单选题What kind of conditions would you observe as the eye of a storm passes over your ship’s position().AHuge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and an extremely low barometerBFlat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and an extremely low barometerCFlat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and high pressureDHuge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and high pressure

What kind of conditions would you observe as the eye of a storm passes over your ship’s position().

Huge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and an extremely low barometer


Flat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and an extremely low barometer


Flat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and high pressure


Huge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and high pressure


解析: 暂无解析


–Would you like to join us for a picnic tomorrow?–() A、Thank you for inviting me.B、It's so kind of you.C、Yes, I'm happy to. What time?D、I'm afraid I can't.

– () – We offer special services such as personal belongings, express, holiday pick-up and delivery services and so on. A、What kind of special services do you offer?B、How would you offer your special services?C、Why do you offer your special services?

Simon: What would you care for a drink?Gary:______

— Would you like a cup of coffee?— __________________. A.It’s very kind of youB.No, I wouldn’tC.Yes, pleaseD.Here you are

—Would you please hold these bags for me?—() A.That’s very kind of you indeed.B.What are these bags?C.Yes, with pleasure.D.Are these bags very important to you?

- ()- Today’s rate is listed on the board here. A、What’s the exchange rate todayB、What kind of currency do you want to exchange forC、What’s the amount you’d like to exchange

Molly: Charles, would you like to go to a party this Saturday?Charles: ___________.What kind of party?Molly: It ’s a birthday party.A: Looks niceB: Feels excellentC: Seems all rightD: Sounds good

A:( ), David? B:An orange juice.A. What do you likeB. What would you likeC. Would you like an orange juice

A:( ), Polly? B:I'd like a glass of wine, thank you.A. Do you wantB. What would you likeC. What you like

—Would you like me to help you select some tea? — _____ A.It's very kind of you.B.No problem.C.You are welcome.D.Not at all.

What would you do if you ( )to meet with bad weather? A、wereB、are goingC、haveD、are

If we employ you, what section would you like to work in?

What starting salary would you expect?

Do you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration?

What do you think of the old woman? She was________.A.cleverB.foolishC.politeD.kind

Which of the following is a display question used by teachers in class?A.If you were the girl in the story, would you behave like herB.Do you like this story Girl the Thumb, why or why notC.Do you agree that the girl was a kind-hearted personD.What happened to the girl at the end of the story

--Would you like me to show you the way?. --____________.A.That' s very kind of youB.Yes, you couldC.Good ideaD.With great pleasure

What kind of knowledge do you need to have if you say you know a word?

“请问您喜欢喝哪种茶?”用英语最妥当的表述是()。A、What tea do you like?B、What kind of tea do you like?C、What kind of tea do you choose?D、What kind of coffee do you like?

()You too!A、Merry Christmas!B、What a beautifulday!C、Help yourself!D、It's very kind of you!

问答题You have read the following advertisement in a magazine.  Recommend a Friend  Do you know someone who meets the following criteria?  ※ Has a keen interest in other cultures  ※ Is able to work as part of a team  ※ Has a range of practical skills (indoors or outdoors)  ※ Is willing to endure unfamiliar environmental conditions  An aid team is looking for people to help out with voluntary work scheme in undeveloped rural areas in my country.  If there is someone you would like to recommend for this, please submit a formal proposal to the magazine, clearly addressing the criteria above and outlining the contributions that you feel this person would be able to make to a project of this kind.  You have a close friend who wishes to participate in this project and you feel he or she would be very suitable. Please write a recommendation to the magazine.  You should write no fewer than 100 words on the answer sheet.

单选题In your datawarehousing application, you generate reports frequently. The data is static in the tables being used to generate reports. You are currently using joins, resulting in a large performance overhead. What kind of database structure would you use to reduce the response time of the query?()Ahash clustersBindex clustersCpartitioned tablesDindex­organized table (IOT)

单选题Would you be much kind as to deliver my message to your father?Aso kindBas kind asCso kind asDas kind so

单选题What kind of conditions would you observe as the eye of a storm passes over your ship’s position().AHuge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and an extremely low barometerBFlat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and an extremely low barometerCFlat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and high pressureDHuge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and high pressure

问答题Passage 2How to Pick a Career in Business  Picking the right career in business is a matter of matching what you want to do with, the kind of life you want to lead. Figuring (31)______ how to strike this balance generally requires prioritizing the following issues: industry, location, and working conditions. Fist and foremost, ask yourself what industry interests you (32)______? Many websites on the Internet can be (33)______ great use. For example, Vault corn provides a thorough list of industries that can give you the information necessary for (34)______ this decision. It is also important to investigate what kind of business careers in your target industry (35)______ growing and hiring. Location involves many factors. Where would you like to live? Do you prefer big cities or small towns? How far and by what (36)______ are you willing to commute? Do you want to be close to your family and friends (37)______ do you want to strike out into new territory? Many people also (38)______ into account the cost of living in different areas of the country or world. Then (39)______ the question: what kind of working environment best suits your working style? Some people need to feel rooted to a workspace (40)______ they are surrounded by co-workers, while others hope to see new faces every day. When choosing your career in business, try to consider which way—or in which combination—you are most comfortable and productive.

问答题What kind of gift do you get people for their birthdays?

问答题What kind of knowledge do you need to have if you say you know a word?

单选题Would you ______ to come to the meeting this weekend?Abe so kindBbe kind asCbe so kind asDbe kind