Weather, age and politics are appropriate topics of conversation in the UK.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Weather, age and politics are appropriate topics of conversation in the UK.()



After the Civil War, the United States saw great developments in (). A.agricultureB.economicsC.cultureD.politics

根据SQL标准,要查询表student中平均年龄age小于21的所在系dept及其平均年龄值,下面哪条语句适用?()A select dept,avg(age) from student where avg(age)B select dept,avg(age) from student group by dept having avg(age)C select dept,avg(age) from student having avg(age)D select dept,avg(age) from student group by dept where avg(age)


汉译英:“重量;价值”,正确的翻译为( )。A. weight ; valid B. weather; valueC. weight; value D. weather; valid

The aim of President Roosevelt’s New Deal was to “save American ( )” A.economy B.democracy C.society D.politics

英文“政治”politics 源于polis,是由希腊文πολι演化来的。

16、下面哪一个表达式能正确表示逻辑关系:"age≥18 或age≤60"?A.age>=18 or age<=60B.age>=18 | age<=60C.age>=18 age<=60D.age>=18 || age<=60



1、当用户点击文件名称为“weather.jpg”的图像时,需要将用户点击图像的坐标发送到后台名为"weather.jsp"的程序模块处理,即将图像定义服务器端图像映射,则下面正确的选项为()。A.<a href="weather.jpg"> <img src="weather.jsp" ismap /> </a>B.<a href="weather.jsp"> <img src="weather.jpg" ismap /> </a>C.<a href="weather.jsp"> <img src="weather.jpg" usemap /> </a>D.<a href="weather.jpg"> <img src="weather.jsp" usemap /> </a>