The ground control had been receiving signals from the plane before they suddenly ____.A. broke offB. came downC. grew upD. turned over

The ground control had been receiving signals from the plane before they suddenly ____.

A. broke off

B. came down

C. grew up

D. turned over


A sore throat and running nose are () of getting cold. A、signsB、symptomsC、symbolsD、signals

I think the hatch covers ________ all fixed up by youA.wasB.wereC.beD.been

2.I prefer _______ a small gift that has some thought behind it rather than some money.A. to receive; to gettingB. receiving; gettingC. to receive ; getD. receiving; get

At last we got the letter we had long () expecting.A. areB. wereC. beD. been

Does that include the turnover()in advance?A、 to receiveB、 receivedC、 receiving

She ___here a minute ago. A.isB. wasC.beD. been

We acknowledge with thanks()your letter dated December 14. A、receiptB、receiveC、receipt ofD、receiving

He is talking so much about America as if he ____ there.A、had beenB、has beenC、wasD、been


ground ________地面沉降