Which two statements are true of login classes?() A. Users can be members of multiple login classes.B. Login classes define authorization parameters for a user.C. There are five system-defined login classes.D. Login class permission flags can be overridden for certain commands.

Which two statements are true of login classes?()

A. Users can be members of multiple login classes.

B. Login classes define authorization parameters for a user.

C. There are five system-defined login classes.

D. Login class permission flags can be overridden for certain commands.



The professor asked us to write a _____________ report.A、two-hundreds-wordsB、two-hundreds-wordC、two-hundred-wordsD、two-hundred-word

You use—login-path to access a MySQL server on a Linux installation.Which statement is true about the – login-path option that is created by using mysql_config_editor?() A.All system users have access to the MySQL server via—login path localB.login-path can be used only for MySQL servers running on a local machineC.login-path allows you to provide login credentials without passing clear text passwords on the command lineD.When using – login-path to connect to a remote MySQL server, the remote server version must be 5.6 or later

下列复选框构造方法,错误的是 ( )A.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));B.add(new Checkbox("one",null,true));C.add(new Checkbox("two"));D.add(new Checkbox("one",true));



Oracle7.2之前的数据库连接用户名和密码在网络传输时是不进行加密的,为了要和旧版本兼容Oracle数据库9.02存 在DBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN参数用来调节数据库连接时用户名和密码的加密特性,以下说法正确的是:()。A、DBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN为TRUE时,数据库连接加密用户名和密码B、DBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN时,数据库连接不加密用户名和密码C、DBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN为FALSE时,如果加密的数据库连接失败,会尝试不加密的连接D、DBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN为TRUE时,加密的数据库连接失败,也不会尝试不加密的连接

Norman Blarney is an artist of deep convictions.A: claimsB:suggestionsC: beliefs D:statements

根据下面的定义,能打印出字母P的语句是() struct person { char name[9]; int age;}; struct person classes[10]={"John",17, "Paul",19,"Mary",18, "Adam",16};A.printf("%cn",classes[2].name);B.printf("%cn",classes[2].name[1]);C.printf("%cn",classes[1].name[0]);D.printf("%cn",classes[1].name[1]);
