运行下列程序: x=Input Box("input value Of x”) Select Case x Case IsO y=y+1 Case Is=0 y=x+2 Case Else y=x+3 End Select Print x;y 运行时,从键盘输入-5,输出的结果是( )。A.-7B.-9C.-8D.-10

运行下列程序: x=Input Box("input value Of x”) Select Case x Case Is>O y=y+1 Case Is=0 y=x+2 Case Else y=x+3 End Select Print x;y 运行时,从键盘输入-5,输出的结果是( )。






下面程序运行的结果是()。includeusing namespace std;class A{ protected:int a; pub 下面程序运行的结果是( )。 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class A{ protected: int a; public: void input(int i) {a=i;} }; class B{ protected: int a; public: void input(int j) {a=j;} }; class C: public A, public B { int x; public: void input() {x=A::a * B::a;cout<<x<<endl;} }; void main() { C c; c.A::input(5); c.B::input(8); c.input(); }A.5B.8C.40D.编译出错

运行下列程序: x=InputBox("input value of x") Select Case X Case Is>0 y=y+1 Case Is=0 y=x+2 Case ELse y=x+3 End Select Print x;y 运行时,从键盘输入-5,输出的结果是( )。A.-7B.-9C.-8D.-10

有如下程序 x=InputBox("input value of x") Select Case x Case Is>0 y=y+1 Case Is=0 y=x+2 Case Else y=x+3 End Select Print x ;y 运行时,从键盘输入-5,输出的结果是( )。A.-7B.-9C.-8D.-10

有如下程序: x = InputBox("Input value of x") Select Case x Case Is > 0 y=y+1 Case Is = 0 y=x + 2 Case Else y=x + 3 End Select Print x, y运行时,从键盘输入-5,输出的结果是( )。A.-7B.-9C.-8D.-10

运行下列程序: x = InputBox( "input value of x" ) Select Case x Case Is > 0 y=y+1 Case Is = 0 y=x+2 Case Else y=x+3 End Select Print x; y运行时,从键盘输入-5,输出的结果是( )。A.-7B.-9C.-8D.-10

下列选项中,用于为<input>标签定义标注的标签是()A.<input />B.<label>C.<select></select>D.<form>

下列Python程序的运行结果是()x = 0 y = True print(x>y and 'A' < 'B')A.TrueB.FalseC.trueD.false

3、在 Python 中,正确的输入语句为【 】。A.x,y=input()B.x+y=input()C.x=y=input(x,y)D.x,y =input(请输入两个数据:)

8、下列Python程序的运行结果是() x = 0 y = True print(x>y and 'A' < 'B')A.TrueB.FalseC.trueD.false