Which CLI command is used to enable L2TP tunnel switching?() A. l2tp tunnellingB. l2tp tunnel switchingC. l2tp tunnel-switchingD. enable l2tp tunnel switching
Which CLI command is used to enable L2TP tunnel switching?()
A. l2tp tunnelling
B. l2tp tunnel switching
C. l2tp tunnel-switching
D. enable l2tp tunnel switching
( 26 ) 窗体 中 3 个命令按钮 , 分别命名 为 command1 、 command 2 和 command3, 当单 击 command 1 按钮时 , command 2按钮变为可用, command3 按钮变为不可见,下列 command1 的单击事件过程中,正确的是A ) private sub command1_click()Command2.visible=trueCommand3.visible=falseEnd subB ) private sub command1_click()Command2.enabled=trueCommand3.enabled=falseEnd subC ) private sub command1_click()Command2.enable=trueCommand3.visible=falseEnd subD ) private sub command1_click()Command2.visible=trueCommand3.enable=falseEnd sub
窗体中有3个命令按钮,分别命名为Commandl、Command2和Command3。当单击Commandl按钮时,Command2按钮变为可用,Command3按钮变为不可见。下列Corn—mandl的单击事件过程中,正确的是( )。A.private sub Command1 Click( ) Command2.Visible—trueCommand3.Visible—false End SubB.private sub Commandl Click( ) Command2.Enable—trueCommand3.Enable=falseEnd SubC.private sub Command1 Click( ) Command2.Enable—trueCommand3.Visible—falseEnd SubD.private sub Command1 Click( ) Command2.Visible=trueCommand3.Enable—falseEnd Sub
With the following CLI command output performed on an LNS: show l2tp session L2TP session 1/2/3 is up .What is the meaning of the numeric values in the output?() A.session 1, destination 2, tunnel 3B.destination 1, session 2, tunnel 3C.tunnel 1, session 2, destination 3D.destination 1, tunnel 2, session 3
网管中配置L2静态业务,其业务配置的顺序()。 A.静态tunnel-静态vc-vpws或vplsB.静态tunnel-L2VPN静态vcC.静态tunnel-vpws或vplsD.静态tunnel-L3VPN
Youwanttodynamicallyassignuserstoan802.1QVLANasaresultoftheirauthentication.Inordertoaccomplishthis.WhichtwoIETFRADIUSattributesshouldyouconfigureontheCiscoSecureACS?() A.064Tunnel-TypeB.066Tunnel-Client-EndpointC.067Tunnel-Server-EndpointD.081Tunnel-Private-Group-IDE.082Tunnel-Assignment-IDF.083Tunnel-Preference
下面能正确表示L2TP数据包封装格式的?A.IP |TCP |L2TP | PPP;B.IP |UDP |L2TP | PPP;C.IP |L2TP |TCP | PPP;D.IP |L2TP |UDP | PPP;
下面能正确表示L2TP数据包封装格式的?A.IP |UDP |L2TP | PPPB.IP |TCP |L2TP | PPPC.IP |L2TP |TCP | PPPD.IP |L2TP |UDP | PPP
1、下面能正确表示L2TP数据包封装格式的?A.IP |TCP |L2TP | PPP;B.IP |UDP |L2TP | PPP;C.IP |L2TP |TCP | PPP;D.IP |L2TP |UDP | PPP;