The STUDENT_GRADES table has these columns:The register has requested a report listing the students‘ grade point averages (GPA), sorted from highest grade point average to lowest within each semester, starting from the earliest date. Which statement accomplishes this?()A. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY semester_end DESC, gpa DESC;B. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY semester_end ASC, gpa ASC;C. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY semester_end, gpa DESC;D. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY gpa DESC, semester_end DESC;E. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY gpa DESC, semester_end ASC;

The STUDENT_GRADES table has these columns:The register has requested a report listing the students‘ grade point averages (GPA), sorted from highest grade point average to lowest within each semester, starting from the earliest date. Which statement accomplishes this?()

A. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY semester_end DESC, gpa DESC;

B. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY semester_end ASC, gpa ASC;

C. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY semester_end, gpa DESC;

D. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY gpa DESC, semester_end DESC;

E. SELECT student_id, semester_end, gpa FROM student_grades ORDER BY gpa DESC, semester_end ASC;


How long() you() a member of the club? A.have,,joinedB.have,,beenC.has,,joinedD.has,,been eatB.haveC.likesD.has

Let’s(has) broccoli, It's good for us.

18.A.isB.areC. haveD. has

He said that he ______ already _______ the English film. A. has; seenB. has; seeC. had; seen

He () some difficulty () the book into Japanese. A、is, to translateB、has, to translateC、is, in translatingD、has, in translating

There ______ seven days in a week. A、areB、isC、haveD、has

Whichfouraretrue?() A.Has-arelationshipsshouldneverbeencapsulated.B.Has-arelationshipsshouldbeimplementedusinginheritance.C.Has-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusinginstancevariables.D.Is-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusingtheextendskeyword.E.Is-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusingtheimplementskeyword.F.Anarrayoracollectioncanbeusedtoimplementaone-to-manyhas-arelationship.G.TherelationshipbetweenMovieandActressisanexampleofanis-arelationship.

When William hurried home, he found that his mother ____already ____to hospital.A、has; been sentB、had; sentC、has; sentD、had; been sent

Neither Tom nor John__a bike of__own.A.have,theirB.has,hisC.have,hisD.has,their