
All the students in this class passed the English exam ________ the exception of Li Ming.

A) on B) in

C) for D) with




—I thougth you had English.—No. It has been useful in my work.A.studied B.dropped C.failed D.passed

阅读下面程序public class OperatorsAndExpressions {String conditionalExpression(int score) {String result;//如果score超过60分,则结果是passed,否则是doesn't passresult=(score>=60)?"passed":"doesn't pass":System.out.println(result);return result;}public static void main(String args[]) {OperatorsAndExpressions perAndExp=new OperatorsAndExpressions();//条件表达式OperAndExp.conditionalExpression(65);}}程序的执行结果是______。

Luckily, all the people on the bus _________the traffic accident yesterday. A. enduredB. survivedC. livedD. passed

在VB中,认为下面哪两个变量名是相同的:( ) A、English和Engl_ishB、English和ENGLISHC、English和EnglD、English和England

Teaching activities must be based on the students' cognitive development level and the existing experienced knowledge, thus, students' personal knowledge, students' life world and are also the important curriculum resources except activitiesB.labour experience

44、第三方库bs4中,find_all() 方法find_all(name , attrs , recursive , string , **kwargs ) 如果想查找只符合某一个条件的特定标签内容,可以结合使用name、attrs两个参数, attrs 参数定义一个字典参数来搜索包含特殊属性的tag。如下所示: find_all(name="p",attrs={"class": "tem"}) 是将<p>标签中,属性为class,属性class的值为“tem”的那一组(或一个)<p>标签。

蛋白质结构分类的class类型包括:A.All αB.All βC.α+βD.α/β

声明并创建一个学生类Student的对象s,下列语法格式正确的是()。A.Student s = Student();B.Student s;C.Student s = new Student();D.Student s = new ();

创建students对象,_______语句可以选出第二个同学的身高。 students数据如下: age height weight 1 19 170 68 2 20 165 65 3 18 175 65A.students[1,'height']B.students.loc[2,'height']C.students.iloc[1, 1]D.students['height'][3]

创建students对象,_______语句可以选出第二个同学的身高。 students数据如下: age height weight 1 19 170 68 2 20 165 65 3 18 175 65A.students.loc[2,'height']B.students.iloc[1, 1]C.students[1,'height']D.students['height'][3]