If the derrick is too high and can’t get to the cargo in the hold, how do you adjust it?

If the derrick is too high and can’t get to the cargo in the hold, how do you adjust it?


- Must we clean the room before we leave?- No , you_____ A.mustn'tB.can'tC.needn't

--Must we finish our homework now? --No, you ______. You _______ finish it after school. A.needn't , mayB.mustn't , mayC.can't , canD.needn't , must

“Must I finish my homework now?” “No, you() . But you() finish it this evening. ” A. mustn’ t…mustB. needn’ t…mustC. can’ t…canD. can’ t…must

you, do, eraser, how, spell【连词成句)________________________?


Must we clearn the room before we leave?No, you _______ A.mustn'tB.can'tC.needn't

Must I stay at the office this afternoon? ---No, you ______.A、don’tB、needn’tC、don’t needD、can’t

以下程序的输出结果是()。main(){char*a[][5]={“how”,”do”,”you”,”do”,”!”};char**p;inti;p=a;for(i=0;i A.howdoyoudo!B.howC.howdoyoudoD.hdyd

Just be patient. You ( ) expect the world to change so soon. A、will notB、may notC、can'tD、needn't

—_______ I return the book to the library this week?— No, you _______.You can keep it until the end of this month. A.Must; needn’tB.Can; can’tC.May; mustn’tD.Can; mustn’t