I don't think ________ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. A.thatB.itsC.thisD.it

I don't think ________ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.






Don’t think I’m joking. I ____________ business. (A) think(B) am(C) mean(D) talk

Don’t write in the third person but don’t () “I”. A.useB.overuseC.writeD.put

1.I ______they ______tomorrow.A. think; won’ t comeB. don- t think ; comeC. don't think; will comeD. think; come

--Your phone number again? I _______ quite catch it. A.don'tB.can'tC.couldn'tD.didn't

–– Host: Jack, come and sit in the sofa. Dinner will be ready in a minute. Could I get you something to drink?–– Guest: ____.A: No, don ’t trouble. I ’ve drunk enoughB: No, you couldn't. I'm not thirstyC: Yes, you could. I ’d like some Coca colaD: Yes, please. I'd like some Sprite

I'll keep ______ eye on the baby when she is away.A、theB、oneC、 anD、much

sun are选择 but_______________quantitiesofradiationfromthesunare[A]soon[B]well[C]much[D]possible

the atmosphere选择 As_____________asmenleavetheatmosphere[A]soon[B]well[C]much[D]possible


-- Ann is in hospital.-- Oh, really? I __ know. I __ go and visit her.A. didn’t; am going to B. don’t; wouldC. don’t; will D. didn't; will