Most large enterprises have a network of homegrown, legacy mainframe, and packaged applications that need to share information and ( ) . Unfortunately, most of these systems are proprietary to the vendor, and were written in different programming languages with different data structures. Integration ( ) was developed to allow ( ) systems to communicate. Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is used to integrate applications inside the ( ) . B2B integration extends integration beyond the enterprise to customers, partners, and suppliers. The emerging Web Services ( ) goes even further by defining a single set of standards for integration both inside and outside the enterprise. As a result, vendors in EAI and B2B markets will be profoundly affected by Web Services.( )A. network B. computers C. data D. functionality( )A. system B. component C. middleware D. module( )A. incompatible B. compatible C. similar D. dissimilar( )A. Internet B. LAN C. intranet D. firewall( )A. organization B. group C. model D. block

Most large enterprises have a network of homegrown, legacy mainframe, and packaged applications that need to share information and ( ) . Unfortunately, most of these systems are proprietary to the vendor, and were written in different programming languages with different data structures. Integration ( ) was developed to allow ( ) systems to communicate. Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is used to integrate applications inside the ( ) . B2B integration extends integration beyond the enterprise to customers, partners, and suppliers. The emerging Web Services ( ) goes even further by defining a single set of standards for integration both inside and outside the enterprise. As a result, vendors in EAI and B2B markets will be profoundly affected by Web Services.

( )A. network B. computers C. data D. functionality

( )A. system B. component C. middleware D. module

( )A. incompatible B. compatible C. similar D. dissimilar

( )A. Internet B. LAN C. intranet D. firewall

( )A. organization B. group C. model D. block


And they can ______their passports______,making leaving or “escaping” virtually impossible.A. have…removeB. had…removeC. have…removingD. have…removed

What a waste! Why do you () the water () all the time ? A、have…flowingB、have…flowC、have…to flowD、have…flowed


A stored procedure object is created into which DB2 object?() A.AliasB.SchemaC.PackageD.Routine Space

Which of the following objects contains control structures that are considered the bound form of SQL statements?() A.UDTB.TriggerC.PackageD.Access plan

[A]applications [B]enterprises [C]functions [D]performances

American companies are evolving from mass‐production manufacturing to( )enterprises.A.moveableB.changingC.flexibleD.varying

1.Arnold渲染器有其自带的材质、灯光等系统,因此当你打开材质编辑器时,会发现所有的标准贴图都不能使用,如果真想用3ds Max自带的贴图,那么勾选【渲染设置】【System】中的_____。A.【 Legacy 3ds Max Material Support】B.【 Legacy 3ds Max Img Support】C.【 Legacy 3ds Max Image Support】D.【 Legacy 3ds Max Map Support】


3.Arnold渲染器有其自带的材质、灯光等系统,因此当你打开材质编辑器时,会发现所有的标准贴图都不能使用,如果真想用3ds Max自带的贴图,那么勾选【渲染设置】【System】中的_____。A.【 Legacy 3ds Max Material Support】B.【 Legacy 3ds Max Img Support】C.【 Legacy 3ds Max Image Support】D.【 Legacy 3ds Max Map Support】