I am _____ go and nothing will stop me.A、determine toB、determining toC、determined toD、determination to

I am _____ go and nothing will stop me.

A、determine to

B、determining to

C、determined to

D、determination to


This skirt was made___________your mother___________her own measure.A. for; toB. for; forC. to; toD. for; by

Most Americans would prefer to keep their problems themselves, and solve their problems ______ themselves.A. to; by B. by; to C. for; to D. in; on

American education ________ a great debt ________ Thomas Jefferson. A. owes⋯toB. owns⋯toC. offers ⋯toD. attribute ⋯to

He is _______ bad _______ deserve our trust. A.to...toB.so...toC.too...toD.such...to

We enclose a cheque for US $2000() payment of all commissions due ()you up to date.A、into,againstB、in,toC、for,toD、on,to

If I may be () further assistance () you, please let me know.A、of,forB、with,toC、of,toD、upon,to

We_____it_____MarconiandBellthatwecantalktopeopleontheothersideoftheglobeovertheradio. A.own...forB.owe...toC.own...toD.owe...for

They have()a price which we think will be acceptable()you. A、bided⋯toB、bid⋯toC、bidden⋯byD、bid⋯with

I'm familiar ______the music that they are dancingA. to, toB. with, toC. with, withD. with,/

This skirt was made ______ your mother ______ her own measure.A. for; toB. for; forC. to; toD. for; by