1.public classA{2.public String doit(intx,inty){3.returna;4.}5.6.public String doit(int...vals){7.returnb;8.}9.}And:25.A a=new A();26.System.out.println(a.doit(4,5));What is the result?()A.Line 26 prints a to System.out.B.Line 26 prints b to System.out.C.An exception is thrown at line 26 at runtime.D.Compilation of class A will fail due to an error in line 6.

1.public classA{2.public String doit(intx,inty){3.return"a";4.}5.6.public String doit(int...vals){7.return"b";8.}9.}And:25.A a=new A();26.System.out.println(a.doit(4,5));What is the result?()

A.Line 26 prints "a" to System.out.

B.Line 26 prints "b" to System.out.

C.An exception is thrown at line 26 at runtime.

D.Compilation of class A will fail due to an error in line 6.


程序的输出结果是【 】。 include using namespace std; class A{ int x; public: A(int 程序的输出结果是【 】。include <iostream>using namespace std;class A{int x;public:A(int x=1):x(x){cout<<x;}};void main(){A a,b(2),c(3);}

publicclassIfTest(publicstaticvoidmain(string[]args){intx=3;inty=1;if(x=y)system.out.printIn(Notequal”);elsesystem.out.printIn(Equal”);})Whatistheresult?() A.Theoutputis“Equal”B.Theoutputin“NotEqual”C.Anerroratline5causescompilationtofall.D.Theprogramexecutesbutdoesnotprintamessage.

已知类 String 的原型为class string{public:string(const char *str=null);//普通构造函数string(const string other);//拷贝构造函数---string(void);string operate=(const string other);//赋值函数private:char * m-data;//用于保存字符串};请编写 string 的上述4 个函数

若有以下程序:includeusing namespace std;class A{private:int a; public:void seta 若有以下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class A { private: int a; public: void seta(int x) { a=x; } void showa() { cout<<a<<","; } }; class B { private: int b; public: void setb(int x) { b=x; } void showb() { cout<<b<<",”; } }; class C:pUblic A,private B { private: int c; public: void setc(int x,int y,int z) { c=z; seta(x); setb(y); } void showc() { showa(); showb(); cout<<c<<end1; } }; int main() { Cc; c.setc(1,2,3); c.showc(); retrun 0; } 程序执行后的输出结果是A.1,2,3B.1,1,1C.2,2,2D.3,3,3

若有以下程序:include using namespace std;class A{private:int a;public:void seta 若有以下程序:#include <iostream>using namespace std;class A{private: int a;public: void seta(int x) { a=x; } void showa() { cout<<a<<","; }};class B{private: int b;public: void setb(int x) { b=x; } void showb() { cout<<b<<","; }};class C: public A, private B{private: int c;public: void setc(int x, int y, int z) { c=z; seta(x); setb(y); } void showc() { showa(); showb(); cout<<c<<end1; }};int main(){ C c; c.setc(1,2,3); c.showc(); return 0;}程序执行后的输出结果是( )。A.1,2,3B.1,1,1C.2,2,2D.3,3,3

请找出下列程序中错误之处 ______。 include classA{private: intx1;protected: int 请找出下列程序中错误之处 ______。#include<iostream.h>class A{private:int x1;protected:int x2;public:int x3;};class B:public A{private:int y1;protected:int y2;public:int y3;void disp(){cout<<x1<<y1<<end1:} //Avoid set(int i) {x2=i;} //B};void main() {B bb;bb.x3=10; //Cbb.y3=10; //D}A.AB.BC.CD.D

下面程序输出的结果是( )。 include using namespace std; class A{ 下面程序输出的结果是( )。 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class A{ int X; public: A(int x):x(++x){} ~A(){cout<<x;} }; class B:public A{ int y; public: B(int y):A(y),y(y){} ~B(){cout<<y;}; }; void main(){ B b(3); }A.34B.43C.33D.44

若有以下程序:include using namespace std;class A{private: int a;public: void se 若有以下程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { private: int a; public: void seta(int x) { a=x; } void showa,( ) { cout<<a<<", "; } }; class B { private: int b; public: void setb(int x) { b=x; } void showb () { cout<<b<<", "; } }; class C : public A, private B { private: int c; public: void setc(int x,int y, int z) { c=z; sera (x); seth (y); } void showc() { showa(); showb(); cout<<c<<end1; } }; int main () { C c; c.setc(1,2,3); c.showc(); return 0; } 程序执行后的输出结果是( )。A.1,2,3B.1,1,1C.2,2,2D.3,3,3

运行下面程序时,会产生什么异常?() public class X7_1_5 { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] z = {1,2,3,4}; int p = z[4]; int x = 0; int y = p/x; } }A.ArithmeticExceptionB.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionC.NumberFormatExceptionD.IOException

运行下面程序时,会产生什么异常?() public class X7_1_5 { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] z = {1,2,3,4}; int p = z[4]; int x = 0; int y = 5/x; } }A.NumberFormatExceptionB.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionC.IOExceptionD.ArithmeticException