What was your major in college?

What was your major in college?


________ your plans with a college counselor helps you define your goal and improve your career plans or make them work.A Talking intoB Talking upC Talking overD Talking on

Did you enjoy your college life?().A. Yes, it was rich and colorfulB. No, it is interestingC. I like my college very much

What is Your major?()A. Li Mei.B. A fresh man.C. Education.

What's your present job?()A. I am 24 years old.B. I just graduated from college.C. I'm a film-maker.

Tell me, Meng.What’s your major? ( ) A、My major problem is lack of confidence.B、Mr.Wang is the major.C、I’m majoring in English.D、I am not a major.

Five hundred college students are interviewed to get accurate data for the ( ) about what are the hottest jobs to college graduates. A、checkB、inquiryC、surveyD、search

“行李内有哪些主要物品?”的英文为( )A.What are the major problems in your baggage?B.What are the major articles in your baggage?C.What are the minor articles in your baggage?D.What are the articles in your baggage?

下面哪些句子可以表示"您贵姓?"() A、What's your last name?B、What's your family name?C、What's your name?D、What's your first name?

What led you to select your major? You minor?

What advice would you give college student intending to go into your field?

What are your most memorable experiences from college?

How was your college education funded?

What percentage of your college did you college did you pay for and what sort of jobs did you have while you were in school?

College1. What is your major?

What subject do you major in university?

What are your major subject and minor subjects?

What college do you attend?

How are your grades in college?

What records did you get at college?

If there were only one question left ,what would it most probably be?A.What was your childhood dream?B.What is your biggest achievement?C.What is your parents view of you?D.What was your handest expenrience in the war?

What is the major function of the Parliament?

请根据下列材料写一篇150词左右的英文短文。 On college campuses across the nation, there is a noticeable phenomenon that we cannot afford to ignore: far too many young college students lack the sense of gratitude. What is your opinion about this phenomenon?

“行李内有哪些主要物品?”的英文为()A、What are the major problems in your baggage?B、What are the major articles in you rbaggage?C、Whatare the minor articles in your baggage?D、What are the articles in your baggage?

问答题So many high school graduates have no clues what they want to pursue as a career as they head off to college. So, here’s the question: How many times have you changed your major(s) while in college and what prompted the change(s)? The following are opinions from all walks of life. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the opinions in the excerpts;  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.Never Changed  Claire | High School Teacher: I actually never changed my major. I declared elementary education immediately and stuck with it. I thought I wanted to minor in math, but before I even took a single math class, I ended up switching to English. Aside from student teaching and a long term sub position in 5th grade immediately following graduation, I’ve actually NEVER taught elementary school. I went ahead and took the Texas exam to get certified k-12 and I’ve only taught high school since. Sometimes I wish I had just done secondary education. Sadly, I don’t actually think any of my education classes in college affected the way I teach—experience has really been the best class I’ve had.  Kevin | Accountant: I never changed my major in college! I knew exactly what I wanted, where I was going, and what I ultimately hoped to achieve after graduation with my AAS Degree in Business Management/ Accounting, I went directly to work in my chosen profession and never looked back! It served me well for about twenty-five years.  Murphy | Middle School Teacher: I never changed my major in college, but I did not declare a major until the university forced me to. I majored in Political Science simply because it interested me. Of course, when I did declare this major everyone, especially my patents, asked me what I was going to do with it and my answer was always that I wasn’t sure. I ended up receiving a teaching credential two years after receiving my B.A. in Political Science and have been teaching for the last 26 years.  Changed  Dastice | Clerk: I changed my major from Psychology to Sociology. I still minored in Psych, and also in Women’s Studies. My only drive in changing majors was that I enjoyed the classes more. I figured if I stuck with what I enjoyed then a career would somehow emerge from it once I got my degree. Knowing what I know now, however, I probably would have majored in something like business or law. After graduating with my degree I ended up working jobs that didn’t even require a college education. Experience was far more valuable, I was told.  Jenny | College Student: I, for some reason, never knew majors were a huge deal and could be almost as important as your life. I started out as an arts and Spanish major. I then realized the program my school offered for the education major took care of 4 classes I would have to take for my MA. I dropped the art major and went into the education major. My last semester came and I was at a crossroads: take the final course to complete my major in education or the class to complete my Spanish major. I do get a little upset thinking I was only one class away from another major.  Gaha | Writer: I changed it once. I started college at eighteen and a little naive as to the working world. I chose to major in Business, not sure why, in fact I don’t think I really even knew what it entailed. It wasn’t until the onset of my junior year that I came to an epiphany that I had only take a couple of business classes because they bored me out of my mind. After taking a look at my transcript, realizing that I was totally into foreign languages and literature, I decided to get into writing. And a new writer was born!

问答题Topic 2:My View on College Students’ Use of Mobile Phones  Questions for reference:  1) What is the phenomenon of college students’ using mobile phones?  2) What might be the advantages and disadvantages of their using mobile phones?  3) What could be done to this problem?

问答题We have to ask ourselves: who really give the most value to society? Many college graduates could not find suitable jobs when they finish their higher education. What are the job problems for college graduates? Write a composition to state your view on this issue.

问答题请根据下列材料写一篇150词左右的英文短文。 On college campuses across the nation, there is a noticeable phenomenon that we cannot afford to ignore: far too many young college students lack the sense of gratitude. What is your opinion about this phenomenon?