He bought a new suitcase, ( ) is very high.A、the price of whichB、price of whichC、which priceD、the price

He bought a new suitcase, ( ) is very high.

A、the price of which

B、price of which

C、which price

D、the price


It was in the factory ______ produced TV sets ______ our friends were murdered.A、which; whichB、that; whichC、that; thatD、where; that

以下哪种变量赋值的写法是不正确的() A.orange_price=6B.Price=5.8C.price=5.8D.01price=6

价格;条款;花费(  )。A.price;spend;termsB.price;spend;termsC.price;terms;spendD.terms;price;spend

BookStore数据库中有图书表Book(BookCode, BookName, Author, PublisherCode, PublishTime,BookSort, ISBN, BookPicture, ContentInro, Price, Discount),其中 PublishTime是datetime类型。 将Book表中的所有“外语”类图书的价格降低10%,并将折扣均设为8折。SQL语句: UPDATE Book SET ________ Where BookSort ='外语'。A.Price=Price*0.9, Discount=0.8B.Price=Price*(1-10%), Discount=0.8C.Price=0.9, Discount=0.8D.Discount=0.8, Price=Price*0.9

显示图书的最高价、最低价、平均价、最高价与最低价之间的差值。语句如下: SELECT Max(Price) AS 最高价, ________ AS 最低价, Str(Avg(Price),6,2) AS 平均价, Max(Price)-Min(Price) AS 最高价与最低价的差值 FROM Book

下面哪个句子能表达“价格:每打 80美金,纽约到岸价”?A.Price: USD 80 per dozen, CIF New YorkB.Price: per dozen USD 80, CIF New YorkC.Price: CIF New York, USD 80 per dozenD.Price: One dozen USD 80, CIF New York

查询book表中price字段的最大值,正确的查询语句是A.select max(price) from bookB.select min(price) from bookC.select price from min bookD.select price from max book

24、显示图书的最高价、最低价、平均价、最高价与最低价之间的差值。语句如下: SELECT Max(Price) AS 最高价, ________ AS 最低价, Str(Avg(Price),6,2) AS 平均价, Max(Price)-Min(Price) AS 最高价与最低价的差值 FROM Book


7、BookStore数据库中有图书表Book(BookCode, BookName, Author, PublisherCode, PublishTime,BookSort, ISBN, BookPicture, ContentInro, Price, Discount),其中 PublishTime是datetime类型。 将Book表中的所有“外语”类图书的价格降低10%,并将折扣均设为8折。SQL语句: UPDATE Book SET ________ Where BookSort ='外语'。A.Price=Price*0.9, Discount=0.8B.Price=Price*(1-10%), Discount=0.8C.Price=0.9, Discount=0.8D.Discount=0.8, Price=Price*0.9