When importing or exporting routing information using routing policy, the import or export is always done from which point of view?() A. routing tableB. forwarding tableC. routing protocolD. neighbor or peer

When importing or exporting routing information using routing policy, the import or export is always done from which point of view?()

A. routing table

B. forwarding table

C. routing protocol

D. neighbor or peer


Which three contexts can be used as matching conditions in a source NAT configuration? ()(Choose three.) A. routing-instanceB. zoneC. interfaceD. policyE. rule-set

YouarecreatingadestinationNATrule-set.Whichtwoarevalidforusewiththefromclause?() A.securitypolicyB.interfaceC.routing-instanceD.IPaddress


A. consignee; consignor B. consignor; applicantC. consignor ; consignee D. consignee; applicantA. import ; sales contract B. export ; sales contractC. import ; bill of lading D. export ; bill of lading

哪些环节属于数字后端范凑?A.Floor PlanB.PlacementC.CTSD.Routing


2 路由(Routing)是指导IP报文发送的______。

SETUP TIME在routing后修正。


【单选题】以下哪个是设置布线安全间距的规则A.Routing→WidthB.Routing→Width LayersC.Electrical→ShortCircuitD.Electrical→Clearance