A software update was installed using the Apply option, however the update is no longer required. Which of the following procedures should be performed to remove the update?() A.Use the Reject optionB.Delete the update form the /usr/lpp directoriesC.Use the Force Overwrite option to re-install the earlier versionD.Commit the update and then remove the updated product filesets using SMIT

A software update was installed using the Apply option, however the update is no longer required. Which of the following procedures should be performed to remove the update?()

A.Use the Reject option

B.Delete the update form the /usr/lpp directories

C.Use the Force Overwrite option to re-install the earlier version

D.Commit the update and then remove the updated product filesets using SMIT


●Software(73)activities consume a large portion of the total life-cycle budget.(73)A.repairB.maintenanceC.changeD.update

PyMongo更新操作有()。 A.updateB.update_allC.update_oneD.update_many

Software( )activities consume a large portion of the total life-cycle budget.A.repairB.maintenanceC.changeD.update

使用SQL,语句完成“将所有职工的年龄增加1岁”,正确的操作是( )。A.UPDATE职工SET年龄=年龄+1B.UPDATE职工ADD年龄+1C.UPDATE职工SET年龄=1D.UPDATE职工ADD l


update消息所包含的内容,描述错误的是() A.update包含路径属性B.Update包含可达路由信息C.Update包含本地自治系统消息D.Uopdate包含撤销路由前缀信息



