As a police officer, you are trained to stay calm even in extremely (danger) ___________situations.

As a police officer, you are trained to stay calm even in extremely (danger) ___________situations.


Because you don’t want to stay _____ all night packing and wear yourself out before you even leave for the trip.

James is reporting the car accident to the police on the spot.POLICE: Can you tell me what___1__ hereJAMES: Yes. I had a bad traffic accident. Look, my car looks like a squashed Coke can.POLICE: Did you see the car before it hit youJAMES: No, I didn't. That car was too __2___.POLICE: Which lane were you inJAMES: I don't remember.POLICE: How fast were you__3___ thenJAMES: Less than 30 miles per hour.POLICE: Which direction were you__4___ from And which direction were you headingJAMES: I was heading from east to west.POLICE: OK, please move your car off to the side of the road. We will check on it. Do you feel like you need an ambulance, sirJAMES: No, I didn't get __5___. Thanks for your concern.POLICE: No problem, sir.

The police officer is determining who is going to be responsible()the traffic accident.A. forB. onC. in

Why did you stop my car, police officer?()You just ran a red light.A. Your driver's license please.B. I just want to.C. No why.

Angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints at staff members. If this happens to you, you should remember that they are actually expressing their dissatisfaction about the company and not about you as an individual. But if you wish to be successful in any business, then you have to learn how to handle angry customers. Listed below are a few guidelines to help you develop your own personal strategy for dealing with angry customers:Never argue back. You must stay calm and aim to satisfy the customer even in the most difficult situations. It is only by agreeing with their view point and suggesting a possible solution that you will resolve the situation and send the customer away happy.Use your ears more than your mouth. Make sure you listen more than you speak. By listening carefully, you will be able to understand why the customer is complaining, so that satisfactory steps can be taken.Show that you care: Use every opportunity to express your apology and understanding. You have to show that you will do everything within your power to try and resolve the situation. This exhibition of your concern will win the customer over. There will be a significant change in their behavior.Control your anger and be patient. Learn to relax and calm yourself. Having patience with your customers and with yourself will go a long way in winning over hostile customers.The above guidelines are very useful in helping you successfully tackle all kinds of difficult situations in life. If you follow them, you are on your way to succeeding in your career.21. Whom do angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints at?A. Staff members.B. Company managers.C. Those who accompany them.22. When a customer shouts rudely at you, you should().A. arg1e back and protect yourselfB. keep quiet and leave the customer aloneC. keep calm and listen carefully to the customer23. The underlined sentence “Use your ears more than your mouth” means().A. Your mouth is not more important for you than your ears.B. You should listen more than you speak.C. You should talk more than you listen.24. When dealing with an angry customer, which is NOT the right attitude?A. Be concerned.B. Be patient.C. Be amused.25. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. When the customers complain, you neednt listen carefully.B. You neednt say sorry to those angry customers.C. You should relax yourself and try to understand the angry customers.

The father repeatedly __________ with the police officer to set his daughter free, holding firm to his belief that she was innocent.A、arguedB、protestedC、angeredD、pleaded

There ________no danger, the police went back to their police office.A、beB、isC、areD、being

A police officer claimed he had attempted to ______ paying his fare. A、avoiidB、rejectC、refuseD、neglect

Passage Two(26~30) Taiwan police cannot decide whether to treat it as an extremely clever act of stealing or an even cleverer cheat (诈骗). Either way, it could be the perfect crime (犯罪), because the criminals are birds-horning pigeons!The crime begins with a telephone message to the owner of a stolen car: if you want the car back, pay up then. The car owner is directed to a park, told where to find a bird cage and how to attach money to the neck of the pigeon inside. Carrying the money in a tiny bag, the pigeon flies off。There have been at least four such pigeon pick-ups in Changwa. What at first seemed like the work of a clever stay-at-home car thief, however, may in fact be the work of an even lazier and more inventive criminal mind-one that avoids (避免)not only collecting money but going out to steal the car in the first place. Police officer Chen says that the criminal probably has played a double trick: he gets money for things he cannot possibly return. Instead of stealing cars, he lets someone else do it and then waits for the car-owner to place an ad (启事) in the newspaper asking for help。The theory is supported by the fact that, so far, none of the stolen cars have been returned. Also, the amount of money demanded-under 3,000 Taiwanese dollars-seems too little for a car worth many times more。Demands for pigeon-delivered money stopped as soon as the press reported the story. And even if they start again, Chen holds little hope of catching the criminal. “We have more important things to do,” he said。第26题:After the car owner received a phone call, he 。A. went to a certain pigeon and put some money in the bag it carriedB. gave the money to the thief and had his car back in a parkC. sent some money to the thief by mailD. told the press about it

Even though Jenna was speeding,the police let her go with a _________(警告)

Who couldthe man spesker most probably be?A.A person who saw the accident.B.the driver of the lorry.C.A police officer.

Do you know ______ ?A.where is the chief officerB.where the chief officer where the chief officerD.the chief officer is where

AS SOON AS I HAVE FURTHER INFORMATION I WILL MAKE ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENT. I ASK YOU KINDLY TO REMAIN CALM. THERE IS NO DANGER AT THIS TIME. These words are likely from ______.A.the captain of a vessel in distressB.representative of ship officer from port authoritiesD.the pilot of a vessel entering a port in foreign country

A police officer was sent to( )the crime.A.searchB.exploreC.surveyD.investigate

Soldiers are trained to obey their officer's orders without question.A:reply to B:apply forC:agree with D:comply with

A police officer claimed that the young man had attempted to()paying his fare.AavoidBrejectCrefuseDneglect

A police officer claimed he had attempted to()paying his fare.AavoidBrejectCrefuseDneglect

() you the officer on duty?A、IsB、BeC、AreD、Have

单选题Do you know()?Awhere is the chief officerBwhere the chief officer isCis where the chief officerDwhere the chief officer

单选题Do you know().AWhere is the chief officerBWhere the chief officer isCIs where the chief officerDThe chief officer is where

问答题It is extremely hard sometimes to say a simple thing like“I was wrong about that, and it is even harder to say,“I was wrong, and you were right about that.

多选题Because Inspector Morse could not contain his scorn for the police commissioner, he was imprudent enough to make ______ remarks about his superior officer.AambiguousBimpartialCunfathomableDcontemptuousEscathingFpertinent

单选题A police officer claimed that the young man had attempted to()paying his fare.AavoidBrejectCrefuseDneglect

单选题What kind of conditions would you observe as the eye of a storm passes over your ship’s position().AHuge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and an extremely low barometerBFlat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and an extremely low barometerCFlat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and high pressureDHuge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and high pressure

单选题To become an officer on board, you must obtain().Aan officer's licenseBan officer's promotionCan officer's statementDa seaman's book

单选题During tours of inspection in the machinery space, you found a fire on a running generator, what should you do first?()Ainform chief engineer officer immediatelyBstop the generatorClet the duty officer in bridge determine how to doDwait for help

单选题The police will give you a ticket if you()the speed limit.AbreakBrejectCsuspendDexceed