outsiders D.warehouse(75)A.gain B.gained C.gains D.gaining





7 Soon,more of the information we receive via the internet could come _____indi gital wrappers. Wrappers are made up ______ softwore code that’s targeted to do specificthings with the data _____within them such as helping to define queries forsearch engines They also keep _____from_____access to that code.(1) A.Package B.packaged C.packages D.packaging(2)A.of B.off C.on D.out(3)A.close B.closed C.enclose D.enclosed(4)A.insiders B.money C.outsiders D.warehouse(5)A.gain B.gained C.gains D.gaining

Ships’ masters are requested to ensure that during their call at this port,all discharging outlets are blocked .A.blockadedB.openedC.closedD.enclosed


4)上题中,如果程序中有printf("%x", x);则输出的结果是什么?