Referring to the exhibit, if the static route with prefix is evaluated against the routing policy, which preference value will be set?() A. The preference will be 6.B. The preference will be 7.C. The preference will be 8.D. The preference will be the default for static routes.
Referring to the exhibit, if the static route with prefix is evaluated against the routing policy, which preference value will be set?()
A. The preference will be 6.
B. The preference will be 7.
C. The preference will be 8.
D. The preference will be the default for static routes.
Given the following policy, what happens when the 1.1/17 route is evaluated?()[edit policy-options] policy-statement test{ from { route-filter 0/0 orlonger accept; route-filter 1.1/17 upto /24 reject; route-filter 1.1/18 exact; }then { metric 6; accept; }A. The route does not match this policy.B. The route is accepted.C. The route is rejected.D. The route is accepted with a metric of 6.
Given the following configuration on the Paris PE router:routing-instance{VPN-A-Paris-Munich{instance-type vrf;interface so-6/0/0.0;interface so-6/0/1.0;route-distinguisher 65535:0;vrf-target target:65535:101;routing-options{static {route next-hop so-6/0/0.0;route next-hop so-6/0/1.0;}Which community value would the Munich PE router match against in an import policy associated with this VPN?()A. 101B. 65535:0C. 65535:101D. target:65535:101
Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true about the prefix?() A. The command neighbor send -community is configured on BGP neighbor If another path advertises the path and has the default local preference, that path is more preferred.C. Route is learned by an IBGP peer.D. The route is not being advertised to other BGP neighbors.
Refertotheexhibit.Whichstatementistrueaboutthe6.6.6.0/24prefix?() A.Ifanotherpathadvertisesthe6.6.6.0/24pathandhasthedefaultlocalpreference,thatpathismorepreferredB.Thecommandneighborsend-communityisconfiguredonBGPneighbor10.10.23.3C.Theroute10.10.23.3isnotbeingadvertisedtootherBGPneighborsD.Route6.6.6.0/24islearnedbyanIBGPpeer
WhatistheorderofpreferenceforthesecommandswhenallofthemareappliedtooneneighborintheBGPinboundfilterdirection?() A.prefix-list,route-map,filter-list,distributelistB.route-map,filter-list,prefix-list,distribute-listC.route-map,distribute-list,prefix-list,filter-listD.filter-list,prefixlist,route-map,distributelistE.distributelist,prefix-list,route-map,fitterlist
在route-policy的if-Match字句中,有以下命令,可以用于所有路由协议的是() A. if-match as-path aspath-list-numB. if-match community community-list-numC. if-match interface type numberD. if-match ip next-hop \{acl-number | ip-prefix ip-prefix-name}
当对一个BGP邻居配置了多个路由选择工具进行路由过滤时,下列描述错误的是() A.对于peer接收路由,IP-Prefix先与route-policy被处理B.对于peer接收路由,route-policy先与IP-Prefix被处理C.对于peer发送路由,IP-prefix先与route-policy被处理D.对于peer发送路由,route-policy先与IP-Prefix被处理
关于route-policy描述错误的是() A.关于Route-policy由多个节点构成,一个节点包括多个if-match和apply字句B.if-match字句用来定义该节点的匹配条件,apply子句用来定义通过过滤的路由行为C.if-match子句的过滤规则关系是“与”,即该节点的所有if-match子句都必须匹配D.route-policy节点间的过滤关系是“或”,即只要通过了一个节点的过滤,就可以通过该Route-Policy